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Posts posted by ghostofthepast

  1. 7 hours ago, RTD said:

    He can't say that he is too big of a troll and hater to give the boys of TC the credit they deserve. He is too busy accusing the coaches and kids of criminal acts against younger females. 

    Accusing?  Seriously, your county schools has people in prison and on sex offender websites. Accusations, ... it's convictions now, mate.

  2. 2 hours ago, DealLawyer said:

    Stick to whining about upperman losing to 1A schools please.  

    Yeah, you guys should def lecture people on whining, you guys can't even post on here without back channeling potential excuses incase you do lose so that it's never your fault as a team.






  3. 13 hours ago, H2Oman said:

    Yeah unfortunately you’re right. I was told of one that could barely spell his name after graduating.

    I’ve always been amazed that  some TC folks have made a God out of someone who was so worried about winning football games that he didn’t worry about his kids future after football was over!

    I’m not bashing TC here and from what I hear it’s improved quite a bit here lately, but there was a time that winning football games is all that mattered!

    It still is that way.  Nothing changed.


    6 hours ago, jimmycrackedthatcorn said:

    I did not move to TC until the Creasy era, so I was not here in the CS days. I have heard some crazy stories. But every program has hot-headed fans, backstabbing, and disgruntled fans.  I am beginning to wonder if ghosty got popped by one.

    Sure sure.  and since I'm still pretty young, chances are I was punched while under age, which means it was probably a coach from TC, but I guess I should feel lucky, were I a teenage girl it would have been much worse with your guys and players up there.

  4. 16 hours ago, jimmycrackedthatcorn said:

    Right here.  You were responding to me. You quoted me and this was your response. Now if you did not mean me, then why you quote me? Looks like you falsely accused me. 

    Waiting on my apology. 

    It was  blanket statement for the fanbase on here including your boy TC.  You can't actually defend some of the comments on here you go along with, so this is your defense?  Why didn't you correct those who were, because if you don't correct the lie, it really means you agree with it.


    Also, Jeopardy music?   I just spent half a day off of here, I don't live on here like some.


  5. Just now, jimmycrackedthatcorn said:

    I am waiting . I never said Upperman canceled. You claimed I did.  So that is a lie.

    Your diarrhea of the mouth is getting old. Take some Immodium. 

    You might better watch all the slandering on here especially about minors. There could be a lawyer reading. 

    Show me where I said YOU speciically said that.  Threaten somewhere else liar.  Haven't mentioned a single minors name, that's the TC defense ya'll, threatening lawsuits and making stuff up.

  6. 51 minutes ago, jimmycrackedthatcorn said:

    Show me where I supposedly said Upperman canceled the game because I never did. Get your lies and accusations straight little guy. 

    There are at least 4-5 posts on here from die hard, obvious TC homers including TC Radio, stating it was mutually agreed on.  It wasn't, BS cancelled, and Caine couldn't do s about it because they are the road team.  Like I said, you guys can't even keep your lies in order.


    I just blew up TC's lie about coach E, and now he's back tracking on it... and if I wanted to I could post which of our boys have been arrested in the past 16 months if it weren't in bad taste to do that to minors. 



  7. 48 minutes ago, TCRadio said:

    You must have me confused, I did post on here that we are the ones who cancelled, both teams were battling issues but we(TC/BS) made the decision. And yes Coach E was well thought of but “Legend” come on man. Maybe on a bass boat. I have no secrets I’ve told exactly what I know, I don’t know exactly what went down with E and the player, all I know are the facts that are in front of me. All you ever try to do on here is slander and downgrade TC, at first I thought you were a jealous outsider, but it’s becoming more clear you are from TC, you dislike the beliefs in TC, and the delusional fans(yes there is some, I use to be, I’m a heck of a lot more realistic now) and I wonder if the reason you don’t say anything bad about BS is because you went to school with him, and may need that relationship to get a job, Coach! 

    You backtrack on your" it wasn't an assault" claim now? By saying now you don't know, when an hour or two ago you KNEW!!!  You gonna get your story straight at any point, man?  Coach called the kid a mf and struck him in the middle of practice.  Talk to your local news man, he put it in the paper.  You're telling me a guy who reports and announces this team didn't know that?  I find that hard to believe, easier to believe is that alot of you guys are LIARS.

    Yet you expect people to believe a word that comes out of your mouth?  OMG it's getting thick in here.  So, keep it coming with the insults and the guesses, you've got no ground to stand on, you have lied each time you have posted today in this thread.  You are grabbing at straws about who I am when I know all of your dirty secrets. 

    Your credibility is shot.  Go home.


  8. Just now, Mr. Postman1 said:

    Be sure and try to call the westmoreland/TC game this year man

    Doesn't matter dude, if they win you guys will be an amazing team on the rise they overcame, and if they lose... they'll trot out the excuse bag...  heck, TC can't even update a game without throwing out excuses every other sentence.

  9. 7 minutes ago, TCRadio said:


    This bottom post is foolish and doesn’t deserve a response, and if you know E, like you think you do you know why he moved across the state to Coach with his life long best friend, you would know he was going through things at home, you would know his suspension was for his outburst, you can’t say certain things to those in charge.  I love your disdain and hatred of TC, anything to blemish the school you used to work for!  

    So, care to explain why there had to be a sit down meeting between the coach, and the Administrators of the high school after the events of a certain practice?  Why there was an article over it in the Lebanon Democrat, and Hartsville Vidette?   Because all you are doing right now, is what you tried earlier, spin the lie by omitting the facts.  He wasn't "charged" with assault, your words, well plenty of people aren't "charged" but it still happens.  Fact remains, why would an amazing coach thought of as a legend in the county, disappear from a county in a year after this "event" took place. 

    HAHA, and you are the same dude who wouldn't come right out and say BS cancelled Upperman even though he said it, and Coach Caine said it.  The fact anyone, anywhere, takes anything you guys say as serious, is laughable.

    Also, bottom post is relevant to point out your hypocrisy.  You sir, are the biggest hypocrite on here, because you know the truth, but keep covering it up with lies and spin.  You can't even admit this and it happened 5 years ago.  Keep telling me I'm some disgruntled ref, or former employee, or Watertown fan.  Seems that I have a very clear picture of some of these events, and all you are doing is leaving holes, and lies everywhere.





  10. 12 minutes ago, jimmycrackedthatcorn said:

    If he is a ref, he needs to be blackballed working any TC game. He clearly is prejudiced against Blake and cannot be trusted to be fair. 

    you guys can just add it to the excuse pile for later, right?



  11. 53 minutes ago, TCRadio said:

    I’ve already stated, the Synder deal is legitimate but he had nothing to do with the football team, Coach E did not assault the kid, if so don’t you think there would have been charges? I’m not in denial just telling the facts, synder is in prison where he should be and Coach E was never charged with assault 

    So, a husband beats his wife, but she doesn't press charges, so the husband isn't a wife beater...

    That's what @TCRadiois telling you right here.

  12. 51 minutes ago, TCRadio said:

    I’ve already stated, the Synder deal is legitimate but he had nothing to do with the football team, Coach E did not assault the kid, if so don’t you think there would have been charges? I’m not in denial just telling the facts, synder is in prison where he should be and Coach E was never charged with assault 

    Coach did assault the kid, and he was brought before the principal and had another outburst.   The kid's family didn't press charges, but assault was assault when a player is physically struck by a coach infront of half of the team and called a mf infront of the team.  If he didn't assult the kid, then dude was suspended for what exactly then?  He was forbidden from coaching football again for what then?  Seems like a harsh penalty for just words?????  Explain it to me o mighty master of all things TC football denial?

    Why would a guy thought of as an amazing dude, amazing coach, get suspended, forbidden from coaching in the county, and decide to leave to take a lesser position half way across the state away from his kids?

    He's a great dude, other than this, but come on man, how long can you guys keep lying your #### off up there to try and act like you have any control?  This kinda stuff right here is why none of you have any credibility, because you are straight up bald faced liars on EVERYTHING.





  13. 16 hours ago, jimmycrackedthatcorn said:

    1. Quit making it sound like TC posters are crushing on boys. Not true. We support our  player sons and their friends. 

    2. Why are you pulling up metrics to see how often TC posters are on the site. Your obsession with us is pretty sick. You may want to see a shrink. Ask the Doctor to help you with Little Man Syndrome while you are at it and work on anger management.  

    3. Why do you care about the tax rate in TC or what teachers/coaches get paid? You did not get the head job, remember? 

    4. Loyal fans focus on the good . We do not have control of any of the bad. As long as we follow the rules of CoachT,  we are allowed to post on any forum.

    5. You may not post alot but you are sure on here watching and reading alot. Anyone can check your profile to see the last time you were creeping on here as in 38 mins ago. . 


    you are aware the metrics are on the side of the window ======> Right?


    Loyal fans?  You guys lie your #### off.  You were just on here a week ago saying Upperman cancelled that game because only thing seniors and juniors could play.  Blake Satterfield himself said TC cancelled, you guys can't even keep the lies uniform with your HC.

  14. 8 minutes ago, RTD said:

    You call yourself mature and you're on a website making false claims about kids being arrested or coaches sexually molesting kids but we are the ones with problems. This is a high school football forum but all you do is hate just not on the school and the adults but the kids on the team seem to to be the only ones with the issues is you. 

    False claims, Steven Snyder, look it up bro.  Coach assaulting a kid, that's coach E, and everyone knows that too.

    AS far as kids being arrested, come on dude, nothing false about that, I'm just not naming kids.

    You guys are in denial, Jesus it's bad.


  15. 23 hours ago, RTD said:

    There is no point in even having a conversation with you. The game was canceled because of covid. I think you need some help you have some serious issues to be this obsessed with putting down a high school football team full of kids.

    Not obsessed, unlike you, I've spent weeks and months off of this website.  You, and your bros are on here every hour, every day, every week.  Coach T shows the metric, it's kinda shameful for you guys to spend so much of your life on here for a website dedicated to kids. 

    But when you guys pipe up with your self-righteous garbage about the glory of Hartsville, or try and pass bs lies as TC hard truths, I reappear to point out the hypocricy.  About the only defense you guys have is trying to ban me, or personal insults.


    Want someone to envy your town, pay your workers more than state minimums. Bring in a tax base.  Oh wait, if you do that then the population will increase, and you'll get moved up, and you're already having a hard enough time winning 2A titles for a county that ONLY cares about one thing.  




  16. 23 hours ago, GBO52 said:

    It makes you look like a moron to be on every single TC feed constantly talking bad about a program revolved around HS student athletes. Get a life bum. I'm not from TC, actually consider them a cross town rival so this is from an outsider looking in big dawg. Grow up!!

    Yeah, gee, thanks, mature adult male spending hours fangirling teenage boys.

  17. 13 hours ago, RTD said:

    We don't pick who is and who isn't in our district. Make a valid argument this is something tats out of TC control we do t pick our district opponents. TC can't help it if H2O is having a down year. 

    You guys try and spin whatever.. I mean you literally have people on here saying Upperman cancelled.  Geeze, just admit you guys cancelled because you were gonna get whipped.  EVERBODY knows this.  It just makes you guys look worse to be in such denial.


  18. 12 hours ago, TCRadio said:

    you're right, both teams were battling covid and both agreed not to play but because we were the home team, the decision was ultimately ours, and why would we want to play the mighty bees and risk spreading covid to more of our guys, when we can let them get extra rest for the indians in region play.  Makes no sense except that we were worried about getting mercy ruled by the greatest upperman team in history. I can't believe you have figured this thing out so quickly. Props to you Whoopi Goldberg!

    It's sad you guys can't even admit you are excited you don't have to take that L.  It means you get to walk around acting like you could have beat them when everyone knows you guys were gonna get hammered. 

    The delusion on the Creekbank is tremendous.

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