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Everything posted by ih8tntemple

  1. nope im an alum from grace, only beat temple once, and how sweet it was.
  2. he was a post, he played the last few years. need any more info?
  3. what happened to the scary looking black dude w/ dreds on lv?
  4. Woah, man my thoughts exactly. You are preachin to the choir. I cant tell you how many times i've seen that. my fav was in tenth grade, jv, i drew a charge on him and he went to the fetal position and started to cry. he left the game before halftime and was helped off the court. he went on to score 10 points in the varsity game...
  5. Well you have started about 4 threads related to LV b-ball recently, but it wasnt near as many as i thought. beat ccs for me again.
  6. No I wouldn't like to see Temple lose more than I would like to see Grace win. Problems I have with Temple are mainly advertising "come be part of the winning tradition @ Tennessee Temple" in the Free Press which has brought tons of scrutiny from TSSAA, and attitudes of old men on the bench.
  7. Holy cow I didn't know I was being so offensive. I just think its a little ridiculous to have 5 or 6 Chattanoogan Top 10s. How was my comment in any way directed @ Temple. As far as I know there is only one Top 10 with a Temple bias, and I wasn't attacking it. Hmmmmmmm, getting a little testy in here....
  8. I remember guarding you, and you were really good. But don't you think its time to quit drawing interst to your team by starting a new thread every five seconds? Beat CCS and Grace again and everybody will be talking about you. p.s. nice game friday night, made me happy to see ccs lose on homecoming ::sniff::
  9. "dude" everyone knows you are at least in your forties and old people can't say "dude", dude.
  10. Why does everyone and their dog have to do a Chattanooga's Top 10. Is the Chattanooga area really that special?
  11. I would love to see Temple lose. Have I mentioned lately that I hate Tennessee Temple.
  12. Good point, but Temple always hits their shots, I haven't been to a Temple game, except State Semifinals last year, where they didnt hit their shots.
  13. Will Ooltewah get the lead late and lose it of will the Owls be able to run with Brainerd the whole game and get the "W"?
  14. How's this game going to turn out? I'm hopin to see Grace play like they did a week earlier against Boyd. That team played like world beaters. I think a lively huddle will start the game out well, not that unenthusiastic trash like last time...
  15. I'll definitley agree he's more into the fat redneck sports, football, baesball, and softball. I remember being on SOS last year, and he said he "...didn't know Boyd Buc was good in soccer! How long has Boyd BUc been good in soccer?!" They've won the District Title 90% of the time the last 10 years Stump!
  16. Yep yep yep... Can somebody tell me why the Brothers from CCS won't camp out outside the lane and lob it between each other......???
  17. Not true, this is the first time Stump has ever said anything like this, plus Wadley and Stump know each other from way back.
  18. No actually is was a very exciting game. Valley proved that CCS could be beaten by a less talented team, if that team used a zone and it wasn't expected. CCS's guard-play kept them from winning the game. Don't understand why Salter doesn't lob the ball to a Groothius and let the two big boys pass it around.
  19. Is any Sequoyah good? Chupa Verga Todos los Dias = you stink every day
  20. Trousdale County's old gym!! Holy Cow that was an awesome place to play. People sitting on top of you, students spitting on you, a gym too small for a balcony, (but that didn't stop 'em!) Great place to play, wish Grace had a better gym, more like that, a crackerbox gym in all honesty.
  21. Who would have thunk that Valley would beat CCS @ CCS, on Homecoming?! Coach Salter, in my humble opinion, take State Championship talent and turns his team into underachievers year after year. Take last years team, they and CPA were the two best teams in the state, and only one of them made it out of regions.
  22. The best sports drink of all time is Orange Gatorade, followed by Lemon-Lime Powerade.
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