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  1. yeah tennessee lacrosse rules. mccallie deserved it but it could have gone to any of the big three. its gonna be those teams for the next couple of years, looking forward to it.
  2. wheels18

    Best Goalie

    the reason mba does as well as they do has a lot to do with regan. mba can let other teams shoot outside because they know regan has their back, as a result no one gets burned big or gets a lay-up. maybe being the best goalie means being the most influential to his respective team?
  3. put this up twice sorry, anyone else?
  4. who do y'all think will be good in tennessee next year, teams i mean. don't know as much about mus but mccallie is bound to be good. they've got a jv team that i think went undefeated and a lot of stars already playing varsity. mba is my pick though, they've got the best attack in the state and they're all coming back, not to mention that most of the middies putting up big stats are sophomores or juniors. regan is gone i know but still, turk and banker can only get better.
  5. who do y'all think will be good next year. mba definitely will improve, the best attack in the state this year can only get better and their all coming back. losing regan i know but still, the middies putting up good stats are all juniors and seniors. plus banker and turk should help the d out
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