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Everything posted by SaulakaPaul

  1. H Ha ha, I'm not even a Webb fan, Redneck.
  2. With your cake walk to the Championship game yearly schedule
  3. Aren't you supposed to be on the little boy 3A boards??? Yes?
  4. I missed it, sorry. Guessing 6th, maybe 7th?
  5. And aren't you supposed to be on the little boy 3A boards?
  6. Oh gosh lol. What grade are y'all in BTW?
  7. I was just stating how immature you fellas are, which seems to have struck a nerve. Just stating the obvious. All of you come over as complete fools, who cannot have a meaningful conversation about football without being condescending towards another team or there fans. Anyway, why are y'all on the big boy boards?
  8. Seriously...Y'all act like 10 year olds. I really wouldn't be proud of that if I were you. Your little immature shenanigans are pathetic and really not humorous in the least bit, except between yourselves, which is equivalent to a 12 year old circle jerk amongst yourselves.
  9. Most immature fanbase on this website and it isn't even close.
  10. Lame childish reply, as expected from you fella's. What grade are you in?
  11. Is it just me or do Alcoa fans have the short man (little pecker) syndrome? They're all so fragile and get so flustered when someone brings into question the greatness of their version of Gods gift to football. (Alcoa). Thanks for the comedy, guys. It's so obvious when all of you get flustered. I can just see you behind your keyboards all red faced and veins popping out of your foreheads. It'll be ok.
  12. Who cares? Was the United States helped built off of the sweat of African American slaves backs or not? Typical white American deflection .
  13. The genocide was in reference to the Native American's. And slavery was brought over in to the America's in 1619, before the United States was even a country! And just for the record, I'm a white man. I just like to point out truths. There's nothing wrong with pointing out truths that 95% of American's want to dance around. You won't read this stuff in most American History books. It's good to know real history, like Columbus being a genocidal murdering slave trading rapist (while we honor him for a holiday for crying out loud) so we don't repeat these things.
  14. Well, I do commend you for having the kahunas to somewhat agree.
  15. You mean by the sweat off slaves backs, and genocide and murder? Hate to burst your bubble, but that is what this country was built upon. I will now fall back and witness the outpouring of rage against what I said. Oh well, the truth hurts. It isn't me disliking this country, it's just the basic facts.
  16. yeah i'm not an OR fan but i have been around the area for awhile watching them and they still have plenty of talent to win but the kids just dont seem to be getting coached up. offensive line play has been atrocious for years it seems. they have everything u want in a football program talent facilities tradition great fans and everything you need to be successful but again the coaching just looks very lackluster. i really think if they wanna move forward that gaddis should step down. his time has come an gone i think. let somebody else do the job. you can only hang on to 1991 for so long as someone else said.
  17. i agree it was terrible. they run the same predictable plays over and over and over. you can do that if you can actually block, but they don't. and wv qb ran the same qb keeper play about 10 times in a row an they never caught on. terrible all around coaching just terrible.
  18. This was his 4th year things haven't gotten any better
  19. I think he should step down. As other posters have said this team got worse.
  20. Maybe its time for Gaddis to step down and let some new young blood come coach the team? What say you OR fans?
  21. So, nobody ever really answered with a definitive answer, or maybe no one actually knows. Will Tee play basketball? Anyone?
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