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Posts posted by motormouth

  1. You keep things lively but I have to take issue with you on the parent thing. I've seen some pretty bad ones to be sure but then I've seen some pretty bad coaches that have absolutely no business on the field. A good coach will have control and the respect of most parents even should they disagree. A bad coach won't... It's all part of the game and has been since the begining. I can remember one so bad at the MTSCA tourny last year that the opposing teams parents were barking at her. Sorry but it's my belief that good players are developed by daddy and the HS coach inherits them and provides "some" oportunity... If you can name one player on the ALL MTSCA list that doesn't play travel (daddy) ball you might have a valid point. Otherwise, my point is daddy's are providing the support, lesson's and off season practice little princess needs to be succesful. It's just that simple. HS coaches just hope they can inherit some.


    Yep. All those girls owe all their success to their daddies and no one else. It couldn't be anyone else or the fact that the girl worked hard to become good. Way to take the credit for you daughters achievement dry.gif

  2. Good showing in the 16U and 18U this year. 18 Gold down only 7 teams. You can go to http://www.musiccityhits.com and click on teams and results and follow that and can see all the teams and pool play times. Hope the weather is good!!!!


    Fewer and fewer 18U and 18 Gold teams in tournaments each year. Last I saw only 7-8 in Chattanooga this year. It seems to be harder and harder to get the 17 and 18 year olds to play.

  3. If you feel so strongly let it out, don't hint around or make accusations just say who and what organization that is cheating you ?


    I could be wrong but the person putting this tournament on isn't part of any organization and as far as I know a team still has to win the whole tournament to qualify.


    I agree. Say who you are talking about. Here is a novel idea...go out and beat them and prove they are not deserving.

  4. What tournament is best in the West Tn. area?

    While not listed, Collierville will be good and one school in Memphis has been good. i would wait a little longer until the schools start listing their tournaments but most seem to be planning now. A tournament with Briarcrest will be good unless some schools happen to be trying to hire a Coach. Of course, if Houston has a tournament, it will be good. Bartlett and Bolton has a good tournament in the River City.

    thanks for the info!

  5. Mrnoitall's identity is none other than COACH JOHN CONDITT!! This information is 100% accurate, no matter how much he denies it... Not only is he posting about how bad everyone is, he is posting against the coach, players, and school where he is the assistant coach!!! :roflol::shock:



    How is TULLAHOMA this year? :?:

  6. NoLife. In no particular order, somethings to digest.....


    1. Many students

    a) prefer to stay close to home.

    :popcorneater: prefer to goto college with friends from high school

    2. The Hope Scholarship doesn't cross state lines.

    3. As a whole, Tennessee is not yet recognized as a recruiting area for soccer players

    (like Texas, California, etc). There are exceptions, a lot of that comes from the visibility at ODP.

    4. A lot of Tennessee club teams don't travel out of the state to high visibility tournaments, hence

    they don't get the consistent visibility from the colleges you are referring to.

    5. Univ of Tenn & Vandy have not recruited players from their own state until the last several years.

    6. As the level of play in Tennessee has elevated, so too has the level of play outside Tennessee.

    The only thing that seems to remain stagnant, is the officiating.

    7. Playing as a freshman at the smaller programs has a higher likelihood than at a larger program.

    8. Smaller program coaches seem to have carte blanche when you consider all of the above.


    As there is finally a consolidation of clubs, we will likely see much stronger teams surface in Tennessee that can compete with the best teams at the Showcase events. Our ability to make rosters of higher profile teams has significantly improved over the past 5 years. I think the economy has also taken its toll and more players are having to go to the program that offers them the most complete financial package.


    That oughta stir things up.


    Its been very boring on this board.




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