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Everything posted by TheCommando

  1. FYI -- We left from H'ville during a heavy traffic time known as "rush hour" AND there was an overturned tractor trailer blocking the interstate outside of Clarksville, where we sat for more than thirty minutes. With the delays it took nearly three hours to get to Henry County. And by the way, we know exactly where we're going. . . to COOKEVILLE. We'll be there Friday night for the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Hendersonville all the way! Last night was awesome. We took over Memphis and outnumbered them 2 to 1 in their own stadium. Our team will find a way to win and our fans will be the 12th man on that field. Go Commandos!
  3. A lot of schools have "open bottoms" on their bleachers. It is not so much that they had open bottoms, it is that there was just one walking plank to those open bottoms. I have NEVER seen that. Those bleachers are entirely too high to have only one walking plank. Station Camp High School has large metal bleachers for their visitor's section too, but I don't remember feeling as though I could plunge to my death at any minute while sitting on them. Your bleachers are not normal "open bottoms". Someone IS going to be hurt on those bleachers...it is only a matter of time.
  4. If the game against Northeast is close at all, the War Team will give HHS the edge. We showed up to HCHS with not even half of our regular crowd and still out numbered and out yelled their students. Our student section is the best in the state and we are pumped about this Commandos team. The HHS War Team Rocks! Go Commandos!!!!
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