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  1. Or I could make a stop by your house and we could discuss our differences? How many students in Murfreesboro have the guts and fortitude to actually go through with something criminal like that....not all 1,800 at Siegel....not all 1,400 at Oakland. It considerably narrows down the field.
  2. lol reverse reverse psychology doesn't work
  3. Read the reasoning behind that.....There aren't that many people at Siegel with the guts to do something like and have enough school spirit/ Oakland hate to do that. Put those things together it REALLY narrows it down. Unless you think some AG guys did it?
  4. Theres only one teacher who even gives his keys to his class and I've been in his class for 2 years and he has never mentioned having that key. If we knew about it sure we would think about making a copy...but considering we are the only class who he gives his keys to....that theory is out. Was anything mentioned about Siegel? That was not mentioned by Oakland Pats? And if that happened from Siegel students...I can gurantee you one of the posters on here would know about it....or at least heard about it. Heck Nolan and Lykins would probably have asked me about it if Tackett let anyone at all know from Siegel know about it. He would have at least mentioned it. So once people can prove how Siegel students got into the school and left tags about Siegel.....that theory can't be confirmed. Watch who you talk to like that 2p...or "Chance Wilson" might have to make another call to your office or even stop by
  5. http://www.jim314.com/AAAboysdistrict.pdf according to that....The finals will be on Thursday????
  6. What is the schedule for thusday Times for Siegel/Columbia vs. Oakland/ Coffee Co Lebanon/Tullahoma vs. Shelbyville/Cookeville
  7. so you saying your emo since you have a myspace? lol
  8. i agree.....you know most of those kids are stupid just by looking at their pictures and how they try to spell our lyrics with each picture subtitle and the emo poses haha. Wouldn't put it past someone Well TJ...I was gonna start talking to you...until I saw your first blog from January 7th...
  9. got it.... still baffled how anyone would forget to lock a school up or how they would get in..
  10. guga389@hotmail.com send that pic there if u could oakland pats
  11. listen to him....he transferred at Christmas...besides most us aren't stuck up like ppl think and when ppl come up to us...I know at least I'll talk to them without thinkin it a big deal.
  12. They had a reason...they wrote it on the gym and sidewalk.... "Ya'll aint no champs"....resentment over us winning district title. Tj...when you renounce your Oakland ties I'll open up to you hahahha
  13. So Hold on....they mysteriously entered the building with no traces of how they got in? Sounds like somebody had a key. I know a couple kids at Siegel who have access to the master key for Siegel. But how in the WORLD would you get the master key to another school. also....send a pix message to your email then save the picture in your documents....then upload it like you would on myspace from photobucket or something.
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