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  1. I was at last night's games and I can truely say after being on the ALCOA end of the infamous in murvil's pocket referee's from 1980-1984 it was the worst officiating CLOWNS I have ever seen. First of all BW was being choked by # 8 from hop-town while checking on a fallen teammate. Second of all he was removing #8 hands from around his neck. Third of all the CLOWNS ejected BW & #8 who mysteriously came right back in the game on the very next play. If you are so content on proving to us that you are STUPID then by all means continue to open your mouth or should I say keep responding via message board. p.s. what about the nhsa approved gloves that had been worn for an entire quarter before the CLOWNS said remove them because they're illegal. In the future come correct or don't come at all!!!!!!
  2. I hope that this is'nt one of the bledsoe's that played football or coached me at ALCOA, cause if it is you guys are still MORONS!!! thumb
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