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Camper (1/14)



  1. TENNTARPOM UEFA 'C' Licensed - sat UEFA 'B' and awaiting licensure (UEFA 'A' is top award and only to be taken by ex-pro's and via invitation). Played Semi Professionally until injury forced me to play at a lower level Played BUSA (University) Div 1A - not sure what this is the equivalent to in USA
  2. Firstly I have helped coach at Chuckey Doak. I was under the impression that SG have played for more than one year as I have watched them play and offiated one game between the two - although I could be wrong. The players you mention as 'club players' have only had limited exposure to the club scene and as far as I am aware do not play anymore - the fact you know these players somehow and claim that several of CD's players have the ability to play at Greeneville Galaxy suggests to me that you are involved with them in some capacity. Your praise for SG also makes me think you are linked to them somehow? Anyhow playing the right way in my eyes is playing to your strengths. A win is a win no matter how it is obtained. Knowing your team and knowing how it functions best is the mark of a good coach and at CD they know the limitations and play to them. The coach,although not having a soccer background has a great understanding of the game and you do not have to had played at a high level to be a good coach. Look at Arsene Wenger and Jose Mourinho........ Coach Ricker has implemented a strong system and the girls and she understand it very well. To Woodeng if you would like a schedule I will gladly send you one. If anyone wants my credentials or doubts my ability to comment on this matter please leave a note and i will gladly leave them.
  3. Why no Chuckey Doak players here? #1 public school? They have some very good seniors Kristi Jennings being just one!
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