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  1. tnlax82

    corey ayers

    okay. now i remember him. corey used to talk about him a lot. he is pretty good. i saw him play club with corey all last year a couple of times. corey told me how he totally owned lewin in the 97 championship game once. i think he hit lewin so hard he broke lewin's hip. i ve seen a little bit of the game. he's from north carolina i think.
  2. tnlax82

    corey ayers

    rabil is playing for who at the world games?
  3. tnlax82

    corey ayers

    corey is my uncle. he talked to me about it last weekend during state. he made the team through tryouts a while back. its pretty ancient. as far as the other guys i don't know who they are, rabil, kemp?
  4. tnlax82

    jason lewin

    my bad. what i meant to say was 7 out 15, 1 more than mus has all together. j.l
  5. tnlax82

    jason lewin

    mccallie has won 7 of the last 10. i am pretty sure we are not overrated.
  6. redtwin better not be playing for music city. he is slow. i will take him. j.l.
  7. tnlax82

    matt rabil

    i thought rabil was puerto rican?
  8. tnlax82

    jason lewin

    i heard this guy was okay but way overrated. isn't he the chinese kid from canada who played at MUS. where does he play now?
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