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  1. That team didnt just have one standout guy, they had two. If you look at teams that have one a championship they always had two players that could break par or close every time out. Malnati and Hodge did just that, and the three sophomores always found a way for at least two of them to have a good round. BTW am I right in calling the other three sophomores because Coughlin is the only player remaining from that team. Where are the other two?
  2. This team couldn't touch the team two years ago, I played against them and saw it first hand. Who are these kids? I've never heard of them with the exception of Coughlin. Two years ago everyone knew about Jeff Co with Hodge and Malnati, and the three sophomores werent bad at all either. This team may be competitive, but it doesnt have anywhere near the talent Jeff Co. has had in past years.
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