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Everything posted by Cody

  1. I've heard that. LA is always strong. I was mainly asking about how they lost to Stone Memorial. Has Stone progressed that much from last year's team, or was LA just a bit rusty to start off the season? Or both?
  2. They have made the finals 2 out of the last 3 years. They lost to McMinn Central by 9 I believe in 2011 and last year. There's definitely something to be said about a team that can keep coming back strong. They have lost most of that core team from 2011. I watched that championship game and they were a great team then. Speaking of LA, I noticed they were beaten last night by Stone Memorial. Stone is usually pretty strong but had an off year last year. Are they that strong this year or did LA just come out rusty? I know that happens. McMinn Central lost to Alcoa to start the year off last season.
  3. McMinn Central 3-2 Grace Academy Central up 1-0 at half. Jessi Young sprains ankle about 5 minutes after scoring and must come out. That takes the wind out of Central for the majority of regulation. Grace kept grinding away and finally got one in to tie it up on a corner. First 10-minute extra goes scoreless. Grace scores in the first minute of second 10-minute extra. All hope seemed lost for Central until a last minute charge by Nicole Watson hits the net in the last seconds. Scoreless through golden goal overtimes. Taylor Young stops Grace's last pk to win the game. Central wins PK's 4-3. Great game by both teams. Fans were great, if not a little chippy, but that's the way it always is with these two teams. We've had a great rivalry the past 4-5 seasons. Good luck to Grace going into Saturday. They're good enough to surprise and beat either CCS or Notre Dame.
  4. You're exactly right, BUT as bad as Central played at times, they still won in regulation. The message at church this morning was entitled, "Time Marches On." How fitting for some of Central's players to hear this morning. Everything gets better. Good luck to all the teams in state. I'm pulling for Cannon.
  5. haha I graduated in 06 as well! I'd imagine we've done our fair share of yelling at each other without knowing it! I graduated from Tennessee Tech in 2011. Had several friends from Livingston. As hard as it was for a Central guy, I found I didn't 'hate' every person from Livingston haha. I teach at Central now. You can bet MC will send their fair share. We often outnumber home crowds. Won't be the case with LA. Sadly, EH just doesn't have a large fan base. Just parents, that's it. I imagine it's that they are such a young school. No time yet to build a tradition and history of fans with less than 5 years of existence. Last year in Region, we outnumbered them 5 to 1 at least. Ben worse at their home court this year. Let me know where you sit and we can chat when I get there. Don't expect me to smile when I hear 'hogeye' though! Take care!
  6. Not a problem! I wish you no luck either! I've only been to Livingston once for tourney time but the the experience is much like the RoundHouse. I believe you guys have a Mr. Basketball candidate right? Good luck to him for the award. blitzinbuc, I believe it is supposed to stop after regular season. To keep it fair for those whose teams go further. Jenna Adams was up for it the year we won state and lost it. Elizabeth won it last year after we lost in first round. Not saying that's the reason either girl won/lost it. And Abby did. She is a tremendous player. Had heard all about her and myself and another fan whom I sit with tried to guess who she was tonight. We both picked the most athletic 'looking' girl on Cannon's side and were dead wrong. She's deceptively 'normal' looking and that's no insult whatsoever. I hope that makes sense. If she wins Miss Basketball, she most definitely deserves it.
  7. very good points. Up close, in person. It was clear to be late. The ref offscreen actually waved it off. It's understood that all this means nothing, but that doesn't mean it's not worth showing. Not whining. Just highly disappointed like anybody else would be. Those who are bashing putting the video up would be doing the same thing if it happened to them. I've coached on the soccer field/taught in the classroom several of those girls. It hurts to see such a big game end that way. Fans yelling at each other. Cussing. Obscene gestures. That's not the way it's supposed to be. Good luck to Cannon County girls basketball team going forward. I really do hope they win it all. Central still has a substate party to crash at Livingston Monday and a 2nd straight Miss Basketball for Elizabeth Masengil to win Saturday. I really do believe its a dart match for who wins AA this year. One thing is for certain, Central girls are coming back better next year!
  8. Yes there was a buzzer. They were running a press with a double team. Nobody was just standing around.
  9. Argue with that. Slowed down version. Half a second late. The shooter even knew it.
  10. Here is the real time version. Slowed down one to follow, but it's not necessary. It's clear in real time that the shot is late. Everyone there knew it was late.
  11. its coming I promise. Hopefully tonight soon. If you could watch the entire game, you would see bad calls on both sides. A Cannon girl's foot over halfway out of bounds on the baseline two separate times. Central fouls not called either. Cannon fouls under the basket not called. It was evenly bad. If anybody can thank the refs though, it's Cannon.
  12. I'm not sure where you saw dominating. Cannon got up by ~12 and Central came back. Quickly, I might add. Of course you don't want to talk about it. Your team won. I wish so much that the shot had been in time. THEN there would be nothing to talk about. However, Central won the game in regulation. Cannon won with a bonus .5 seconds. Again, I hope Cannon wins it all. They're a great team that can shoot the heck out a three pointer. Goodness they can.
  13. you're exactly right. Could have gone either way and if it was opposite, I'd take it in a heartbeat. It's hard to say the refs didn't directly impact this one. The shot shouldn't have counted. It wasn't a missed foul or a phantom foul called. It was a shot that was clearly late and the refs didn't do their job and let a team down. No way around it andeverybody will see. I hope Cannon wins it all.
  14. They were 'subpar' but they were evenly subpar. One ref waved it off but they didn't discuss it and ran out of the gym. I'll repeat myself, this is not biased. The shot was late by half a second. You can see in real time with your own eyes that it was late. As soon as I can ill post it. I hate it for those girls. They deserve better.
  15. Being sent to TSSAA though there's nothing that can be done. I'll get it up (prob a YouTube link) as soon as I can. I promise there is no bias here. I respect the heck out of Cannon. The refs didn't do their job there.
  16. Got screwed on that one. Late 3 wins it for Cannon. Half a second late. I'll post a video as soon as I can. No bias here. The wrong team won.
  17. Got screwed on that one. Late 3 wins it for Cannon. Half a second late. I'll post a video as soon as I can. No bias here. The wrong team won.
  18. 2:43 left. Tied at 51. MC down by as much as 12. Fun.
  19. I'm there. They've made questionable calls in both ends. I'd say pretty even. Can't complain too much.
  20. Whoever said Cannon could shoot the '3' wasn't lying. 21 of 26 points off the 3. Central's gotta cover that better next half. I'm not sure Cannon can shoot that well for a whole game. Couldn't miss in the first half. Great game so far.
  21. Btw, it's a cool 68 degrees in here. There goes that myth blitzinbuc
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