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Everything posted by TrojanOT50

  1. i hope volunteer wins, but it aint happening.
  2. boone's line up really will suprise you. number 9 and 7 are not very big, but they know how to tackle. and boone plays very hard. east just needs to stick it at them and keep hicks from running the ball, his quickness will suprise you. this could be a good game if east brings there A game, if not, boone by 14.
  3. i've played both..... east is better. if they show up and play hard, they'll win.
  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......... plz dont kick this guy off he's hillarious, and apparantly he has the fastest balls in the world. hahaha. now to the game..... are we talking about football or basketball.....? cause this is a football forum, so i'm gonna guess its football. boone will dominate crockett, it will get ugly. i'd like to see crockett win a game cause i like them and all, but it aint happening.
  5. coach woods is like that, a real class act. were not in the buisness of embarassing nobody. there family and friends are watching them play just like us.
  6. volunteer is a good group of guys who plays hard. that new coach seems to know what hes doing. the only thing i see that i think should be better is a weight program. it just seems like they tire easy. but they fight til the end. good luck falcons on the rest of your season.
  7. well i guess if we havent played anyone remotely good then we still havent after tonights game. GOOSE EGG!
  8. i dont see whats wrong. someone give details of the game. i talked to brad last night and i told him that if east just played like they can they would win. so someone say what happened that was so bad. i heard it was a good game.
  9. actually.......... fplayer83 is a quarterback........ number 10 for east. get your facts strait.
  10. TOMMY! bout time to see you on here! i was hoping the rumor about bradley being this chump wasnt true! he already admitted to being mr. barnard at mo'town athletics! well its great to see that your still supporting those trojans! can't wait to you get back to good ole morristown so you can watch us play! good luck tommy, god be with you!
  11. well i've not taken the act yet, so a 22 is a score that i thought i should aim for! higher is always better tho, and i will do my best on the test. and i didnt think fiegler was going to l'ville? i didnt say i was goin there, they just look good.
  12. and why are you concerned with me off the field? i stay out of all possible trouble, heck i go out of my way to stay out of trouble. and i will continue to. thanks for the compliments you've given towards me. i'm working hard on my act study skills and my goal is set to make a 22! so i can go wherever i think suits me best. and right now i'll be honest, them cardinals in louisville are looking good! oh well, time to terminate my account! usa go ahead and jump on this trojan bandwagon, better early than late! GO TROJANS!!!!!
  13. trojandad, as well as every other parent, thinks your the guy that runs mo'town athletics, us players think your bradley james. but i really dont care anymore. either way your a coward. and i feel like an idiot for falling into your trap and responding to you, i'm terminating my account with coacht here in a lil bit. i've earned the respect of my teammates and every person thats ever lined up against me. i've recieved high honors and love to play football! the opinions of a coward do not matter to me anymore. coach brown made me realize that trash talk is not involved with the game of football, its playing a game where you go out and leave everything on that field. Will is right, we play cause we love this game! not cause of what one individual thinks! no more talk will be needed on these forums, lets do all our talking on friday nights with them pads! volunteer is next! GO TROJANS!!!!! LETS GET BACK TO THE BURRO!
  14. from what i know lee is a good guy, when we(mo town west) scrimmaged them he was a real class act towards me(no. 50, right tackle) and has a great ability to catch the ball. good luck to powell and webb on the rest of your season!
  15. jeff countys defense is not to great this year, but there offense is great at ball control. i'd look for jeff to keep it close by keeping the ball out of campbell's hands. jeff by 14.
  16. yeah i did see you at the bees last night! that was some good food. and hey dont joke about duke football, us durham natives love our blue devils no matter what sport! haha. yes we might as well quit answering, considering bradley is real steamed that his sr. year was horrible, but thats how it is sometimes. but bradley it wont your fault! you only played what, 3 games? its ok man, let it go.
  17. you know what your right! louisville's o line coach wasnt there and didnt tell me afterwords i had an outstanding game, and that its great we run the ball behind me, it shows i'm a leader who can get the job done...... i lie, he was there, and said all of that. i dont see how you can say your trying to get me pumped for fridays, when you really are just good at jokes! pretty dang good, i'd pay to watch your standup act. thumb
  18. i'm really not sure, something like 14- 7 first quarter, then we went up 28 to 7 with 40 seconds left before halftime and they ran one back, making it 28 to 14. then the second half there offense did a great job keeping it out of our hands, hats off to them for that, we got the ball 3 times the whole second half, and 1 of those possessions was just going out and taking a knee. the final score was 34 to 17. we had the ball a total of 8 times and scored 5. not to shabby. cause one whole series was the victory formation.
  19. GREAT HIT CRUM! it looked even better on the highlights on the news! and jeff ran out during the national anthem? i didnt see that i just heard about it. usa keep trying........... cause it aint working thumb 2-0
  20. central wins by 21 or more.....
  21. hey crum answer me this, who fumbles a pitch at swain county and lets it get took back for a td? just a quick riddle for ya.
  22. i always concentrate on my game, and i could care less about what you say now, but that stupid comment isnt true and you know it. if you know me like you have said you do then you know how hard i work at school and in the weight room and on the field.
  23. no possum here! haha. this team is so excited about this season. and yes i think we were better, but some people (who i will not name) on the team just didnt care and it showed. thanks for the comment though. good luck to THS this year, maybe we'll see you again this year!
  24. ok usa, here is the deal, i'm gonna quit in this ridiculous argument with you. you honestly are not worth my time, but i'm sure you know that already, your a coward that hides behind a computer, and try to argue otherwise it wont work. the more you talk the more i sit here and laugh, you talk about how good shockley was but then you diss the college he went to? college ball is college ball any way you slice it, atleast hes still playing, unlike you. and for your information, i can go to just about any school i want if my grades stay good this year, which they will be because i refuse to do poorly. and those colleges that want me to come play for them are a whole lot better than the imaginary N.C. State you went to. and if you know me like you say you do then you should already know that i am no punk, or no wannabe, and i respect everyone except cowards, and you fall under that category. talk trash about me all you want, or this team, its not gonna affect the score of our games any bit, but possibly make you look stupid every saturday if we win. and if you would really like to say something, you know where we practice, and i'll be glad to let you stand up in front of our team and say all this....but this is something you wont do, you have no honor, or integrity. and you made fun of austin peay but from the times you post at you probly work a nightshift at some factory, and i'd take austin peay over that any day. thats all i have for you, say all you want, but all thats the truth and if your man enough to admit thats fine with me, if not oh well. and everyone on the team that reads this, follow my lead, and do not respond to any junk. come here, be respectful and get ready to go on friday nights, cause thats all that really matters isnt it? not this forum trash talk.
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