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Everything posted by viking_fan

  1. This will be a tough one. PC will have to step up their game, especially on D, but after two wins in a row, they should head into next week with a lot more confidence. We're definitely the underdogs here, but stranger things have happened! ROW VIKINGS ROW!!!
  2. Agreed! Offense is rolling, defense needs a little work. CA should not have scored that much. Coaches need to get back to basics and teach these kids how to tackle. Just grabbing jerseys and trying to yank the runner down, or running into him to try to knock him down don't get it! I have been saying this for a couple of years. You've got to wrap up, boys! A lot of these kids never played football till their sophomore and junior years. My son played junior pro from the time he was 7 years old, and was fortunate enough to have coaches who knew the game and who taught the basics. And while offense is doing much better, I still say they need to be taught how to tuck the ball, and how to protect the ball when they get tackled. Just my humble opinion, but I'm just a woman, so what do I know?
  3. What? lol Just messing with you, btw. Don't get all bent out of shape.
  4. Don't get on here very often. Never see you on FB anymore either. How's your dad doing?
  5. Sure, but how have you done since you lost Mr. Football's brother? Hang in there, though, another Rice is on his way up...
  6. Wow, where have all the PC posters gone? I think after finally getting a win last week, the Vikings will take the field with a lot more confidence and drive than they have had in previous games. I see no reason why they can't make it win #2 this week.
  7. Congrats to the Vikings on their first win. And don't forget the cornhole tournament tomorrow! It begins at noon on the PCHS football field. Registration fee is $20 for a 2-person team, with a $100 cash prize up for grabs! Full concessions will be available, so come on out and have some fun, eat some lunch , and support your Perry County Vikings!
  8. Can someone keep me posted on this game, please? I don't think it's being broadcast on iHigh.
  9. Picking okra is nasty business, lol. I think fighting okras might be tougher than statesmen?
  10. I don't think anyone can top those last few, lol.
  11. Yeah, I saw those. I didn't want to post "The Big Blacks". Trying to be PC, you know.
  12. Holy cow, that must have been some brawl. Did any Loretto players get suspended?
  13. I think Franklin High School. Or at least they used to be Rebels. I know there was a big deal at one time over that name...they may have changed it.
  14. It said they are called The Nads. You can guess what their cheer is...
  15. Well, I found a mascot even more interesting, but if I post the pic, this thread will be locked in a heartbeat. I'll just put a link. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.oddee.com/_media/imgs/articles2/a96800_a499_scrotie.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.oddee.com/item_96800.aspx&h=357&w=450&sz=35&tbnid=18QEqjF7J8bE0M:&tbnh=90&tbnw=113&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dmost%2Bembarrassing%2Bschool%2Bmascots%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=most+embarrassing+school+mascots&usg=__sccFAdtuocHUYTZ9CdkCpD0z6wc=&docid=bQSX9eULXbFDSM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=DAtlUI_0CIai8QTh3ID4DA&ved=0CDcQ9QEwBA&dur=1277
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