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  1. You will see the front row when Boliver rolls in...and you'll for sure see them when boliver crawls out of TIGER TOWN with their green tail tucked between their legs! I have been laid back about all of this...but it is getting old deal with it Lexington is good and it isn't just luck or a soft schedule so get over it!
  2. I'll tell you what Lexington consist of more than hoe's and rednecks as you would say...and you are more than welcome to come down here anytime you want...and we will "discuss" that on a more personal level because ppl in lexington can kick butt in general...not just basketball!
  3. Honey not all of them are baseball bench warmers...in fact hardly none of them are...and once again i do believe we are talking about basketball! And just to let you know you must be standing outside of your little mind to think that your opinion matters to anyone in Lexington...See you this spring!
  4. Hmmm...I wonder who you are talking about!!! Well if it is coming from b-town tiger it must be LEXINGTON!!! I just can't see where you get off talking so much smack about Lexington. It is not fair to the players with real talent that play awesome to say well they only win because their schedule is easy! Im not saying they are untouchable because even us "lunatics" know that they aren't...but they have worked hard this season and deserve recognition...Oh yeah and they played pretty good in pre-season also didn't they b-town?
  5. WOW...thats pretty much all I can say to this...You live to talk bad about Lexington don't you? You should really find a new hobby!
  6. Wow people in Milan sure are big dreamers...So...keep dreaming...
  7. I do believe we were reading something like..."bringing down the dawgs"....hmmmm don't sound like we took the big L does it?
  8. Well Im guessing by now you are feeling a little stupid. Not only did we beat Milan last night but our fans also were still as rowdy as ever. So it looks as though to me that Milan needs to work harder on meeting their goals! Oh yeah and for all you Milan people who didn't know...we were at a basketball game last night not a baseball game...now don't you worry we will take care of you guys when it comes time to play a little baseball also. It is really bad when you have to start yelling about baseball because your basketball team can't pull through for ya!
  9. WOW! I don't know how much more of the same posts I'm gonna be able to stand. NOBODY is talking our "greatness" up. We think we've got a better shot than most of y'all do though. We could be wrong, but so could you. Just stop posting the same things over and over.... "y'all aren't gonna get past first round in regions..." OKAY!!!!!!!!! we get what everybody is thinking... We play Huntington tonight, guess you'd like to say ONE MORE TIME that we have a weak schedule. We're still gonna whoop up on em' lol.
  10. Hey Im on here under my friends name so don't hold what i say against her! Okay I'll give it to ya'll....ya'll do have an awesome team i don't have a problem saying that, and as for your cheering section we just might have to come down there and take notes on what you call a real student section! LOL! OH yeah the LTown thing has been around for a long minute it isn't like we made it up yesterday! People say LHS fans are full of them selves...but I gotta give you props you have us beat on that one!
  11. Yeah, but theres got to be some rules behind what they say. Not just "we don't like what you're doing, get out." Right?
  12. How could it be different with every school/principle? I'm just not seeing that one. I'm gonna look it up. A thing that got to me having to do with that, their side's little section they got together was being VERY RUDE! Like when they'd walk by all they'd say was cuss words and just yelling about how they'd kick our... yeah yeah yeah It was horrible. All our parents and the adults on our side could hear it. They made a huge scene and NOTHING was said to them.
  13. Well the other two guys I will tell you kept saying "you stink" stuff like that... We were just making chester county's coach mad. Where our student section actually sat was right behind their guys, but I mean that's the way they had it set up sooo lol. I'm sure it was just getting annoying that 50+ students were chanting and stuff and yelling at their players to "SIT DOWN!!" when they'd sub out. I could see him gettin annoyed, but when he finally blew at the beginning of the third quater he stopped the game turned around to us and started yelling about how if he heard the word "suck" one more time that whoever said it would get kicked out and our team would get a penalty (sp?). So about that time one of the two guys said "we can't said suck?" and chester co.'s coach goes "U U'RE OUTTA HERE!!!!" then the cops proceeded to head over to our section and then the refs came over there and was yelling about how we were making a mockary (sp?) of the game. It was just a big big ordeal. The refs said that they were getting paid and that they would not put up with the way we were treating them. They don't understand how bad it woulda been if we would have been at home. We don't really yell that mean of things, but just like in college games we were booing when we didn't agree with some calls and we also chanted "I'm blind, I'm deaf, I wanna be a ref" but we only did that ONCE! It just killed me cus we're usually alot worse. I know some of the things we say shouldn't be allowed so I'm not looking to get yelled at on here about it, I'm just trying to find some proof. But yeah though like I said after it was all over with one of their guys got kicked out and four of ours either was kicked out or left. I believe the line was "if you can't sit down and just watch the game quietly you can leave" when I walked out. I don't see the point of paying to get in and having to sit down and not yell?
  14. TigerGirl


    Okay I got basically kicked out of a basketball game. Two other guys were escorted out and me and another girl were asked to leave or be quiet. I'd like somebodys help... Anybody got a link to a website where I can read all the rules and regulations of the basketball games? I have NO clue about what all can be done, and bla bla bla. The whole point is, I need to know the rules so I can have some sort of argument for like the things such as Cheering sections... and the crowds (what can be said/cheered and what cannot) Thanks!!!
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