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Everything posted by bladerunner

  1. Jethro, W Why do you repeat everything my main man tpoole says?
  2. "I think that this doesn't hold water, IF he moved residences out of one school's territory and into the current school's territory" You mean like most of the kids at Maryville?
  3. I am so hurt. I feel too you know Soloman, If you cut me, do I not bleed? Et tu Brute? I just read the Roadwarrior post & i think he may have a point, weather he likes me or not, call them all if you are going to call them. Thick skinness? you Soloman? I don't think so.
  4. It's so cute how you all stick together, you guys go together like skoal & John Deere....Chew on that one that Billy Bob, I think WB will win it all, & I see a national ranking in the future. Notice they will win the 5 A Championship, hey wait a minute what are you doing on here Reb lover shouldn't you be on the 4 A posts? Let us know whn you are ready for the Big time . in the mean time why don't you post where you belong, that would be one section down.. Kind of like middle school but with recruiting! this isthe Big time. you are not ready for the big time.
  5. I am glad things are going well at WB & everyone agree's with everyone... : ) except for Meadows Sr. But one bad apple should not ruin the whole batch:)
  6. They can't censor me Tpoole, well they might if Hillary wins the election. I am just kicking back reading the posts almost everynight, I am kind of like a UT fan waiting until the end of the season to see how everything plays out. You know else we have not seen on here in a while, that Burke guy, I think it was Coach Meadiows!
  7. If you think we are divided this year, you should have read some posts from last year, whew!!!!! it was not pretty, they may not say it on here but there are some that do not think Stevens is the man for the job. He did take us to the state two years ago & he has won a state championship at Austin East, but at what cost?... I will not go into all of it but I do believe that some things I have heard about the way the players are allowed to behave may have some merit... That comes down to discipline. Again,I am not with them every day, but I have heard that the coaches come on this site as well ---maybe they can explain away some of the hearsay regarding discipline. Yes Hayseed, I am bipolar..we have established that, with that said.. I am not sure I want my PHI (Protected Heath Information) broadcasted all over this message board. Do you really think I am too harsh? Because I am really holding back...I have turned a personality disorder into a career, ever listen to Neal Boortz?
  8. I doubt it would be you taking my lunch $ cow poke.. Now you run along back to your ah..... well, I guess there really isn't anything worth mentioning over in Maryville, like a NUC plant or anything.. I guess run along back to the pasture then..
  9. Why don't you knock the cow dung off your boots, before you get smart with me.... Conferate flag boy. Shouldn't you be out trying to help the coaching staff recruit?
  10. Before I make a bold statement, Jethro tell me what you mean when you say "Tradition" in quotation marks?
  11. I have already had a slight case of it & it is not pretty... Good luck to you 2 Tpoole..
  12. I am bipolar, I don't think it is very nice to make fun of the meek. Now, since some of the time you address me & Jethro at the same time I was doing the same, he was doing all of the taunting & making bold predictions about what OR will do or will not do. BTW: On another thread he tells the players not to get too confident, then says we are going to make a run for Murfreesboro... I stated that I was not a fan of "Gangsta" walking, that is an action performed on the field by a player- my coach used this term describing what not to do..... "Thug's (your words) was describing individuals who stand by our fence, I am not sure you would have used that word if it was Jethro, Nathan Bedford Forrest & David Duke standing down there, /smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> It's just my opinion, don't go taking down your confederate flag because of me. I said it... William Blount will go to the state & win, I am with Jethro on this one! The team speed, the power, the superior coaching, it doesn't get any better. As far OR goes if we make it to the 1st round of the playoffs it will be better than last year, I know how you Vol fans feel right now. I wonder Mr. Seed, are you a Vol fan? As far as the attention goes, WB will be getting all of the attention , not me.... .or OR Mr seed, you seem to think I am mad or angry, this is just me being me, I told you several posts ago that you are my friend & will always be, remember we made up & I treated you with respect, then you & Jethro ganged up on poor bladerunner, what am I to do? You either like me or you do not, please check yes or no:)
  13. "We don't need any injuries when we go on our run to Murfreesboro." Spoken in true Joe Namath style there Jethro, If that was not a Guarantee, I don't know what is! " Remember boys don't get too confident:)
  14. Like Jethro said, they eill win it all.
  15. Hayseed, I had you pictured to be a lillte more mature & wiser than this "NAH NA NA NA NAH NA."....... You are taking several steps back Hayseed in my opinion, if you & Jethro want to go toe to toe with me on the posts with me that is ok, I saw one post where you were on at 4:30 am I would continue getting up that early if you want to gab & jab with me.. Ok, hayseed.. let me ask you, In your opinion did WB really beat Maryville?
  16. We did not make the playoffs last year, we went to the state the year before & lost. I think you are saying you are going to go all of the way, or you would not be here in the OR posts, As for us.. playoffs??? I mean playoffs? we will be lucky to win another game! So you are not one of those talk show WB fans who think you really beat Maryville? With everything said, at least answer this for me, Jethro.. You do hunt, you do drive a pickup, your college team is the Vols, you are not above going to the Wafflehouse, your favorite tv show is" Earl " ? .. Psychology is a hobby of mine.
  17. I think what you are saying is that William Blount will go to the state & win is what I am hearing.. Ok.. We choked against you, it is a win win for me, I am not pleased with the coach we chose here anyway letting our players gangster walk , that may be ok at AE . But I don't like it. Are you a TN Vol fan Jethro?if so, you know what it means to choke, hey I just realized you probably wear that orange hunting as well:) Jethro unlike all of the defenseless animals you shoot in the wild we here at OR fire back, I would like to hear you at least tell me that the field goal at the Maryville game was good. Please tell me that.
  18. Hayseed my friend, You can post here anytime, I like you & you have class, I think Jethro may have fell out of his deerstand, or slipped on some backer juice, Bumped his head on his gun @@@@, I could go on all day, but I will not, because I like you Hayseed, you put some thought into your posts. You aren't here to offend. I would love to talk more but I have a few questions for our Banjo playing friend Jethro.. Slingblade..
  19. Jethro, Either you have a lot of expendable time time on your hands or your cousin Ellie Mae is still saying simply NO to you.. Why are you still posting on the OR posts? You won, WB will go to state & will prob be rated I in the top 10 in the nation, you guys will get Maryville next year, why do we still have to hear it from you?
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