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Everything posted by BatmanLives

  1. I think if all the games are played going forward, this match-up could be one of the better football games in NET this year.
  2. Can your imagine the news in central America if there was nobody watching our borders.The new fence would look like Swiss cheese.
  3. Actually if that worked and nobody came into the country, it would be over in a couple of weeks.BUT, as everyone likes to compare it to the flu, it's going to jump back up like Tyson Fury did a couple of fights ago, just when you thought he was beat.Also , that little problem of when there are no police and what will happen in about half a second. Not to count all the other things people will post.
  4. I think for now ETSU classes are all online and nothing happening with sports this fall.Off campus gathering is 100% garanteed with college age students.
  5. Except for the doctor's office,I've not been anywhere in NET that the mask was enforced , including voting ..... I watched Fulmer talking about getting I think he said 25% or 25,000 into Neyland,either way half a dozen or 6 point something. That's going to be Just like a high school game, except a whole lot more folks will be very unhappy. I'd guess to even have folks in Neyland sitting six feet apart in all directions would bring that number way on down closer to 5 thousand if that. That's probably the number of police alone that it would take to enforce making 25000 UT fans keep a mask on if it's required.
  6. That doing what is right part has been the problem with a lot of folks that were supposed to be our leaders. Not trying to pick on either party because both have had some good ones and both have had some lemons.
  7. As I've said before.I don't envy the people who have to make the calls to shut down schools or sports programs. Your going to be like our president after every election year , just as soon as he or she takes office.About half the people will hate whatever you do 99% of the time.Man,I really want to see some football this year. I really also want to see everything back to the old normal .That way we can just worry about all the other 10,000 things that can either screw up a good day or make it a totally awesome day..
  8. Pretty easy for me to see the tricities networks and papers should cover the Devils atleast equal to the southwest Virginia schools they cover Seems like the local reporters would go back to the old days of the Lost State ,where Greeneville was the capital and a few other pretty good teams were considered to be in NET.
  9. No question in my mind that the Castle is a place everyone should visit atleast once to watch a football game or just to see the history and old beauty of the Stone Castle.The hardest rain that I ever sat in for a high school game was a DB vs TH game several years ago in the Castle. The coldest was a playoff game between DB and SH in JC. Both were also big wins for the home teams.Maybe it will be clear for this one ! Although I'd love to come on up after getting my ticket tomorrow online,I'll step to the side and give every parent and family member for both sides players,band and cheerleaders an equal chance to watch their sons and daughters perform.That's something they will cherish for the rest of their lives. Oh ,the parents and family members will also enjoy being there .......
  10. Sounds like a very solid DB team this year.Kickers and punters are game changers when everything else is fairly equal.Beating an average team by 30 points when your team missed an extra point and had a 10 yard punt might not get you beat that night . Against a second or third round team with field position or a game winning field goal at stake could make for a different outcome. I'm sure someone will step into those shoes if all goes well and this cloud hanging over will just move on and let the sun shine through.
  11. Sometimes people referring to Hawaii , call it paradise.We brought up Hawaii and covid the other day.I know there is probably a good explanation but I noticed something today on the CDC map.Last week Hawaii had over Four thousand total cases and 40 deaths to that date .Today they have had over Five thousand total cases and report a total of 39 deaths with zero added. Maybe Hawaii is paradise after all , unless your Captain Cook.
  12. Little something for the DB fans and just happened to be one of those games that I was a visitor and my kids were on the home side.My favorite pregame at any level.
  13. I can tell you right now that nomatter what your stance on mask or how you vote this November,there is someone on the other side that can spit out facts to make your argument look incorrect. I'd bet any amount of money that I could get my hands on,Ben Shapiro could take either side ,Right or even left,{ mask or no mask } against anyone of us on coacht and make us look like a deer in headlights.Heck,Batman can even figure out that rates vs total numbers is probably going to swing things either way you want.Even better is go with what scientist or magazines that fits your needs and it makes your argument look the best. Ben is like a computer and talks a mile a minute while we would probably get mad and start spitting out whatever with a little flavor added.
  14. Hawaii ? I admit that's pretty surprising this morning.
  15. I understand the game they have to play .Some schools will probably give season ticket holders their same tickets right now.When actual games and opponents are played is going to be hard to determine with so many changes in scheduling already and yet to be done.The social distance factor and all that as well. I can see all kinds senarios and none of them will make a vast majority of the fans happy, if that is ,a season is played.
  16. Has anyone got a quick list of all the top teams that are actually going to play within the next couple of weeks.You can just name your own favorite .A follow-up question is how are they going to seat fans. Will your season ticket holders get to keep their seats or some kind of social distance ,first come first serve.Better edit,going to play in the next couple to four weeks as of now.
  17. Probably the only way it's going to happen for a lot of teams this year
  18. I'll say this about mask and wearing them. I've been in several places that either ask, request ,required or had a picture of them with small and or large print .The only place that I've never seen someone that wasn't wearing a mask, was at the doctor's office. So you can pretty much say any study in this part of the state is anything you want to call it except 100 percent factual .
  19. I'm sure that's probably the only AD,coach or representative of a high school that ever went on social media and said something like that,maybe on coacht under an anonymous name ? Good thing the regular fans on here are not looked at like the college boosters. Every team in the state would be on probation for life.
  20. Not just for athletes but that was the driving force to go online instead of wide open as many wanted.There is a decision or two that is perplexing to me and I'm sure the answer makes sense .If it's online,why do teachers have to teach at some schools and not from home. People in the know understand where I'm going with the rest of this .Many of those teachers have kids and that is where the perplexing part at some of those schools comes in.
  21. My question was did our government back then lie or what did we do different in the US in 1918 compared to the rest of the world to be so successful .If the numbers are correct that I seen,we accounted anywhere from around .5 percent up to around 3 percent of the Spanish flu deaths..If the numbers with todays covid19 were correct " and we all know they are probably not with China ", then the US would account for over 20 percent of covid19 deaths.
  22. Not being smart here but just a real question with what little facts I just dug up . Anyone on coacht that is an historian might know the answer to this but I don't.The Spanish flu pandemic just over a hundred years ago infected an estimated 500 million and killed between 20 and 50 million world wide.Some estimates go up to 100 million world wide.The united states lost an estimated 675 thousand. Now the question is simply what did we do differently to only have such a small percentage of the worlds deaths compared to this pandemic.Or,did our government just pull a China in 1918.
  23. I think we can all agree to disagree and that's perfectly fine.I know someone who works in the school system and trys every way in the world to do what is ask for the safety of everyone.The highest people within their system seem to be doing the same and are very sensitive to the situations many of the staff has.Now when you drop below the vice principal level , apparently there is a disconnect with understanding five or more people can't stand together in a small space and the fact a mask is required . Had to clear the last few sentences but basically if you do those things especially in our schools, it's on you and yours and should only be your Hades to travel into if those decisions bite you.When it hurts others, it's simply inexcusable..
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