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Everything posted by oldrangerhead76

  1. Let the "creek" know where you stand on this.
  2. yes, very well said!!!!!!! screenandroll, it's a shame that it's this way. Charlie and Ronnie are both very good men and very good coaches. Character still counts even with the "modern day" kid. If I had a son playing high school b-ball, I would consider it an honor for him to play for either!
  3. cbizzle you must really hate the Ranger program. Why?.......I keep waiting to read your tantrum, because it does not look like your going to get your way. What team can function without good players?
  4. This is just one price of many for the bulldogs. This comes with bringing in daddy and the QB. Fourth round playoffs in football vs destroyed basketball team you pick. Just keep in mind this was all self induced with the hireing of daddy.
  5. No No, vader is from Humptown. Very fitting name for a place after what happened at the Midway game and with their b-ball coach. One might see why zAZa90/king might want to alighn.(Humptown will never let him in)Didn't know about the poor paper girl, not supprised, just didn't know. 3D/T-Dog(now theres an oldy but goody), RangerCountry had it right don't let personal issues determine your picks. Cloudland has won ONE game. Flash in the pan program at best and everyone knows it, LUCKY for two years and look where there at now, right back to the old Cloudland we all know and love(to hate). No No, vader is from Humptown. Very fitting name for a place after what happened at the Midway game and with their b-ball coach. One might see why zAZa90/king might want to alighn.(Humptown will never let him in)Didn't know about the poor paper girl, not supprised, just didn't know. 3D/T-Dog(now theres an oldy but goody), RangerCountry had it right don't let personal issues determine your picks. Cloudland has won ONE game. Flash in the pan program at best and everyone knows it, LUCKY for two years and look where there at now, right back to the old Cloudland we all know and love(to hate). No No, vader is from Humptown. Very fitting name for a place after what happened at the Midway game and with their b-ball coach. One might see why zAZa90/king might want to alighn.(Humptown will never let him in)Didn't know about the poor paper girl, not supprised, just didn't know. 3D/T-Dog(now theres an oldy but goody), RangerCountry had it right don't let personal issues determine your picks. Cloudland has won ONE game. Flash in the pan program at best and everyone knows it, LUCKY for two years and look where there at now, right back to the old Cloudland we all know and love(to hate).
  6. He is/was Ned Smiths asst. coach at Cloudland. Some have strong feelings he's behind the success Cloudland has seen the last couple of years. Hho could argue?
  7. I've said it once and I'll say it again, NED SMITH WILL BE THE NEW BOYS BASKETBALL COACH AT ELIZABETHTON HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!! Carp on the other hand , now hang on folks, will be the new coach at University School! And look out WVC, with Science Hill having all their troubles, he will draw every player from the area. Think about his aggressive trapping style with unlimited players!!!!!!! I think carp is making the better move.
  8. Sounds just like Hampton to me!!!!! Maby someone from the "supper asst. staff" will take it. There's a good bet this will hapen "IF" the "NUMBERS" stay the same, and I think you know what I mean.(students not staff) (for the lay person)
  9. Dugger is out. Decisions,Decisions, Some seem to think Carp is the man behind Smiths success! There could be something to this? My sources tell me it's Ned Smith.
  10. Sure you have... just scroll up a few on the message boards page and see what the city is keeping so hush hush.
  11. warts4you,I'm sure you would love to do that! (and anyone else from Hampton, with half a brain) But I'm going out on a limb and say "THEY KNOW BETTER". Besides the "powers that be" in Hampton wont let this hapen.(nobody else will have him) Sorry warts,your stuck!
  12. News Flash!!!!!!!! Ned Smith Soon To Be A Cyclone!!! This is comming from a VERRY VERRY STRONG source. Will he take his asst. coach with him? When will this be in the paper? Hey STARMAN get us up to speed!!! Is coach Smith making a mistake? Is this a positive move for him?And last but not least, who will be his replacement at Cloudland?????????????
  13. YOU ARE CORRECT SIR!!!!!!!!!!! Well not the loving and supporting of the dogs. HEY I'M A RANGER!! warts you have summed it up, I see no change for Hampton , nor the out come for next years team.
  14. No, I think i'll keep posting , HEY I'M A RANGER FAN!!!!!!!!!! I hope you keep him! Makes every coach's job in the county easier. I like the results of his coaching stint at Hampton, along with every fan from Cloudland, UH, North Green, ect..........molesniper you are correct sir! I don't know what I was thinking, I guess it just bothers me to think that a coach/teacher can get away with something of this magnitude. I guess we just need to be thankful we don't have those types of problems on the "CREEK". I wonder if the "ALLIANCE" means that they share the same problems? I hope not for Cloudland's sake. Maby storm55 didn't quite know what he and his fellow landers were getting into.(alot of baggage with Hampton sports and coaches for that matter)
  15. Alliance34,I do understand your pain, but it just blows my mind why the people of the Hampton community would or better yet ,could allow an adult/coach get by with whats been going on. Order can never be restored with this person at the helm. Obviously surrounding him with good, no, great help is not the answer. Why does this bother an obvious RANGER fan? It's simple, when something of this magnitude happens it brings shame to the whole county! Not to mention it could happen again at any one of our county schools if left un-punished. As far as finding a good coach,thy are out there high moral standards and all. Keep the faith and don't accept nothing less! GOOD LUCK!
  16. Part of your name is right because you must be a fool. First of all, I can see Unaka fighting with Hampton for the conference crown. I look for a much improved Unaka team and I think that region 1 could be something very special to watch. I'm sure their off season program is going in the right direction. So I guess it is going to be a "Let's wait and see" thing. Don't be suprised if they are pretty good.
  17. HHSFANFORLIFE, HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND???? They are going to be back alright, back to their old ways of winning nothing. In the last 12 years, what have they done, what have they accomplished, what have they won?? I mean come on, how bad has it got when you have to form an "alliance" with Cloudland, just to even remotely feel part of a "flash in the pan" winning program a.k.a. Cloudland. With the same old coach and the same old so called immoral behavior by the coaches, even the "super staff" you hired coudln't help you. This program will never be back, Unaka put them out of their misery atleast 10 years ago, and Cloudland seems to not have any trouble with sweeping up the pieces. Hey I have an idea, how about an alliance with UH?? They seem to have a knack for winning games but not championships, and Cloudland seems to be a little out of your league now. After all its becoming a habit that they have their way with you too. And as for "The King" it wouldn't hurt you to learn how to be respectful, and to learn that even your own so called "people" from Cloudland can't stand you and the way you talk on here. They have class unlike you, and your family is probably embarrassed by you because they are some of the nicest people I have ever met. Hhsfanforlife, why don't you take a lesson from Storm55/The King/The Alliance 34 and give up. It's over so just accept it. See ya in November.
  18. Little Mike L. is on his 3rd school. And he's only a Jr. Cloudland,Avry, and now Hampton. Loyalty? What loyalty?
  19. You guys could do like Hampton and " DABBLE" with the numbers a little bit and stay in 1A. It's no secret, not in Carter Co. anyway. Call McClain i'm sure he can tell you how it's done.
  20. Ok Swimmy Swammy Swimmy Swimmy Swammy Swiper Sniper. We know krich makes the occasional blunder in the paper, especially on here. I agree Book06 your buddy should not be taken up for because if there ever wasn't a ranger, he is it. But let's not forget, in his own twisted way I do think he is a ranger...krich that is. Now what's this inside info that greatly concerns you sniper? care to comment?
  21. If it takes these boards to do that then it's time to P on the fire and call in the dogs because this hunt is over.
  22. Yea yea yea, so I joined....swore I never would but I couldn't resist. It's about time someone put this little boy in his place, but 25 I need to give you the real facts on this guy. I'll give you this...you were really really close on your assumption. Not a junior high kid just same mentality. As far as schools, he's from Unaka but I wouldn't quite call him a Ranger. He played no sports, yet wore a uniform in several. If he says it you can pretty much bank that it is wrong. Nothing more than a wanna be coach that never will be. I hope this helps you out 25. Sorry 06 but you were totally embarrassing yourself on here.
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