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harry thornton

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Everything posted by harry thornton

  1. Whether you're a "red" or not has no bearing. It was still a bad call Harry
  2. To quote George Thorogood, it was BuhbuhbuhbuhbuhBAD. I think I was in the room when BCB's granny imparted her wisdom upon him that day after we had just eluded the Fairyland Police Dept. for the 50th time. It was a gem and I'm runnin' with it also. Besides, McCallie's the only team I enjoy kickin' when they're down. Here's the things that went right for us last night... A.-We discovered Pokey's. It was GREAT. 2.- the pool tables are only .50/game. C.- The Frescas were REAL cold. 4.- The wait staff there was very friendly and accomodating. E.- Geographically speaking it was very close the Alan Jones Wrestling Complex (in case we were tempted to cut and run out a side door and head back there). 6.- The hot dogs at the Cleveland concession stand were fabulous and served up with a smile. G.-We got to socialize with the likes of BayouBear, Raider76, Mr. Wonderful and a lot of other top shelf individuals. Um. Lemme think. Uh, that's about it. Oh yeah also Tee Boone won (keeping the streak alive) and it was a pin apiece for Nick "the duck" Millard and also Pat Flynn. Yeah, that was definitely the extent of it. Harry
  3. and then we're goin' National. You see kids, just because you're a million - 0 in your local small pond doesn't mean eveything. You gotta get out there and "get your picture took". Like that time we went to that outta town bachelor party, well, uh, never mind. Just always try to improve your game, that's all we're trying to say.
  4. Either that's what we're having for lunch or you must be from Dalton. A lotta danged help you are !! What about the waterin' hole ??!!
  5. Wow. Thanks. Yeah, I've known his young ^$$ since before 6th grade. Been out to his house when we were doing an NHSCA thing in B'ham. He was/is awesome. Hope he keeps eating heartily & shows back up. Ditto, Best of luck to him. When you talk to Bob, please tell him "Jay's Dad" says "Hey" PS - Which Bama high school team is closest to your heart ? I'll bet we know each other. Harry
  6. BB, The D-2 crowd may disagree with you on the Cash/elite thing. But they gotta agree with you on L.S.U. Hey Bearcat, Can you break a Benjamin ? Guess I'm buyin'. I 'spose now the meeting is at Bald Headed Bistro ? Pheasant under glass with a PBR / Holla
  7. [/size]OUCH !! HELLO !! Yeah. That little gathering in the honor of Mr. (& Mrs.) Wonderful would either bring you back to life at warp speed or else mule kick you right on over to the "other side". I'm decently sure that the Good Lord is not yet done having fun watching me squirm down here so, yeah, I'm back. P.S. - I hope you enjoyed your Chilean lobster dainties.
  8. Thanx. "Resurected", yeah, I like that. Puts me in some pretty good Company.
  9. Sounds like it's Las Marg's de Cleveland unless we can locate Cheetah III of Cleveland or at least some joint with a pool table. The gavel slams the formica @ 3:00. We'll keep you posted. Dad, I mean, Harry
  10. Thanks again. I was just kidding/guessing on 141. Guess I was right. with your obsession for citing sources... did you have a bad experience in high school with plagiarism and the honor code folks ?
  11. I am totally impressed by your googling. Seriously. I'm not that advanced. Thanks for looking it up. Harry
  12. Good News, Mr. Wonderful. I used your name in vain and it worked like a champ. Mrs. Thornton said I could come out but only because I'd be spending some quality Father/Son time. You're still payin off in spades for me, kid. Ok. BayouBear, KDXdude, Alan Jones, whoever... name that "everyman's waterin' hole" up there of choice. Bearcat, seein as we're in Bradley County I recommend you buy only bottles and NEVER leave them unattended. Harry
  13. OK. Nuthin on Osborne. Yeah, I saw (in W.I.N) where Kyle committed there but nothin on Chase. Sounds like Kyle won't straddle the 2 wheeler for a 2 year hitch til after he's got a college sheepskin on the wall. Lessons learned from Michael I wonder. Thx, Harry OK now I read the article. He doesn't currently attend S'Boro or we'd ALL know about it. Answer me anyone if you got it.
  14. I've filed a missing persons report on one Tyler Osborne. Where is he ? I hope he's wrestling in college around 141. I checked his old man's liquor store and he wasn't there. Bamagrappler ? Can you help ? And while I'm on the subject of Alabama wrestlers who are not on my radar, how bout Michael Cuthbertson ? Has he completed his 2 years of mountain biking around neighborhoods spreading the good word ? Has he traded in the white short button down and black clip -on tie for a college wrestling singlet yet ? Harry
  15. All in all, I'd say things are looking up for you in '08. #2 & #9 display some positive decision making on your part.
  16. Coming outta where ? BCB recommended "Fox & Hounds". They're not much on cheap draft and cheap billiards there however. I wonder if there's a decently low rent establishment (No offense to Merv or Mayo) located in Cleveland that we could visit. I had suggested earlier that we go to B Headed Bistro but we didn't know which wine goes best with spam.
  17. This is working out well. Call your Mom and make sure it's OK if I can come out and play. If you pull it off your Frescas are on me. (Mr. Scholarship winner)
  18. OWW! Bayou Bear ladies and gentlemen. He'll be here all week. BB what's the spread tonite? Bearcat wants to take LSU +14. He assures me that's the line. Does that sound right?
  19. It was that one time. Remember .05 night @ Yesterday's ?
  20. one outta two. BCB don't smoke.
  21. BCB, Gee, I sure would love to meet your new found pals up Cleveland way (Tell 'em it's BYO. I can't float the entire tri-county area) but their kind wishes seem a bit ominous. "Pretty Boy"? I hope your friends are all those Lady Bears that do such a swell job at the Bradley concession stand (I love those burgers they cook on that gigantic George Foreman grill). If it's not I can't help but think about that Ocoee river that flows through there. You didn't notice if any of those well-wishers that visited your home had any banjoes or compound hunting bows in their pick-up trucks did you? See you @ 1:59. Harry
  22. BCB, I do believe you just called a meeting. Let me call my mom and see if it's OK. It'a a little trickier for me to get out now that I dont have any actual dependents out on the mat. OK my mom said I could come over. 2:00 @ Merv's Thur. 1/3. Do you think you'll be able to get any of your close friends from the BSFBAG to show ? If those guys come we better call Merv's today and tell 'em to double their order. OK, Baylor @ 4:00 and then for the not-so-faint-of-heart, it's northward ho to witness "Badbloodfest '08" between Cleveland and Bradley. A certain Notre Dame coach, with faint ties to the Cleveland area, has expressed interest in joining us there. We may have to meet him at Bald Headed Bistro and then carpool. Holla
  23. BCB, I do believe you just called a meeting. Let me call my mom and see if it's OK. It'a a little trickier for me to get out now that I dont have any actual dependents out on the mat. OK my mom said I could come over. 2:00 @ Merv's Thur. 1/3. Do you think you'll be able to get any of your close friends from the BSFBAG to show ? If those guys come we better call Merv's today and tell 'em to double their order. OK, Baylor @ 4:00 and then for the not-so-faint-of-heart, it's northward ho to witness "Badbloodfest '08" between Cleveland and Bradley. A certain Notre Dame coach, with faint ties to the Cleveland area, has expressed interest in joining us there. We may have to meet him at Bald Headed Bistro and then carpool. Holla
  24. "BigRedBlooded ladies and gentlemen, he'll be here at the stardust lounge all week" Now being catholic and all I don't know my bible as well as Jimmy Swaggart, but even us mackeral snappers know that St. Jude is the patron saint for LOST CAUSES. I love it. Bravo. In ref. to my greatly exaggerated demise, to borrow a little Dylan from "Joey"... "He ain't dead, he's just asleep." Well now I'm awake BCB. I tried to fade into the concrete blocks behind the top row of bleachers along with mtnrasslin, herm, and some of the other greats, but BCB wouldn't let me. (plus I still wanna attend a meeting or two). Back to you BRB. Boy I sure am having fun reading the entries that kick McCallie when they're down (and, really, when better to kick a man I always say) Enjoyed the fresca. We'll do it again. GO IRISH!!!!
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