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  1. Could someone please tell me why TawJackson has not been named head coach yet? I know for a fact that Steve Spurrier called RCHS on his behalf. It is time to end this mess and hire the greatest football commodity the this generation has known.
  2. Cook has taken a promotion every time, this is standard operating procedure. The guys you have to watch are the ones that jump from school to school in a lateral move in title/responsibility. Just something to think about
  3. Is Fitz applying? Ive heard his name mentioned. I think he can coach but im not sure how you go down that road for a third time. Somebody please tell me why Taw Jackson hasnt been offered the job yet??? Simply amazing
  4. So sorry you got your panties in a wad, maam.
  5. Surely you jest?!?! Taw Jackson is quite simply a gift from the football gods. If you could morph Vince Lombardi, Bear Bryant, and George Quarrels into 1 man, his name would be Taw. My advice to the Rhea County brass: take a dump truck full of $100 bills and empty it on Taw's front step and beg him to coach the Eagles. Taw would create a direct pipeline from Evensville to the SEC and then NFL for the lucky few to tap in to his vast football reservoir. Bill Billechick calls Taw for advice. Nick Saban takes a knee when Taw enters a room. I could go on for days......
  6. Does anyone know if we are looking to have a coach in place to keep the current Spring practice schedule? This does not need to drag out into the summer as we will have kids skipping workouts and falling through the cracks. Considering all factors involved, I think Jerry Cook makes the most sense. Local guy, good coach, not a flight risk. Coach Greene said all of the right things but made no attempt to be a part of the community. Let's not forget to be supportive of these players because some of these boys will be playing for their 3rd coach in 4 years.
  7. I've got 2 words for you........1) Taw 2)Jackson Somebody please pick up the phone and make the call
  8. Watching the product that Dooley, I mean Greene, has put on the field the last couple years has left many with a bad taste in their mouth.
  9. Give me the upside from the past 2 years. Time to hit the reset button.........
  10. Taw Jackson wouldn't let Butch Jones shine his shoes. Taw is cut from the Lombardi / Bear Bryant cloth.
  11. I've never seen someone stutter as they type
  12. Benny Monroe couldn't carry Taw's jock strap
  13. Word on the street is Greene is on the move. Can we possibly pull Taw Jackson out of retirement? I would love to see a local guy come in and unite a fragmented fan base. This would be the perfect time to make a fresh start with the new district alignment. I guess I would settle for Gruden if Taw can not be persuaded. Thoughts?????
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