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Posts posted by bbgocats

  1. Exactly...obviously team wasnt very high on list of priorities for these kids. Quit their teammates cause werent starting?? I blame parents for putting kids in that position but from what i understand players didnt even tell the coach they were quitting..sent stuff by others and never even showed up. Parents are blaming the coach but sounds like need to look in mirror. Good luck to devils


    Are you surprised that they didn't go directly to the coach? Any family or kid that would choose to push their commitment aside does not have the character or integrity to face a coach and speak like a man. Yes, the parents are to blame... but they will get their rewards for raising such a dependable child someday. Spare the rod... spoil the child! It wasn't a suggestion, it was a warning!

  2. I don't know. I thought after #34 had 3 hacks it was pretty stupid to keep driving the lane. I wouldn't say flagrant. I'd say uncoordinated. The guy didn't possess any basketball skills. The more flagrant foul was on the guy that pushed the maroon guy away from the ball. 34 was going for the ball.........he was just using poor technique. I'd say a football player staying in shape is a good assessment. I don't see jail time or wife beatings resulting from uncoordinated play.



    I agree with KS... I see a guy who is big, probably has some strength and can't jump. He's using what he can. The only one I would question would be the #4... That appears to be flagrant. The body slam was shrek one arming the guy down because of his lack of athletic ability. He just looks like he working with what he can with his out of shape body! I say drive the lane a few more times and send him home for the night... all indications tell me that he wants to sit down anyway.

  3. Who were the teams involved?



    The game that KS is referring to was Harpeth and Montgomery Central. I agree, there needs to be an establishment of what is acceptable and what is not going to be tolerated. All three officials need to be on the same page. One stripe last night had no idea what a charge looked like. He really needed to read the rule again... the other official would no-call other blocks or charges and #3 would call a charge on a flop.


    Typically games that escalate to a heated level are a result of a game that is not being called consistent. If you're going to call it... call it both ways!


    Same official ejected a parent in the 1st period of the girls game last night. Honestly, the guy didn't like being called out on his inability to correctly call the game. Not standing up for the parent... he was loud, but he didn't get that bad that would warrant ejection from the gym. That, coupled with the continued inconsistent calls and the night became very heated between to District opponents. It could have been pretty bad.


    You have to call the game the same in the 1st period that you do in the 4th period. If you're making adjustments late in the game then most likely you're not calling it correctly out of the gate. Keep in clean... keep it consistent and things will go just fine.

  4. Really two high-school kids saved enough money to take themselves to Disney World. I'm guessing the family scheduled the trip. There are alot of variables that go into a family trip and not always are they easy to work around. I don't know nothing of the school or kids, in fact I don't know where the school is. Too often I have seen this happen where it goes too far with a rule or even a statement and lives are affected for no good reason. Make them run extra in practice, miss part of a game or something but loose your spot and say before they leave you have to re -earn your spot? Does the coach have to re-earn his spot after a day off? I deal with these things as a coach too every year and every situation has to be delt with differently. Kids don't control every decision in their life!



    I'm pretty sure that basketball season hasn't changed in sometime. I've been planning trips and family vacations around baseball, basketball, wrestling and football schedules for more than 8 years now. It's part of it. When you sign up to play and you commit to the team... then the rules apply to everyone. If a miss is related to sickness or a death in the family that one thing... but to miss because you go to Disney... well, you pick and choose which is more important. Disney is open year around! Just saying!

  5. Thanks for the district update once again. I hope that fans like naswatch who actually want to talk about the sport itself decide to stick around because we're in store for a great district race.


    Once again don't let one idiot (BBGOCATS) ruin it for everyone :thumb:



    Oh, I can't wait to introduce myself!

  6. It's over!!! Thank the lord that the tyrannical and oppressive taping regime at Cheatham has been foiled! Only with the insight and forethought of a few, would the injustice be brought to bear! Now we must all strive to make sure this plight never consumes us again. Stay strong friends, and maybe, just maybe, we'll get some signs put up in the gym, and the indiscretions will cease. Because we all know that signs, no matter here nor far, are the ultimate nullifiers in this battle against evil!


    You and HowDo should audition for a part in the new Shrek movie, I hear Eddie is not returning!


    You clearly can see that Creek Wood has also had issues in the past (prior to last night) with taping games at Cheatham. From the conversations with other teams, this has been an issue for some time now... no one has brought it up.


    To keep slighting the comments made in reference to the filming issues is just an example of the lack of professionalism on the part of those at the school and those who represent CCHS is some fashion.


    I agree, In the grand scheme of things... it's a small issue. What makes it a bigger issue are the individuals who represent CCHS in some varying degree choose to stick up their proverbial "middle finger" at those who want to stand up for what is practical... what is reasonable and ultimately what is just plain ole' common sense. I merely suggested a sign to keep it from happening in the future. If you want to thumb your nose at it, then fine. Again, just an example of the lack of professionalism.


    The fact remains that until now everyone just accepted it. Now that its been "called out"... the powers are now forced to address the issue and maybe in the near future will have a moment of clarity and consider building a new filming deck on the HOME side of the court.

  7. players went to disney and missed 2 games and week of practice. when they came back they didnt start. coach had told them they had to earn spots back. they both quit after 4 games back. team had won 9 straight.



    What a novel idea... EARN YOUR SPOT! Great to see that there are some coaches still out there that believe in the principals of the game. Commitment, discipline, character, integrity... I'm so sick and tired of coaches who will sacrifice players who dedicate themselves to a program because of their personal perception that one player is above the others.

  8. I do not know what has happened at Cheatham with filming in the past but I do Know that tonight Cheatham was very helpful. A situation arose where we need some IT assistance and one of the coaches from Cheatham went above and beyond. It has been confusing on where to film from in the past but not tonight so maybe there will be no more trouble this year. Again thanks for your kind help tonight.



    Great to hear! Sounds like the agenda worked. I'm pretty sure that was the purpose the entire time and had nothing to do with who won or lost the game.

  9. I hope that they set up to film wherever they choose to do so and I further hope that the camera angles are better than the ones that CBS provides during the Final Four. I only hope this just so that it will crawl under your skin..... :rolleyes:



    Doesn't bug me at all... Just makes you look like an even bigger "donkey"! :D

  10. Meh, everybody in the district already knew who you and I are howdoitknow. They've known for years. All the Harpeth coaches, Creek Wood and Sycamore and Waverly, even Station Camps guys and I figured Cheatham know who I am if that's important. I wasn't trying to 'out' you. Everybody that I know in the district that wants to know, know who we are. Heck, ksgovols has been my email address since 1996 and my screenname on coacht since the first day I joined. I've had 3 kids in the Cheatham County school system, was on the Little League board for 8 years or so and been very involved in Harpeth athletics for the last 5 or 6 years. Dr. Webb and every teacher any of my kids ever had know who I am. I thought all of that was established. Keith Seagraves, Pisces. I wasn't trying to embarrass you or be a jerk by calling you by your first name. Not my style. Sorry if it seemed that way.


    The O.P. was to correct an issue with getting I-high feeds for district games and to reiterate the importance of such an outlet for some of us. If it doesn't matter to those that attend every game like parents of players and school administrators, it does matter to others and I wanted that established in our district thread. Perspective is the reality until the air is cleared. Don't you think that has been accomplished? This district has never been known for doing things the easy way. I knew when I posted the O.P. the thread would go about the way it has. I hope the ends will justify the means.





    It is amazing to me that anyone would jump on a soapbox and act as if something wrong didn't happen. There are so many different ways this entire issue could have been avoided. To act as if this came down to a "permission" issue is laughable. To try to 180 the blame and point fingers at the students for not following some unwritten protocol is also just as laughable. The entire issue really pissed me off because no one would step up and say we made a mistake. Instead, excuses where given and the blame was placed with Harpeth. We were the cause! I'm not buying it!


    Again, I was there. I saw it with my own eyes. It could have been handled differently.


    To address BARONSWORD... The fact that HowDo has offered to let Creek Wood setup where they want to only as more fuel to the fire. To make that sort of statement would suggest to me that it is being done out of spite?.... yet, you tell me that it wasn't done on purpose. I'm supposed to believe that the first time was not done maliciously? Maybe not, be HowDo sure does not help the case. In regards to asking for permission to setup... You can't blame a kid for not knowing where they should set up when 99% of the locations they film from are located on the visitors side of the gym. Yes we all make mistakes... but instead of blaming someone else for the issue... take responsibility and apologize instead of attempting to place blame somewhere else. A darn sign could solve all of this... "CHEATHAM FILM CREW ONLY" ... communication is key and it's not the job of students who are volunteering their time to do something to support their school to deal with the politics of the unwritten rules in a freakin' gym! If it's your rule there... then POST THEM so we all know!


    I'm done!

  11. "Radio Boy"..........that hurt really :roflol:


    Now look here CAMERA BOY (now don't I feel better about myself now that I have joined you in this elementary school level name calling battle).....


    I doubt you would want to meet me in person. I know who ksgovols (Keith S.) is and I'll continue to post his name since he was the first one that threw my name out there on this topic. In my opinion you are simply just a gutless coward who hides behind a screen name on CoachT and makes false statements. If I did meet you face-to-face it would be a waste of my time (and a "not so-good" memory for you.


    If you put your little camera (or anything else) anywhere near my face you'd better make sure that Collins and/or Mitchell are standing alongside you because your feelings would most definitely wind up being hurt by the time that situation was said and done.


    Once again, you should practice reading the posts before you make a "reply".


    As far as coachcutt let's just say I don't need you to introduce me to him. I know who he is. He's burned his bridges and knows it!




    Yes.....that would be step #2 after you've completed stp #1 (which is actually reading a post) ;)



    I'll be sure to introduce myself the next time I see you! I've never hidden behind a screen name, run a check and you'll find that I've offered who I am to the masses multiple times in my post. Elementary school name calling... Where you not the one who launched the whole name calling issue... I think so.

  12. ihigh or radio broadcast WHO CARES!!! Its about the kids..and i personally know that their are alot of good kids playing for both of these teams! I think they all played well and should hold their heads high win or lose. My son has had the pleasure of playing with all the boys involved in these two teams. They played a great game. But thats not whats important RIGHT????



    I would agree... but this conversation has nothing to do with basketball.... if you haven't noticed.


    In regards to who cares! The people who still like to follow their team because they can't make it to the game... that's who. While it may not seem to be a big thing to some, the fact remains that everyone loves to follow their team. It's kinda following the Titans and getting ready to watch the game and then learning that it's been blacked out. So you're a fan, but you can't get to the game for whatever reason. It sucks when you've prepared to listen or watch the game and then BOOM... something happens that is out of your control and leaves you in the cold. We say something because what happened was wrong. Yes, it's about the kids... but that statement is all too often used to try to avoid what should be addressed and made sure that it doesn't happen again. It's called accountability. We need more of it in this county!

  13. So where do we need to setup our Ihigh broadcast tomorrow?Just wanted to pass along the info to our people.


    I'd park my stuff in the crows nest in the visitors section. It's a great place to video the game and at least you will be near your fans who can witness things when they come calling for you to move your stuff.

  14. Sure thing connman! Even if Harpeth should beat Cheatham County in baseball at least Cheatham County got them in football and basketball.


    I have made my point and I am now finished. We'll see Harpeth in 3 weeks (radio broadcast or no radio broadcast) but until then there are much more important things to be taken care of!


    Have fun "crying and complaining" about your webcast (or lack of a webcast) and the Cubs will worry about basketball games.


    For the record, I hope Creek Wood tries to set up an iHigh tomorrow night and we let them set up anywhere in the gym that they choose to do so.



    That's the third time that you said you were finished HowDo!... once again... not a man of your word.


    The fact that you're now offering to allow Creek Wood to setup anywhere they choose to do so only goes to prove the point we've been trying to make for the last two days... Cheatham did what they did on purpose.


    In regards to the reference to your brother.. it was based on your claim of "coming straight from the source"... considering that you were on your phone in the radio area and no where around the crows nest... you had no real idea of what actually happened. Your knowledge is based merely on what you heard from someone else. Contrary to your position, I actually witness the act and saw it with my own eyes.


    Now you're calling people conman... once again you spew less than factual information and idle banter! In the radio world it's called ad-libbing and I must say that you're not doing a real good job at it right now.


    I know CoachCutt well enough to know that if you want to know who he is, he will gladly introduce himself the next time we see you in Kingston Springs. I'll be sure to grab my camera and video your face and post it on facebook and youtube... shoot, maybe even iHigh for the world to see the Cheatham "red" that will appear across your face!


    Urging others to use their own name... Why don't you practice what you preach there Radio Boy!

  15. Cheatham County has beaten Harpeth twice in athletics over the last couple of months and both times there has been nothing but a bunch of crying and complaining. Get used to it is all I am going to say because the beatdowns will continue for a while to come!


    When Harpeth beats you the fans are more than respectful but when they lose the fans automatically have to bring an "outside factor" up that takes away from the loss.


    My kindness is now gone! As I stated earlier "GET READY" because it's going to be a bump road for years to come when you play the Cubs you bunch of whining, crying, moaning, groaning, complaining, etc. Harpeth fans!


    You just don't get it do you... This has nothing to do with a WIN or LOSS... It's about what is right. Like KS... This is not about the game and you keep trying to make this into something personal in regards to Cheatham beating Harpeth. The two things have nothing to do with one or the other.


    In regards to how long or how often anyone has recorded anything from anywhere ... the fact remains that they were allowed to set up and then asked to move. That's pretty classless no matter how you look at it. How would anyone assume that you were going to film there when you're crew is on their "HOME" side and the visitor side has a film location. Maybe Cheatham should post a sign... that would help communicate the message since no one at the school is capable of delivering the message prior to the game time.


    On another topic, be careful what you wish for... and what bridges you burn there HowDo! You never know just how much of what you say can come back to haunt you. Sounds like to me that Cheatham folks don't like to be "called out" when they are caught between a rock and a hard place. I know who you are and who your brother is... so if you're saying that you're quoting him... then we'll assume that it is the position of the school to tell Harpeth to go screw themselves.


    Gotcha! We'll take note of that!

  16. I have made my point. It's the call of the administrators to determine where you'll set up your radio/webcast. You just have to respect their wishes. Just as I did in October of 2010 at Waverly.


    Heck I'll give several more examples if you like. I have had to run extension cords to outlets on light poles just to do broadcasts from locations such as the top of a press box (with the P.A. blaring over the top of my voice) or even from the bleachers themselves at places like Montgomery Central, Spring Hill, CPA, Liberty Tech, Fayette Ware, Stewart County, Gordonsville, Jo Byrns, and Page.


    Instead of complaining I respected the decisions of those respective schools administrators and did the broadcasts anyway because I refuse to let a "sudden change" get the best of me. It's my advice for Harpeth's technical people to do the same thing in these situations.


    Do I wish we always got the treatment that we received in places such as David Lipscomb, Smith County, Creek Wood, Greenbrier, Sycamore, Giles County, Marshall County, Jackson South Side, and Camden? Absolutely! The fact of the matter however is that in life sometimes you have to TAKE WHAT YOU CAN GET (even if it is the "short end of the stick").


    With that having been said..........let's move on and talk about some great hoops action in a very exciting district :thumb:



    How Do... No where in my post did I make reference to the WIN or LOSS... That was not the subject of the conversation. It's pretty plain and simple!


    YOUR film crew filmed from your side of the gym during the ENTIRE girls game. Was not an issue then... no problems and everything was fine. THEN it became an issue prior to the boys game. My question is simply this. If the CHEATHAM film crew was able to film from their side of the GYM for GAME 1... what would have been the problem from filming GAME 2 from the SAME LOCATION... Why did they have to MOVE? --- They didn't! They just wanted to and it caused the issues you see today! Has nothing to do with the outcome of the game. It's about offering folks on the South side to see/hear the game that they could not travel to see.


    How about this... Maybe Harpeth should reconsider any radio broadcast of their games from their GYM when Cheatham comes to Kingston Springs. After all, as you said...the respective schools administrators have the right to deny broadcasts. How would that affect what you do? Would such a move mean loss of revenue for a radio station that is making a profit from the broadcast? Would you then say that Harpeth was being unfair?


    As a 25+ year broadcast vet, I'm well aware of the logistics issues that radio and/or film crews experience when going on the road to broadcast games. I know what hoops have to be jumped through to make things work, but alway.... AND I SAY ALWAYS... The school is usually very accommodating. Just didn't see that Friday night. I also know film crews need to film court side in a one camera setup... and so do you... so to ask someone to film from the end of the gym and then say "well we offered" is really not helping out, it's just a self-serving statement that makes yourself feel better while you hide behind the fact that someone made a classless move.


    I could see if someone said something from the beginning... but that wasn't the case. The crew was allowed to setup, hook up and broadcast an entire game before anything was ever said. It was not a problem then... and it should not have been a problem later.

  17. The iHigh stream was not rejected by CCCHS officials. Where did you get this information from?


    Reject may not be the proper word... The Harpeth iHigh broadcast students who were broadcasting were asked to move from the same spot they filmed from during the entire girls game. They were given a spot with no power source and no real access to broadcast the game. So, they (CCHS) may have not rejected the broadcast, but they sure did not act as a gracious host. The CCHS crew was set up across the gym in the upper deck during the entire girls game... So I'm not sure why they had to relocate! It sure does look pretty suspicious to me... Especially when you consider that several of us behind the scorers table watched the lady and an administrator keep "eyeing" the film students during the girls game. If it was a problem, then something should have been said prior to tyengirlsmgame... instead of waiting till a few minutes before the boys game to ask them to leave the crows nest and find another spot. By the time the broke down and moved their gear the boys game was already underway. Take it and say it like you want to, but the actions speak much louder than any words!

  18. Here is the schedule for the Harpeth Playday - November 12, 2011



    Harpeth High School

    170 East Kingston Springs Road

    Kingston Springs, TN 37082



    FROM NASHVILLE - I-40 West to EXIT 188, Turn Right off Ramp,

    FROM JACKSON - I-40 East to EXIT 188, Turn Left off Ramp,


    Turn Right at Light (Sonic) - School will be on the right around corner (Middle School is on the left)


    LOCATION: H.S. Main Gym


    8:00AM -------- Clarksville vs. Harpeth

    9:00AM -------- Clark NE vs. Livingston Acad

    10:00AM ------- Livingston Acad vs. Bolivar

    11:00AM ------- CPA vs. Knox Bearden

    12:00PM ------- Clarksville NE vs. Knox Bearden

    1:00PM -------- Knox Bearden vs. Hunters Lane

    2:00PM -------- Dickson Co. vs. CPA

    3:00PM -------- Kenwood vs. Hillsboro

    4:00PM -------- CPA vs. Kenwood


    LOCATION: H.S. Auxillary Gym


    8:00AM -------- Pearl Cohn vs. CreekWood

    9:00AM -------- Pearl Cohn vs. Goodpasture

    10:00AM ------- Harpeth vs. Goodpasture

    11:00AM ------- Maplewood vs. Clarksville

    12:00PM ------- Cheatham Co vs. Pearl Cohn

    1:00PM -------- Sycamore vs. Maplewood

    2:00PM -------- CreekWood vs. Goodpasture

    3:00PM -------- Cheatham Co vs. Sycamore

    4:00PM -------- Harpeth vs. Hillsboro


    LOCATION: Harpeth Middle School Gym

    (Across from Harpeth High School)


    8:00AM -------- Cheatham Co vs. West Creek

    9:00AM -------- Clarksville vs. Hunters Lane

    10:00AM ------- West Creek vs. CreekWood

    11:00AM ------- Clarksville NE vs. Hunters Lane

    12:00PM ------- Dickson Co vs. Livingston Academy

    1:00PM -------- Kenwood vs. Bolivar

    2:00PM -------- Hillsboro vs. West Creek

    3:00PM -------- Maplewood vs. Bolivar

    4:00PM -------- Sycamore vs. Dickson Co.

  19. Well, another burr under my saddle is that participating at the varsity level in a sport isn't worthy of a P.E. credit. And for the number of student-athletes involved in the athletic programs, their combined budgets are well over 100K a year and we split up the fundraisers among each other. Baseball raised and spent 35k alone last year for a 2 month season. I don't know. Just rubs me the wrong way. What could we do staked with $3500 to start the school year?


    In the same amount of time, how many student-athletes have had scholarship money based on their sport? Somebody told me that Band was a Fine Art. So is a well executed bunt. Athletics has provided numerous opportunities for Cheatham County kids to continue their education. Heck the most famous women's coach in the world is an alumnus of this county and we don't give any financial support to the athletic programs from county funds. It's a travesty.


    Our school board is under the impression that athletics don't matter... I hear it all the time... the focus should remain only in the classroom. Education is key and must come first. The lack of support for competitive athletics in our schools is the main reason for the steady increase of violence and drugs in our schools, as well as the overall lack of community support. Why is it that so hard to understand.


    Take a moment to look back to your high school days 25+ years ago. Friday night football was a "community" event... not just a game that was played and few attended. Generations of former players, coaches, and parents filled the stands every Friday night. Everyone in the community was at the game supporting the "local" team. It was something that brought the community together. I grew up in one of these communities that still flourishes each and every year because they haven't forgotten those values.


    Our country as a whole has lost its way in regards to what is and is not important. While it is important to get a good education, the fact remains that if you do not learn how to deal with life's adversities one will never be truly successful. Don't believe me... read this.




    This report examines the relationship between participation in high school athletics and later-life outcomes. This report has been conducted and updated multiple times over the past 30 years. Each time the report consistently finds positive relationships between high school athletic participation and educational, labor market, and health outcomes.


    High school athletes at the elite and varsity levels of participation experienced greater educational and labor market success than nonathletes. The health outcomes

    for high school athletes included lesser rates of smoking at the elite and varsity levels of participation and greater rates of participation in fitness activities and in group sports/recreation activities at all three levels of participation, compared to non-athletes.


    The study has consistently found that student-athletes excel at a higher rate after high school through their participation in high school athletics. The life skills that are learned in athletics are as important than any subject matter that is taught in a classroom.


    THE JOB OF THE SCHOOL SYSTEM IS TO PREPARE STUDENTS FOR THEIR LIFE AHEAD so they can become PRODUCTIVE CITIZENS in our communities. IT IS NOT THE SCHOOL BOARD'S JOB to "DICTATE" by injecting their personal philosophies.


    If you think that athletics don't matter... do your research! The lack of support of our athletic programs in schools today is the primary reason why our schools have less pride, community support and students who care about getting an education. High School is supposed to be the culmination of becoming an adult. Instead we are graduating children who have not learned the life skills they need when they go off to college. Because of this, they ultimately fail. It's more than just a school book that teaches our children. What a child learns in a gym or on a field will teach them so much more than what they learn in a classroom. Those skills prepare them for the things that NO BOOK TEACHES!

  20. bbgocats, Stir the pot and get the answers. I know alot about the man you speak of as well. Bigster and the rest of the falcon nation can tell you that. You have your opinion and that is fine he may have mentored you so you have cloudy judgment. Truth be told this falcon team had less talent than many he had under his time in LC. Saw them with my own eyes I know this. Players play and you are right but coaches also prepare and put players in position to be successful. Ask any player at LC to compare the conditioning and preparation they had this year compared to years past and it is no contest.They worked much harder under Coach B. Simple Comparison Whitby:9 years as head coach at LC; Region Titles=0, Substate appearances=2, State tournament appearances=0 State Titles=0. Coach Barger: 1 year as head coach at LC; Region Titles=1, Substate appearances=1, State tournament appearances=1 State Titles=1. She may not win another state title but she has as many as the coach you speak of already. Ask any football coach that coached in the same building with him how they felt about the mind games and other tricks he played with kids to try and keep them out of football. The man could coach but in my opinion the things off the court are more important but I'll leave it at that. You can blame politics, parents, football whatever you want but it was time to turn the page in LC basketball bottomline.


    So what you're saying now is because of his stance on keeping players on the hardwood and off the football field he needed to go? In reference to your TALLY MARKS... go back to my original message and my statments since this whole process began. I simply said the man deserved credit for building the program that put the school in the position it was in to win the title. Too many are reading to much into that statement and too many want to bring up all the reasons why he needed to go. It simply comes down to RESPECT! One of the problems with school sports today. While Coach Barger may very well be a good coach, she did not establish the foundation of the program that was already put into place. Before Whitby LC didn't even appear on the radar. Goodluck to the team in the furture and to Coach Barger, time will tell if the coach will live up to the expectations of the LC boosters!

  21. I have been to just about every game Coach Whitby coached his entire career at Lake Co.Even went to some of the tournaments in Illinois and Kentucky.Even went to some of his games while he was at Obion Central.Was at the State Championship game that Central won against Austin-East.Coach Whitby wasn't the coach he was during his time at Lake Co.You talk abaout the politics .Lake Co actually let him coach the past 3 years during a time that many many fans wanted a change.Now I kinow there are some dis-gruntled fans every where and a a school isn't going to make a decision due to some fans.Coach whitby had more talent with Channen Geanes and Russel Avery and Brandon Springer than Coach Bargerhad this year.I know coaches have different styles in coaching but no telling how many games I made a long drive to watch Lake Co play and he'd start 3 players from the 3rd string.Very rarely called a time out in his past 3 years and had a 6'7 guy shooting 3's instead of under the basket.I saw a kid from Geason,about 5'9 score about 10 points down low while Avery was out front.He had the talent to win at least 2 or 3 State Championships.Coach Barger went with her best lineup,usually he best 7 or 8 and layed the hammer down and subbed at the end of games when the game was well in hand.For some of us longtime fans like myself,Speller,and some others we know what was going on.Not politics.I'd take the ole Central coach any day of the week.I'd bet Cannon and Denver Whittby didn't not start any games while at Central.I'm pretty sure he didn't play the third string over them.I saw him do this at Lake Co too many times to count.Some games were horrible,a win against lesser teams but horrible.But when he did play Humboldt or Union City,I'd admit he usually went with his best players.But the thing is.Did playing with very subpar efforts in the easier games with players basically just playing hard enough to win.A lot of times,no hustle at all.Lake Co just had more talent than some of the lesser teams during that time.If Coach Whitby had been coaching this team,probably would have lost to Humboldt in the region and no doubt would have had to travel to Memphis and lost.No way he would have led this team to the State,much less win it.



    Not buying what you're selling. Players play the games... not coaches. If they didn't hustle it's because they chose not to hustle. Teams are NOT built in a year. Say what you want, but the fact remains that the foundation was already in place and while someone may have slipped in and put the shingles on the house, the fact remains that they didn't build it... that's all I'm saying.

  22. Did you play for coach Whitby bb. Just curious. Seems like you have a dog in the fight.


    Nope, never played for him. However, I'm well aware of his coaching and he was a mentor to me for the coach that I became today. It's not a "dog" in the fight that I'm speaking about. It's the credit that should be given to the man that brought the system and built the program that afforded the new coach the trophy. Not trying to take anything away from the new coach, however, I know the politics and its unfortunate that so many can ignore the truth and offer credit to the one who truly deserves that pat on the back.

  23. Maybe you need to worry about Harpeth and it's sports programs because you sure have no idea about Lake Co basketball the past 3 or 4 years in particular.



    I'm well aware of the program at Lake County and the people behind the scenes who play the politics, throw the stones, and start the rumors because of some personal vendetta.


    Jimmy Whitby is one of the greatest coaches on the hardwood. He understands what it takes to get a kid to the next level. The problem is that you have parent who don't and think for some reason because their kid was successful in some Jr. Pro program that they are headed for greatness. Mark my words. The program will decline, the success will dwindle and you'll be left with only the memories of the success you once enjoyed.


    You would have been better to align someone that he could mentor, instead of pushing away someone who brought success to your program.

  24. Camden vs. Creekwood in the championship tomorrow. I have to hand it to Creekwood. To begin with I did not think they would beat Purcell and make it to Camden. Then I didn't think they would beat Montgomery Central with the way MC was swinging the bats. THEN I thought it was over when they gave up the six runs in the inning. Very, very good job by the coaches and players. MC has nothing to hang their head about either with the way they were playing.


    I heard Harpeth's coach quit today. Is that a rumor or fact?



    Not a rumor... Fact. Donny met with the team this afternoon to share the news.


    Commitment to family comes first. The hour long drive to and from home and two young children who like to see their dad more three months out of the year took its toll. We understand his position. Donny has done a good job getting the program pointed back in the right direction. I truly hope that the building can continue and the program won't suffer with yet another change at The Rock. We wish him the best and will be looking forward to seeing him on the field again in the Spring.

  25. Harpeth defeats Fairview at home Friday night 13-0 pounding out 10 hits on the night. Garrison Price gets the WIN for the Indians, Ryan Skeens nets the loss for the Yellowjackets.


    Harpeth travels for Camden for a double-header on Saturday.

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