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Everything posted by stickaround

  1. CPA, lead by the absolute beast of HS tennis, the Third, and doubles team Hooper/Hamilton.
  2. stickaround

    Brian Baker?

    Third est optimus omnium virorum. Third regit omnes viros tenni ferro manu. Brianus Bakerus silescit cum in genu flecto regitur a Thirdo.
  3. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
  4. Hey Walter. Stick around, mn.
  5. stickaround


    Rex tenni erit Third. Nunc omnia dicunt male de Third. Mox Third erit optimus virorum tenni. Mox Third regat omnia ferro manu. Rex Third venit: Parete!
  6. That's why CPA's team was so terrible last year... They had to practice on an asphalt track. 112.pi% of their team developed shin splints shortly after the season ended and tragically spontaneously combusted.
  7. They should pair up one of those guys with Notestine. Then CPA would really have a good team. They'd better be careful though. All those tennis skills on the court at one time could blow it up, sending flaming tennis balls and lethal chunks of clay in excess of 70 miles per hour.
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