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Turtle last won the day on December 26 2023

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  1. hahahaha this is getting good! Sitting back and eating my popcorn
  2. Hahahahaha who recruit more JJ or Alcoa? That's today's question
  3. Alcoa has always played dirty the refs just never throw the flags. UC, they're just scared for their lives, that's what the AD and head coach said so I'm just hoping they show up at AE this year. Look at UC history, teams like AE , Central, Fulton, West always seems to get into with them. I'm just saying...
  4. AE isn't on the bottom, we've finished in the top 4 the last 5 or so years. Have we beat Alcoa nope but no other team has beat them as well. But there's one thing about AE , AE not scared to punch Alcoa in the mouth. You see how you all played dirty last game but wanted to cry AE was the dirty ones hahaha. So yall recruit and play dirty. I understand, you can't win championships without other team players . Come ot Alcoa, we'll put you in an apartment or house out here to make it legal, yea that's what yall do . Its finally out.
  5. But they don't "recruit" hahaha
  6. Oh you all recruited him too? So he's an Tornado next year? Yall just knew yall couldn't beat us next year so yall recruited him away. I knew it....
  7. We all would like to know. There's numerous reports out there so believe whichever one you want.
  8. Got plenty of players to coach especially if you all get out of their inbox TRYING to recruit them away.
  9. My info is wrong about Keith, as of today he is not on staff however, he's shown interest in joining the staff at AE.
  10. Not sure if he's really there but I'm hearing he is. I have yet go over there yet to see what's what.
  11. I don't think Keith will be a problem. I mean he is an assistant now and not head coach so he should be good. Another thing is, I don't think he was a problem at Clinton I think it was more of his assistants trying to over coach him.
  12. Also I'm hearing, Coach Keith from Clinton is now on staff. I know he put in for the head coach position but he still made his way over to the hill. I think he will fit in well at AE, I said that his first year at Clinton when Clinton came to AE to play.
  13. SS had a lot of things back in the days, I believe he will get what he wants when it comes to the things you said on the news. I think that's the reason why numbers are up. Like I said, I'm looking forward to the season, I think AE will be one of the most improved teams this year.
  14. He's great for the program, now its just for the players to buy in and listen to what he's bringing to the table.
  15. Numbers are up and all are buying in to what SS is bringing to the table. Looking forward to the season
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