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Everything posted by hogheaven

  1. Heard MC qb has small hands so holding onto fb May cause problems. disclaimsr: i didn't hear this and just made it up
  2. Dang I heard JD is giving out free barrels to all the fans. Every carrol countian is there in line and they left the team in mckenzie. Lol
  3. So, we all agree... south Pitt will play mckenzie, dresden, or UC.
  4. All the talent in the world. Community and school system has allowed too much crap. I feel bad for the kids. It will take a great coach/dad figure and $ to turn that program around. I still remember when they were ranked first in the state and hosting dresden in the second round and they had about 200 fans. Kids deserve better.
  5. Rebels preparing for a game. Afraiders think it is a party. Rebels stuff the run really well. I just don't see Moore County passing against a very athletic rebel team. Im 100% not a rebel fan. My team lost first round of the 4A playoffs to melrose. If i had to pick a favorite style of play team it is 100% UC and Mustanks. I do love watching local teams. Lake, trenton, UC, dresden, mustanks, gleason. Maybe I'm wrong and Moore county is legit, but this is the FIRST top 5 opponent they will play all year, so who knows. But trolling is fun too. I am a homer on my local football teams. Just like y'all amazing whiskey makers
  6. Not for over a decade. Does being a "dresden guy" mean I can't troll? I didn't read that. Wow. Crawling back under my bridge in Union City to read the rules on trolling thanks
  7. The triple option is a thing of beauty! Purest form of football. Angels sing every time the dust settles after 3-4 yards.
  8. As MACE of Moore County prepares for their end... let us have a moment of silence for their once a decade hype. In the net
  9. All 5 of the moore county folks that can read are on here. That is 100% participation! Raider Pride I am joking There are at least 10! Bahaha
  10. Union City and Dresden already breaking down Rebel films. They know who the contenders are. But, we do buy JD so are kinda supporting you guys. Good Luck .... in basketball Hook set!
  11. Dang, I saw the Lions putting layers of pig crap, I mean fertilizer, on the opponents sideline to keep it green. Nice guys! Hope both teams stay healthy! May the best team move on!
  12. Bahaha. This is like an AA meeting and the whiskey drinkers have fallen off the wagon. This is the rebels, who beat the mustanks, and didn't play in the powder puff region. But, I hear they made Moore County an aluminum ball for making the third round
  13. Bill says " y'all were right! We just can't compete" thank for being so humble Bill Ha
  14. True on mckenzie schedule stinking after 2 games. But their receivers dropped easy catches against dresden which completely skewed the score. I am betting they improved. Scary third round game with lots of playoff experience. I would definately be sipping my JD liquid anxiety juice if i was playing them after a weak schedule. Hook is baited
  15. Has Moore County forfeited yet? Im too lazy to read forum. Hahaha Hope everyone is healthy after the game. Just having fun. I would like to see Union City or Dresden get the gold ball.
  16. Moore County plays cream puffs all year. Come on. That schedule is like playing all the schools for the blind. Bahaha Ok im kidding. I can't stand McKenzie so firing up you raider turds is pure fun. McKenzie by 4 is my actual pick...
  17. Bill, Recruit lineman on both sides of the ball for next year will put you in the finals
  18. Mckenzie 35-7. They are IMO top 3 in the state along with Dresden and UC. Could be wrong. Not personal MC.
  19. Defense fell apart in second half but still alive! Get back safe. Good season Mase. You competed with a top 5 team.
  20. I hate a dresden UC rematch... my two favorite 1A teams. it was a great game.
  21. If not, they should do like Obion county and have Milwaukee Best kegs under the bleachers. Every farmer for miles shows up for games now . Jk Obion folks . Bahaha
  22. Just out of curiosity, does mase pull any home crowd?
  23. Yeah. Gotta get that good ball back to the local area!
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