in all reality, I was hoping this thread would've made it to page 27-30 like previous years but I guess, many don't think it'll be a contest tomorrow night. I'm hoping the Mighty Roadrunners can SHOCK the State and pull off one the BIGGEST upsets in recent High School History in the State of TENNESSEE! All it takes is for them to Believe and to come into the game thinking they can/will win. I know I only see Alcoa play early in the season and as always, I always state, "I wasn't impressed!" With that said, If AE can get pressure on the QB, put some swim moves on those linemen of Alcoa that ALWAYS HOLD but never get called for it, then stop #44 , and #00 I think we'll be aight! Oh yea gotta throw my boy out there too, #6, gotta contain his speed and I think we'll be in good shape. Its all about GETTING to the BALL, and WRAPPING UP!
1 Day before the BIGGEST UPSET in the State!!