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Everything posted by DmacDaddy

  1. You have made some arguable posts , but this IS a widespread problem in high school athletics . (snicker , snicker , ) Oh my .
  2. Hear , hear , EHS . Right on the nose there.
  3. Thanks for bringing it down to earth,Don.I thought leaving it alone would stop some of the nonsense. Bunch of out a school , non playing,jabber mouthing. With a rare spot of sense - decency. To imply that Jared , or ANYONE on Polk's team would intentionally hurt someone is beyond comprehension . The guy is ,and was raised , if you would take the time to see , ,? I dunno. He and his family are just not to be impinged.Period. The crap on here is so unbelievably stupid and hateful. Thanks for a great run seniors and the up and comers.Love ever' one a ya s. And thank you Don . I regret I got on the stupid end of this thing.What was REAL MEANING was displayed by the emotion after the game.These boys have something we'll never have. # 51,,,,, Luv ya Chewy. #16,,,,,get it back. We'll be in the stands Friday,wearing our colors.
  4. I sincerely apologize to all the players , coaches , and fans , and especially , our son. Dmac,,,,,,>,,,,,outta here .
  5. When pb starts talkin' about walks in the park its time to CLOSE this one !
  6. Not like yer in downtown.I'll park on the grass.Your's , yer neighbor's , the police dept.'s . Come ON man. Matter a fact,I'll park right OUTSIDE where they're charging,,sheesh.Probably mark up the tix two bucks too,like private MEANS something ,dang. (won't be able to buy alumni's hot cocoa,,sigh,,,,,popcorn first tho,,,)
  7. Got ya,,,,,, Should be a good one,,,,,like Tyner,I'm hopin'. Hate a runaway.Pass against run.Basic Guess we'll see who is up for the evenin'. Am backing Polk all the way.
  8. alumni,jus' kiddin' . Meet ya at the concession stand ,,,,,,,,?,,,,buy ya a cup a hot chocolate,,,?,,,hug yer wittle neck,,,,? Can't hep it,the seriousness just kills me.
  9. Dang. Some people take ALL the fun away. I'm hooked,,, ,,,,,( <bottom feeder anyhows ) A !!!!! LITTLE MORE CHUM ,,,, ,,HERE ,,, ,,,,,PA ,,,-,LEASE ! Serious is for work .
  10. ? we ? Who the heck are -we -? Surely not the teams that are playing this year.Toughest team ? Thought that was LAST week. Come on dude,lighten up,'s all in fun. ( Thanks fer the idiot comment tho,,,I try.) To think our boys are cocky is WAYYYYYY outta reality. geez,,,,,,, I < , also wish no one gits hurt (who WOULD ? ,,,DANG! ) totally outta the realm , and hammer down .
  11. There ya go,thanks fer checking back. (btw ,it was TEAM Alcoa,sigh ) jus' tryin' to hep.
  12. Thanks fer yer input ,N ( national) B (bullcrap) C (cryer) . Are you freaking KIDDING ME ! CAK is a great team no doubt.To hang with the Alcoa bunch is - 'nuff said. Go Polk. All I got to say. (Or did I say too much ) . (awhile ain't long ENOUGH ! )
  13. The - FIRST - -? -matchup ? K. Thought you guys were regular season,hmmm . K.
  14. 56 Kers....dang,I need to pedal HARDER ! Lmao,,,,,,
  15. Heh heh heh. Would you git off that high ( horse) goat yer ridin' and 'splain sumpin' ? Who in the heck CARES about 1979 -b. c. OR a.d. ? Yes ,Goddard field and thier high price box burgers was something to behold. Their puffed up shove it in yer face NFL balloon was cool too. What has that got to do with football tho ? I < think we have EVERYTHING to be cocky about ! You think CAK s joking,but their knot ( s , in their stomach )
  16. Reading thru this ,# 1 is -? huh? #2 - And then No,not scared. #3 - Then,we ain't missing anything,'cept competition,granted to ya,o.k. . #4 -Ya HAVE to care,else you'd a kept yer yap shut , #5 -Yeh,different team - 's what we're ALL about ,( ? the hail ,? why WOULDN'T YA ? ). # 5 - The -Polk - people - ,are not what will decide it. The Polk TEAM will. And of course thats where my loyalty resides. Go POLK !
  17. Dad,I am wit ya. What will be will be. I , as little as I know,would not doubt CAK's game. Just know the same things about our boys. Hammer down,stats be danged.
  18. ??????? whaaaaaa ? A touch of sandbaggin' here 'knox ,?,,
  19. Well,,what region am I < in,,,,,lol. Dang. (DMac rolling up the pants legs < ,,,,,,,) a e4.'ityl;'i ;
  20. I second yer notion 100% ,Yee. I am NOT old , by the way, (ROCKS are old) . I guess the fart part we can debate.We're kinda in the same boat. We need to step up our games. We picked up Signal and Central,tho Central is kinda down this year. Alcoa tho,why would you step up if you can keep getting the trophy. And Yee, you remind me of that great philosopher Ol' Gus,,,from Lonesome Dove fame.
  21. Heh heh heh. Wow. 'knox,I guess thats ONE way a puttin' it. Who IS the competition for Alcoa? Not to beat the same drum,but cripes,,,,anybody ? C O M P E T I T I O N -? - . Anybody ?
  22. Sure,no prob. (mebbe yer son can help ya with this,sigh ) Ahem ! Kinda weird you would want to do that again so soon , let alone LATER. Just occured to me reading this blather - again - , Alcoa STILL ain't beat POLK ! I doubt TEAM Alcoa is as wondering of Polk as FANS Alcoa is . That better ? I even checked it with - spail chak .
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