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Everything posted by daddybear

  1. Are you watching the same seniors I've seen? These are all young ladies, not pros! I don't think I ever downed any players...you asked an opinion and I gave it.
  2. Kids, I think the future of Blount County softball is in the freshmen class. Every school in the county has quality pitching and some really solid bats in their first year players. Jess Houser at WB, Miranda Rayburn at Heritage, Brittany Monday at Maryville along with Hill ary Harmon, and last but not least is Laurel pace at Alcoa. I can't wait to see some of these district games in a few years. I still think Alcoa will last the long haul, but there's not a team in the county, or Knox, that will run away. I do love me some tight defensive games.
  3. I'm sorry. Great Job Jess! Again, one of the good ones in a long list of Blount County pitchers. Just a freshman and already making a mark. Again, good job Jess!
  4. I'm not going to start a P!$$!ng contest here. I sat through a miserable fall season and watched what was supposed to be a training period turn into a pseudo varsity workout, while underclassmen played splinterfield. And that wasn't just WB, it seemed as if it were county wide. I sat through a play day in early spring and watched a freshmen and a sophomore give the team their best chance to win, and then watched them fade away back into their positions, as back up players. Again, I refuse to slam any WB Lady Gov. They are some of the finest young ladies I've had the pleasure of meeting, if only for a short period of time. It appears to me that those who wield the power at WB, want to make it a girl's club. But I really can't argue the point, because it seems to be working. They're playing good ball, and seem to have found winning ways. It was really one little hiccup that cost them the Farragut game. (Great Job Rachel! Again, one of the most intelligent throwers in the area!) I'm fairly certain anyone who's close to the organization knows who I am, and that my daughter chose to break a rule and has left the team. She was miserable anyway and is having a hoot playing tourneys again. It was never anything personal with the team. Just not her cup of tea. I think it's a travel ball mentality with little patience for waiting her turn. Of course some pitching reps in practice would've helped greatly! But anyway. It's this simple, if you're an athlete in Blount County, it's in your best interest to make sure your daddy knows the coach or the administration, or you'd better find a travel team, because if not...you're screwed.
  5. Kudos to the Lay Govs. I had very bleak expectations for the coming year. Though, I personally think very little of individuals running the organization, I will always be a Lady Govs fan and I hope they take a fight to Heritage. Rachel Wall is proving why she's considered one of the most intelligent pitchers in the area.
  6. True, the WB-Maryville game was not a complete game. But the JV girls were up by 3 I believe. It's a win in my book. Jess Houser is a heck of a freshman pitcher. They had 3 good freshmen pitchers. They're down to two. Anyhoo. It's a dysfunctional family at best. I wish them well, but I don't see them having the leadership they'll need to pull this season together.
  7. Well, the first game was a bit of a joke. Maryville scored almost at will. The only complete game winners they've had this year are two freshmen. One in a scrimmage and one against Maryville's JV. Unless the offense can start producing and the defense can stop producing errors, it's going to be a long year. that said, I do love my Lady Govs. Coach, not so much. Bearden's up next. <<shudder>>
  8. I've seen Rachel as a player and leader on the field. She deserves all she receives. Congratulations to her. Go lady Govs!
  9. I don't recall her name, but the varsity pitcher for Karns looks like she's going to be very tough this year. If Alcoa is considered Knoxville area, the I have to go with Brittany Hollifield too.
  10. Need a rules guru to help me here. If a player is designated JV, is she bound by the same rules governing varsity play. I've been told that TSSAA doesn't officially recognize JV. Help.
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