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Everything posted by fanatic10

  1. Heavy D, I can tell you are a Dresden fan and so am I, but unlike you I am not a Coach West fan. He is a perfect example of a good player but bad coach
  2. Kaz, What I meant by my comment is that this team does not have the same experience most Oneida teams do. This team has not played together since elementary. Some come from Huntsville and Robbins, this is where there is not quite a gel.
  3. Kaz, What I meant by my comment is that this team does not have the same experience most Oneida teams do. This team has not played together since elementary. Some come from Huntsville and Robbins, this is where there is not quite a gel.
  4. I feel that Dresedens players can take them farther than their coach.
  5. While Dresdens coach was a good athelete in high school I feel that his age and coaching maturity level hurts his team. However Dresden does have a good assistant.
  6. I feel that Oneida is a talented team. However this team just doesn't seem to gel like previous ones. It could be the fact that several of the players are from county schools.
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