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Everything posted by ThisIsMyGame

  1. Nice Picture! Dustmop_22 Really? You pick one incident out of like 8 years? Geez, I was at that game, and it's not like Coach Whitt was yelling "kill him." It happened and the player felt bad for it too, he was ejected from the game and was suspended for the next two games. Now, this player is now a sophomore in college, and it is pretty disgusting of you to bring HIS picture into this vendetta that you have against Coach W. Furthermore, I would like to take this opportunity to tell everyone what an amazing coach that Coach Whitt is not only to his players, but to me as a female player. Since my sophomore year of high school, he has been a supporter, encourager, and coach. Yes, I said coach. On the side, he has helped and worked with me anytime I asked or even when HE asked. He always puts his players first and will work with anyone in basketball that shows the heart and desire that wants to learn. Coach Whitt was always with his team whether it be fundraisers to going to church with them. He was always there to support, and I admire him for that. Coach Whitt, I will never be able to repay you for all you have done for me over the last four years and especially this last one. I know wherever you go that the team that is waiting for you will get the hardest and MOST DEVOTED coach around.
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