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Everything posted by Ibleedpurple97

  1. Our football program is rock bottom here on the hill. Yes we do have some talent. If this coach stays I'm fearful there will be less kids next year because I'm hearing more will be leaving and no one will replace them. Even some of our middle school teams parents has mentioned leaving also. Indian it's hard to get more helmets on the sideline when all you do is lose with a staff that is clueless. I have talked to several people in our surrounding counties and they tell me it's the worse team they have seen on the field in years from up here. If you don't see that I'm wondering what kool-aid your drinking. That's a fact jack!
  2. We're young Indian we will be better next year. How many total yards did we have? I would guess no more than 140. Some believers have gone MIA on here.
  3. Same old story same old results. I have always been told same old Grundy County BS.
  4. Your right brown bag but I think it's just a few mountain people that see it. That's the bad part. We have some good ideas in our football program but we don't have the right people in the key places to see the kids grow and get them to their full potential. I hope the tribe and them Indians take it easy on ole jack backer and them jackets tonight. Nevertheless dress warm it's the best weather of the football season so far.
  5. So now we're losing athletes in multiple sports too. It just continues to get worse.
  6. What else are you referring to?
  7. I wonder if any other small town is as political as this mountain is? It was bad before but now it's gotten unreal since last November.
  8. I think the Holland kid played his freshman year up here is all. The rest I think you are correct on.
  9. I think if what your sayings true people up here need to get off our rears and go before the administration and board and speak our peace. But that's just the thing everyone hear talks about things but aren't willing to stand up for them or our children. Numbers speak loud and clear on issues but just have to have the people willing to stick together.
  10. At what point do you wake up and see the problems?
  11. Better watch out! This could be another setup from us to get the Indians this time. There's still a lot in that whole Marion situation to surface and come to light from what I have been told. Time will tell. That's a fact jack!
  12. It wouldn't surprise me if anyone that wants more from a sports program wouldn't pick up and leave this mountain. It's headed for a big disaster and people are starting to realize it. Sequatchie wins big this week and against us next week.
  13. I would love to see our boys get this win. Honestly we are our own enemy with all the turnovers and penalties and have been all season. I think whether Yorks quarterback is back will decide the outcome of this game.
  14. According to BWhite he is very close to the situation.
  15. I agree with this post. We all know small town politics was involved in this hire. That's a fact jack!
  16. Oh me I just looked back and saw this. I should so hope this story holds no truth what so ever about our administration.
  17. Sad to say but I think Dekalb wins 32-12.
  18. That place was condemned years ago it's a dump. It should have been bulldozed then. People need to quit living in the past with that old high school and move on. That's a fact jack!
  19. No one in our county wants anything good. It's been this way for years as long as your in the click and get the jobs you want it doesn't matter about the children here. If that's denied then you need to sit back and look at the big picture and it's plain to see. That's just my two cents.
  20. I actually agree with you jacket! Not everything but most of it.
  21. Maybe that Tate man and the family can get the grants they need to open up that dream high school out there in Tracy City along so they can play the smaller 1A schools and try and make him look like an ole ball coach. Now wake up from your dream and take a step back and realize it's about the children in this county not about personal gain for a coach or the administration at all. Here in this county we have lost that focus and you being one of the main ones. I do bleed purple unlike yourself. I guess when the seat gets hot you try and get the heat to go somewhere else. That's a fact jack.
  22. If ole coach tate would worry more about his children he's suppose to be teaching today an coaching this evening than spending his time on coacht he might can find his second win. You think I'm joking but I'm not.
  23. There is a reason the kids here doesn't want to play. If you go out and get embarrassed every time you suited up wouldn't you look for something else better to do than waste your time? Look at Marion and South Pittsburg, both have more kids dressed on the sidelines and both are smaller schools. Could it be because they are winning programs? I'm tired of hearing about the old GCHS field also and two high schools in this county. You might want to stop and think about what your wishing for there people. Think for a minute where the majority of your athletes are coming from. Your summer league baseball programs that are winning what town are they from? Your basketball teams within county are winning more from where? I say keep preaching then you will be in worse shape than we already are. Fact is people support winning teams, they don't support losing teams.
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