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Everything posted by Coachathome

  1. Hey, don't forget the all you can eat lunches!
  2. I don't know if you're close to the Athletic program@ Baylor (my quess is not very...) If you are relying on the Times articles as a basis for your arguement then your getting carried away on a very slanted view of the situation. A suggestion- speak to people who are involved with the programs that are consistantly successful ( i.e. state champs, etc...) and you would have a different view(Although I doubt these people would join in the public frenzy.) Shame on you for believing everything you read in the paper. By the way, a Baylor representative offered to answer questions for the author of the 'opinion pieces' but he turned them down. A little one sided ya think!?! Shame on you for jumping on an emotional bandwagon with little facts and encouraging others to do the same.
  3. I think you're right about that, which was bad form. but I understand there was a conference(s) after that point to discuss the best position and best wording of his position that everyone was comfortable with.
  4. "It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better..." love that quote, and it speaks volumes... Just read piece in today's paper, I realize this fellow is a buddy of Clark, but I'm afraid he's not doing him any favors by showing Clark's lack of discretion by speaking to (or letting others speak to) the press about personal matters that could be damaging to other people. As others have said, there is more to this very one-sided view in the paper. Fortunatly for Austin Clark those that agree with the decision to let him go have so far kept quiet about the personal details on their side of the story out of respect for Clark and his family. Hopefully it will stay that way.
  5. Coach Clark has been aware of this pending decision... he's been campaigning on campus for weeks. This is not a surprise phone call out of nowhere...If he is truly a classy guy, he will step aside as AD gracefully(which I imagine he will). If any faculty members are upset(as I'm sure some are) they need not 'fan emotional flames of injustice' and model a reasonable manner in working through this.
  6. mtnrasslin, you are my new best friend...
  7. My son wears a clear visor on the insistance of his doctor. He has very poor vision in one eye and any damage to his other eye would be bad news. I agree about the tinted ones- no need.
  8. Bibee's job was on the line before Hannah ever set foot on campus, there were rumblings last season. The problems came to a head by the way Hannah was brought in and all that followed. But I don't think Bibee lost his job because of John Hannah.
  9. hiway- I for one hope they are. (Although we all do what we think is best for our kids, ya gotta give 'em that) But for the members of the 'Baylor family' who are resting on their laurels feeling entitled to bathe in that Baylor glory without giving their position the excellence it requires better start looking over their shoulders. Whether we agree with the firings or not, I don't think anyone at Baylor is claiming to be happy about this, it is an embarrasment. (By the way,the public/private split in this town is unbelievable, I think it may be worse with adults than the kids?)
  10. No, Hannah is not god, but in offensive lineman land he's pretty darn close(in a mortal sense of course) and you could be right, head coach may not have been the right position for him...if the powers that be had handled this in a better fashion, they may have found the best role for him, he sure can captivate an audience and could have been an effective 'ambassador'. The man knows football(ya think), did a good job with the o-line, and inspired alot of kids. As for the football development, he never got the chance, he had to continually back down because the coaches wouldn't work with him (although he may have backed down with a fight, being told he would be head coach) As for the exsisting coaches, they were apparently given little if any info putting them in an difficult position. HOWEVER, someone in a leadership position should have stood up and said "y'all better work out your differences, quit whining, and get it together for the boys" because that's what we would expect our kids to do in the same situation.
  11. The players will definatly be ready. Let's see if the coaching staff takes to him better than they did Hannah. Hey redraider, quess you weren't the one telling him he was wrong or you wouldn't have started. (by the way you guys did do a great job) He must have a big ego, but he certainly has alot of knowledge to give,more than most high school students have the priveledge of learning... By the way, since you're in the know, what does the line look like next year?
  12. If they feel the football program needs to be stepped up, I can't disagree with that, however I strongly agree that the way it was handled was entirely unwarranted and shows a lack of leadership somewhere down the line. People have been hurt in the process including Hannah who could have been a real asset to the school.
  13. check timesfreepress.com. The kids arethe most important thing, they need to see some true leadership in this situation. It's never easy when a program decides to change directions, it happens everywhere. Things have been mishandled here since Spring. As a long-time Baylor parent, I have been very dissapointed, but sorry if I don't join in the Clark lovefest...this is not poor Coach Clark against the 'evil empire'...he has contributed to this outcome. By the way, if I had any $$ or influence things would have been handled differently...but I don't. I just happen to have a dog in this hunt that is learning how grown ups can behave badly.
  14. some tuition paying parents might like a few answers,( but some already have an idea) There are ALOT of people involved in all those state championships, most of them in sports that he didn't meddle in... (ouch! guess that was a little harsh!)
  15. Agreed. There is no need to add more drama! Clark should be congratulated on his time there and have a show of support from TSSAA, but c'mon.. to say that this is the worst day in the history of high school athletics is a little over the top. Even worse was the low blow to Baylor..."To think that supposed grown intelligent men made this kind of desicion, I wonder how they think it's going to improve their school in any way." Wouldn't think their intention would be to harm the school...Obviously he doesn't have all the facts and isn't entitled to them.
  16. As a Baylor parent, I was offended by Ronnie Carter's comments. He shows a lack of professionalism considering his current position. I have been on the phone all day with Baylor parents and you are overstating the reaction. This situation has been discussed long before Dr. Stacy came to campus, many Baylor parents are not surprised.
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