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futureisnow's Achievements


Camper (1/14)



  1. You're correct. I just got caught up in a little fact sharing with BCrising. My pick is Walker Valley by 2.
  2. I didn't dispute anything you wrote. Do you feel better now? Who said I was mad. Didn't you read the paper regarding the capacity for the two county high schools? Plans have backfired on the Prospect rezoning. Even though Bradley's numbers are down from years past they are not in postition to add many more students due to state and federal regulations of number of students allowed in the classroom. (The standards have changed from the old days when we packed in 40-50 students in a classroom and BCHS had over 2,000 students). Walker Valley is actually in better shape to accept addtional students than Bradley is. Walker Valley is also in the best shape of the two schools for expansion because it was built with the option for easy and inexpensive expansion. While I think Bradley looks good on the outside it lacks many things that would allow them to expand and add students there without costing tax payers too much money. Like I said before in my earlier post my guess is that there will probably will be a third county high school in the future that you can hate too. Walker Valley is also located in the high growth area for Bradley County so it only make sense it is growing so fast. It will be 2 more years and then Walker Valley will be in 5A. Is it possible that Bradley may one day be a 4A school one day? Who knows?
  3. BCrying, Just to wanted to inform you that the High schools are zoned by the middle schools, Ocoee and Lake Forest. Prospect students attend Ocoee Middle school which is Walker Valleys feeder school. They could rezone Prospect for Lake Forest but I don't think that the Prospect students would want to be bused across town to go to Lake Forest. Remember any student that lives so close to Bradley always has that option to attend there if they want too. They just can't ride the bus there. Walker Valley has been one of the fastest growing schools in the state despite the negatives you posted and with the continued growth on the north end of the county they will continue to grow. I'd say within the next 2 to 3 years they will be a 5A school. Rumors are that there may be additional classrooms added to the WV campus since WV was built for easy and less expensive expansion. Truth is one day Walker Valley may be 5A and Bradley may drop to a 4A schools. There also may one day be a third County high school for you to hate on. Enjoy.
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