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Everything posted by Jdjones767676

  1. A. I live in shelbyville. B. I graduated at Franklin County. C. Make a Franklin County vs Coffee County thread and post there. D. Have a good day.
  2. There is no need to say anything. It's the worst Tullahoma team in history probably. You seem to be really high on coffee because they have a better team than usual which would not be hard to achieve at all but your attitude will change after you finish 2nd to last in ur district with no better than 3 wins.
  3. Wrong thread but If Tullahoma plays like they did against Coffee we will beat them 50-0
  4. I guess after they beat Tullahoma this week just like your "athletic" raiders did last week.
  5. You must have missed the game on tv last year. Oh yea. Shelbyville stomped giles and has more this year!
  6. So the coffee coach is calling the game off I guess?
  7. You seem to be taking this way too serious. I will stop picking on you now. Y'all should win tonight but if Tullahoma pulls the upset. Oh dear...
  8. You are right. Real winners don't boast. Must be why you have 80% of the comments on this thread and others....
  9. Not mad. Just thinks it funny that coffee gets one athlete in 20 years and thinks they will win it all. Even with him they will still have a losing record.
  10. Wilson central wins this if what I've heard about vanzant and napper is true.
  11. They wouldn't let you build on the landfill? Too bad your trashy team would fit right in.
  12. Why if Coffee so good they should demolish Tullahoma, after all they are 4A and you guys are 6A!!! COME ON MAN!
  13. Coffee did scrimmage FCHS this past spring. I believe it was 3-2 coffee with the quarterback scoring all TDs. What was the score last year in a game that counted?
  14. It doesn't matter. Doesn't seem like they have ever used it much.
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