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Turtle last won the day on December 26 2023

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  1. If I'm Shay, I'm calling Scotty Dykes for the opening spot. I know some folks might laugh and say, “He didn’t do much at Cocke County!” But lets be forreal, nobody seems to win there. At Harriman, Dykes could really shine with the skill players he’d have and the fact that his job is right by the school makes it a solid choice. Then he might even bring his son on board to coach the running backs, which could really boost the running game over at Harriman.I think Dykes could be a game changer for Harriman.
  2. Not all "Youth Programs"! Shoot this last year and this year Middle School teams weren't "High level" no where close!
  3. When it comes to the number of students inside of Alcoa, they always come back with a negative remark when someone brings that up. It seems like they're hiding something. I've said plenty of times that they have more than 3A numbers but ......
  4. I know nothing about WV but I wish you all the best of luck. Alcoa in my eyes is just like Alabama- The most hated team in Tennessee hahaha. But seriously, Alcoa can be beat that's all i'm saying
  5. I wasn't being funny I was being serious. 95% of the posters in this thread has already picked Alcoa to win. So I'm saying bring your A game, they put on their shoes and jersey's the same way.
  6. That's good, I would love to see Alcoa to be knocked off their last year in 3A so the best of luck to you all
  7. WV if you all don't think you can win, just stay home and let someone else go. Shoot, Alcoa can be beat if you go into the game thinking they can be beat. TOO many teams in the State of Tennessee is scared to line up with them because its them. Change your mindset and think you can win this game and you will!! #AnybodyButAlcoa Honestly, I for one don't care if they're moving up or not, we will still play them. Just give them a good game and don't be afraid to play them, that's all i'm saying! Good Luck both teams
  8. His pops is an AE Alumni , we'll get Bishop over to the HILL in that Red and Blue soon hahaha
  9. Let's you know the Future is Bright at AE!!!! That was basically Freshman vs Freshman in the 2nd half... and by the way Bishop isn't a freshmen he's a sophomore so let's not say, "Alcoa Freshman!" Thanks for the last few years my Alcoa friends, we'll miss you in 3A (Not really) but the best of luck to you. Now its time to get that gold ball back to MLK like the mid 80's and early 2000's. Let's Go AE!!
  10. The fat lady haven't sung yet, still time!
  11. ANYBODY but ALCOA, that's my saying too hahaha. Our "Little Guys" are ready and hopefully, it'll show in the game as well.
  12. I knew you'll get a kick out of that one hahahaha. Gotta admit that was funny ! hahah
  13. in all reality, I was hoping this thread would've made it to page 27-30 like previous years but I guess, many don't think it'll be a contest tomorrow night. I'm hoping the Mighty Roadrunners can SHOCK the State and pull off one the BIGGEST upsets in recent High School History in the State of TENNESSEE! All it takes is for them to Believe and to come into the game thinking they can/will win. I know I only see Alcoa play early in the season and as always, I always state, "I wasn't impressed!" With that said, If AE can get pressure on the QB, put some swim moves on those linemen of Alcoa that ALWAYS HOLD but never get called for it, then stop #44 , and #00 I think we'll be aight! Oh yea gotta throw my boy out there too, #6, gotta contain his speed and I think we'll be in good shape. Its all about GETTING to the BALL, and WRAPPING UP! 1 Day before the BIGGEST UPSET in the State!!
  14. And I've been saying that a lot but you all told me to not talk about the Middle School team. AE has dominated the middle School age groups the last 2 maybe 3 years therefore, Alcoa is RUNNING at the right time because those Roadrunners are looking to be back within the next few years. FUTURE is BRIGHT at AE!
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