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Everything posted by LIKETHESALT

  1. So basically you had a minor touch a sign made of light metal and you had an adult touch a minor who was not his child nor under his supervision and these people want to discuss kids cursing and how the crowd allegedly responded. Now you see why i have been so matter of fact and brutal in my responses. This has nothing to do with the kids once that horn sounded........twice that is! Thanks for sharing your perspective!
  2. Once again all you continue to discuss is what the kids did and how they responded and honestly you have really only been able to discuss the actions of one kid on the team. One player who overreacted but caused harm to no one but himself and I am sure he has been dealt with appropriately remember the story about one apple doesn't spoil the bunch you know the old wise tale right. Which by the way he is a great young man! This was also an isolated issue in the hallway. So the masses were impeccable. And please don't be so quick to put the actions of kids (fans that is not players) who were under no supervision on trial in this situation because if you do please be sure to place the educators/overseers of the facilty in Sumner County on that same docket my friend cause they were ill prepared and should be prosecuted equally in the court of public opinion. But to me all of that is niether here nor there the officals threw the first punch and you seem to be stuck on the second punch which as I stated earlier is quite typical and I just don't do nor teach my children typical! Maybe if you read 1 Corinthians 13:11 you would stop focusing on the kids and scrutinize the adults more in this situation mainly the ones who put everyone in the compromising situation and then the ones who were responsible for getting everyone out of that situation! Sincerely, I'm Just Saying
  3. I really appreciate you pointing that out as I was there as well and I will not allow these other people to make it about the kids. coaches, or the fans, because the central fans were impeccable in that situation and as a matter of fact no one left the stands unless prompted. But i agree with your post and quite frankly it is a shame that it came down to that. I am actually not too concerned with how the TSSAA will respond as I have sent them a letter to share my thoughts and perspective and i dont expect much out of them! You said it best I just hope they punish themselves!
  4. I could not agree with you more my friend and that is all I am asking for. Let's call it what it is! I know officials blow calls all throughout the the game and a lot of them they cant reverse! But at the end of the game officials reserve the rights as a part of the RULES to get calls correct and these guys had no desire to do that! I really appreciate your perspective because to blame the kids and coaches on this is someone being typical and not scrutinizing that situation hard enough! But guess what whoever gets those guys this week will have one heck of a game called I am sure because I am sure there is some guilt involved!
  5. FROM LIKETHESALT; So once again i must state that i posted the same message several times because it was appropriate as a response. Reading is fundmental my friend! Now if you must know I was fortunate enough to have college paid for because of this beloved sport and having said that i am wondering how much you understand officiating. Because if you did you would know that there is one point in the game where logic must prevail and that is at the end of the game on buzzer beaters. Officials have the right to take as long as they need to make decision on buzzer beaters where they would typically congregate and discuss the call. Please read the TSSAA Rule book for officials I believe it is on page 62 Section 2 Rule #23 I believe. I can cofirm that for you if you would like! Kids get to be more emotional than adults once again that is this thing called "life"! As far as teaching the kids i would prefer to give mine this nugget "that a man/woman treats triumph and defeat the same and explain to him/her what that actually means! But just the like poem written by Rudyard Kipling I can’t help but ponder on the “IFâ€! What if three men held steadfast to their responsibility and did not waiver, what would have been the HONEST outcome! As someone who played the game I would also recommend not even mentioning the officials to your children I would recommend asking for the stat sheet and then count turnovers, missed free throws, shooting percentage, and deficit recovery! But what i will not do is let adults not hold other adults accountable for their mistakes. I am getting expensive with these lessons! hehehehehehehehe! As far as using the site I am not too concerned as long as you get my message. Sincerely, The Rookie Of The Year
  6. So once again i must state that i posted the same message several times because it was appropriate as a response. Reading is fundmental my friend! Now if you must know I was fortunate enough to have college paid for because of this beloved sport and having said that i am wondering how much you understand officiating. Because if you did you would know that there is one point in the game where logic must prevail and that is at the end of the game on buzzer beaters. Officials have the right to take as long as they need to make decision on buzzer beaters where they would typically congregate and discuss the call. Please read the TSSAA Rule book for officials I believe it is on page 62 Section 2 Rule #23 I believe. I can cofirm that for you if you would like! Kids get to be more emotional than adults once again that is this thing called "life"! As far as teaching the kids i would prefer to give mine this nugget "that a man/woman treats triumph and defeat the same and explain to him/her what that actually means! But just the like poem written by Rudyard Kipling I can’t help but ponder on the “IFâ€! What if three men held steadfast to their responsibility and did not waiver, what would have been the HONEST outcome! As someone who played the game I would also recommend not even mentioning the officials to your children I would recommend asking for the stat sheet and then count turnovers, missed free throws, shooting percentage, and deficit recovery! But what i will not do is let adults not hold other adults accountable for their mistakes. I am getting expensive with these lessons! hehehehehehehehe! As far as using the site I am not too concerned as long as you get my message. Sincerely, The Rookie Of The Year
  7. Furthermore, the coaches and players are expected to be emotional MA'AM it was an emotional moment I would expect more thoughts from you about the Organized Cowards if you were looking to interject logic because there were only 10 people in that entire place the 3 officials and the 7 police officers should have been logical in that moment and REFS missed that opportunity. continued........It amazes me reading some of these post that appear to come from adults (although your avatar looks like you are part animal part human). If your only desire is to focus on the coaches and players of either team then you are missing something in this ordeal that needs great attention. The 3 officials in this game deserve more than just a glance over and once sentence in any post. When you are calling a game of this magnituide you have to accept the responsibility of understanding that young men are learning how to be or not be champions. As an official it your obligation to take that on at high level. My job is to rear a young man into a man as a parent and in that moment I trust that you as an official understand that you are playing a role in that process (of course I still have opportunity) so I need you to be fearless. You all are overstating the fear factors by the officials because if that is the case then we should call them Organized Cowards!
  8. It amazes me reading some of these post that appear to come from adults. If you only desire is to focus on the coaches and players of either team then you are missing something in this ordeal that needs great attention. The 3 officials in this game deserve more than just a glance over and once sentence in any post. When you are calling a game of this magnituide you have to accept the responsibility of understanding that young men are learning how to be or not be champions. As an official it your obligation to take that on at high level. My job is to rear a young man into a man as a parent and in that moment I trust that you as an official understand that you are playing a role in that process (of course I still have opportunity) so I need you to be fearless. You all are overstating the fear factors by the officials because if that is the case then we should call them Organized Cowards!
  9. I appreciate your perspective because some things need to be simply stated. If I was a parent of one of the kids on the Gallatin team i would have grabbed my son, put my arms around him, and simply said "son that's not how you want to win in life!" It was a very sad outcome I could not agree with you more!
  10. Nice post! Someone should be accountable for a response simply because it is about doing the right thing. It may not change the outcome but accepting responbilities for mistakes is what institutions do and in this case the TSSAA is the institution. I put no blame on the kids or the coaches. They had an emotional response to irrational and illogical decisions made by the officials. The officials used emotions in a situation that called for logic. A corageous game by young men ended with cowardly decision making by adults! That is what some folks call life!
  11. It amazes me reading some of these post that appear to come from adults. If you your only desire is to focus on the coaches and players of either team then you are missing something in this ordeal that needs great attention. The 3 officials in this game deserve more than just a glance over and once sentence in any post. When you are calling a game of this magnituide you have to accept the responsibility of understanding that young men are learning how to be or not be champions. As an official it your obligation to take that on at high level. My job is to rear a young man into a man as a parent and in that moment I trust that you as an official understand that you are playing a role in that process (of course I still have opportunity) so I need you to be fearless. You all are overstating the fear factors by the officials because if that is the case then we should call them Organized Cowards!
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