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  1. I'm just on jv this year. I couldn't try out for varsity last year because of one of my parents rules...not varsity till i have my license....but the fans dont really get involved and usually the varsity guys bball team sits behind us but they just agravate us. We have tried the crowd cheers but its a little depressing when no one really cheers with us.
  2. ok thanks for the cheer...we are like extremely bored and its makin the games kinda boring...so thanks for the new one
  3. we have plenty of cheers but they are all getting a little old. im looking for some ideas for some new cheers.
  4. our cheerleaders always do the same dance but they come up a few new ones an work the football players into but not many ppl start to really so spirit until they start throwing stuff. They also do a spirit contest...where u get the spirit stick and which ever grade yells the loudest wins. an they have a cheer that always gets our school cheering.
  5. what is the best way to do a basket toss....im on jv an we are always looking for ways to out do our varsity....and they dont do basket tosses
  6. i havent seen walker valley play this year so i dunno.
  7. well what is yours...i know we will win but i dotn know by how much...i cheer i know some bout bball but like i said i cheer.
  8. by how much do u think we will stomp walker valley tomarrow
  9. ok since u know me who are you...which one are you
  10. you said u have 1st wellness right
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