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Everything posted by Gunner0331

  1. Good job North. Central did come ready to play. Need to tighten some things up before next week.
  2. He is a good one. We miss him. North is still in good hands though.
  3. Maybe Bullrush. But we r not gonna take these guys lightly. We do not wanna give them the satisfaction of saying we were their first win. Let them Bragg about beating East or Union.
  4. I believe that poster can spell better than he lets on.
  5. You think their first victory this season will be with North?
  6. Wow. Not sure where you heard all that. Lol.
  7. The color of the Dark Horse is Black N Gold.
  8. I predict 20 - 19 at the half DB. Because they come hard out of the gate. By the end of the game 47-20 Greeneville. Mainly because of the discipline and stamina Greeneville has.
  9. Yeah, I would say North took Cumberland gap for granted in that game. Due to the fact that two years prior when CG played in our region, everyone in Region 1 took them to the wood shed. What was the final score between North and Rockwood last year?
  10. Seems as if that was last years prediction as well. Didn’t turn out that way though.
  11. Now matter how the chips fall this season, lets make dang sure Region 1 beats region 2 this season.
  12. You can't out scheme a group of Spartan warriors. Especially if they are bigger, stronger and faster than you are. A black belt can't whip a grizzly bear just because he's a black belt.
  13. I hear Chuckey Doak lost a lot of their seniors. Last year was probably the best team that I have ever seen them have. Sounds like you boys on Warrior Hill are about on target.
  14. Here is my list of the top teams in 2A: 1.????? high school 2.????? high 3.????? high school 4.????? high 5.????? high school Those predictions are not wrong. There is no way to predict who the top teams are until games start playing for the season. You can always hope though.
  15. This thread should have been a west TN thread instead of " Top Teams of 2A thread." But, no one from the East has posted on this thread until now.
  16. Seen some footage of Central. They look better that they were last year. Your # 44 looks to be a critical asset to your team this season.
  17. Good meeting Uknolittle today. I believed we could have talked football all day. He is first class. Anybody heard how the Happy Valley/ Central scrimmage went today?
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