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Everything posted by easttnref

  1. David Lipscomb is 3-4-1 and with that that puts 3 teams in the ranking with loosing records I mean come on I know this is the toughest district in the state the fact is that only 2 teams in the district can do anything. With that said I don't think these rankings for eurosport are even close to correct. I am protesting the eurosport ranking and calling BS on it. I mean 5 teams from the same region in the top 10 Ignorant. 2 of the 5 have loosing records and 1 only has 1 of their 6 lost against the only opponent with a winning record. Lets let them earn the ranking not have it given to them. CPA with no wins ranked? I know they are good and have only played top notch compitition, but no wins?
  2. lets see cannot beat GP (2A), Cosby (1A), Grainger County (3A) but will beat Carter I think not schedule some more 1 and 2 A tams and you all might have a winning record but I predict 0-4
  3. Top 3 looks good Bearden beat CAK 3-0 so I think they should be in the top 4 siegel and Notre Dame should be lowered Oak ridge behind Bearden but still in top 5 I think Houston should be out along with Riverdale
  4. 1 Brentwood 2 Baylor 3 Collierville 4 Notre Dame 5 Siegel 6 CAK 7 Oak Ridge 8 Bearden ) 9 Franklin Road Acad. 10 Riverdale 11 Father Ryan 11 Gtown Houston The new combined ranking this is very laughable. I mean come on why even have rankings if this is what we are going to see? Its not even close.
  5. Well some teams are further along in their season than others, but here is an updated list... 1.Bearden 2.CAK 3.Oakridge 4.Knox West 5.Maryville 6.Farragut 7.Catholic 8.Powell 9.Karns 10.Seymour 11.Lenoir City 12.Kingston 13.Hardin Valley 14.Webb 15.Pigeon Forge Let me know what you think.
  6. If GP is no good and only has two players, why could Pigeon Forge not beat them? And to resort to calling the other team whiners because of classless fans talking trash to the winning team its a shame. I look to see LEE in blue in gold in the next 3 years!
  7. benefit of the doubt well in boys and girls seasons Catholic and CAK always go to the region championship ANd in boys have won the last 6 state championships does that mean four teams from thier district should get the "benefit of the doubt" as you put it so let Anderson County and Kingston be ranked as well. Shoot in their region rank alcoa and seymour as well, and why not the section elizabethon and Gatlinburg if we are giving the benefit of the doubt?
  8. seeing them side by side it makes it comical to think that eurosport rankings just throw something together like it seems like they are doing
  9. What does everyone think? Last two years in the regular season ended in a tie. District Championship has went to Seymour the last two years. I know Seymour lost 9 seniors and Alcoa lost some talent as well. Anyone have any thought on how this one will turn out?
  10. I think Coach Lee needs to take lessons from his father becuase, this team is heading down the same road that got all the other coaches fired. There is still no discipline on the team. They are cocky and arrogant as players, and they have beaten no one and will be a couple of weeks till they do. So why be this way with no wins? If I am the coach these kids would be so tired of running that they would not have the energy to go to GP and watch the game and talk trash to the players in warm-ups.To a team that they have never defeated! Why let your players do this, or why not punish them for doing it. PF get some class and some wins before you all talk trash. Maybe add kings academy to the schedule next year instead of sequatchie county they won one game last year guess who they beat? PF and the same this year! At least if you beat kings you can claim you are not the worst team in the county becuase since the school has been created you all are the cellar dwellers.
  11. Things looked rough today loosing 2-1 to Henry County Still not clicking?
  12. Seymour Yesterday 9-0 over Carter Seymour today Katie Hunter Tourney 6-0 over Davy Crockett Courtney Suttles 8 goals 2 assist and Lacey Vassallo 5 Goals 3 assists in 2 games
  13. Good one Catfish just wait till the PF game a slaughter rule will be in effect like always
  14. He actually coached at Powell before Harvey, and my understanding is he Coaches the boys team at Fulton. You know he has coaching experience from what I have heard and he has said. I think it will be interesting the rest of the Pre-season. I know who you are talking about, and transam I will say this to you in the nicest way I can think of putting it without bashing. Good Luck! 3 coaching jobs in 3 years is never a good sign, and he seems to be a bit of a roamer. I have never heard much good about him, but that does not mean he is not good. And I know for sure I was right about the old school comment I made. I just heard alot of issues about him and relating to his players which obviously will be a barrier for him to cross. I should have asked this up front and we woudl still be on page one.
  15. Why transfer Seymour has a good program. Which these kids grew up and took part in, and then to turn your back on the coach. Do parents not teach their kids about loyalty anymore? I just don't understand why?
  16. I am not saying that you are wrong or right. You obviously know more about the Powell program than I do. I am just trying to tell you it is preseason, and give the man a chance! By the way what is the new coaches name anyway? Where is he from or experience? I am learning Master G.
  17. This is how this thread started and look where we are now. Going to advance to....
  18. It sounds to me like these girls are just having a rough go of it in highschool. Losing a coach is never easy and the transition to another is not any easier. It is just so early in the season to be having issues, and it the same issues we heard on here last year about the coach not playing the right players on the field, coach belittling the girls, etc... The coach has not even got to coach a real game yet and is getting bashed to a certain extent in a open forum. I would have to agree with soccermom, dad it may just be time for you to take a backseat on this one and hit the mute button. Different coaches have different styles and his may be what sounds like an old school in your face approach. Break them down early and build them down the stretch. I am not trying to to be hard on you transam you asked for advice, but it seems like you all are in a pickle again! I still say give the man a chance though.
  19. I think G will back me up here in order to have a successful program the players, parents, and boosters must whole heartedly buy into what the coach is doing if there are doubts they will show on the field.
  20. Last year during the season when Harvey was still there transam was complaining about the fact that the right girls were not playing, and this is just like we are hearing about this year! That would be the reason I made the "stupid" comment
  21. From the outside looking in it seems this powell program has alot of talent, but cannot seem to mesh well together or with coaches. Last year Harvey was ran off and he has been there for years and has done a wonderful job. Now a new coach and it seems to be the same story the coach won't play the girls the parents and kids think need to be on the field together. I know coaches do some wierd things, but maybe if everyone quit complaining (cause if you do it on here you do it in front of the kids) and let the coach do what it is he envisons whether right or wrong. It seems that this early in the season that he is already being blasted and loosing the lockerroom which is a shame, he at least deserves a shot!
  22. I was more concerned about the greater knoxville area. It is hard to have success at state as a public school who has to compete with the high level of play and depth of the private schools, and since two move on out of the district this is tough to prove yourself on a level outside of that with the exceptions of tournaments. It is hard to say which is the toughest district, but you do raise an interesting point. I would say the toughest district across the state changes year after year amongst the 3 districts we have mentioned. What are the rankings really though? The draw at the tournament has alot to say where you finish up in the end.
  23. Not trying to be a jerk, but I do have a question! If your keeper got a workout in the first 10 minutes against Lenoir City, don't you think it will be a long year? Especially in the region and district Powell resides in?
  24. 11. Sevier County In arguably the toughest region in the state they have a solid club squad with a not so solid of a high school coach. Next year will be a good year for them getting to move regions. 12. Knox Central A decent group of young ladies, and depth again will be an issue, but could upset some schools if they do not show up to play. 13. Roane County In a tough district, but seem to have talent every year. Could compete in the end but have alot of work to do early on to get there. 14. Webb Great group of girls under sized and need work to solidify the defense. Losses of key players and coaching change will probably make this a rebuilding year. 15. Seymour Alot of talent just no depth behind them. Loosing 9 seniors will hurt them badly this year as far as leadership goes. The incoming freshman though are talented. Could be a force if they gel together. 16. Anderson County In the toughest district in AAA always seem to be on the outside looking in. This year with Catholic down they might have a chance, but we will see. 17. Hardin Valley The new kid on the block. Best player not able to play until tournament time will hurt them, but will grow together as a team this year and will be someone to watch in the coming years. Still has the talent to knock off some district opponents though! 18. Gatlinburg Pittman Up in the mountains we don't see them in Knoxville much. Very solid defensive team and were able to knock off Alcoa last year. Lost some talent to graduation, but always seem to have girls that are blue collar. 19. Alcoa Lost alot of production last year almost 50 goals with one returner with more than 5 goals this year will be a tough one. I think they will grow alot as the year progresses, and they will be young this year. 20. Pigeon Forge Lost the Price girl last year. Always are a very athletic team, and the coaches do well to get the best out of them. They will still probably have alot of work to do to make it to the sectionals. What do you think nut? Not sure if i left anyone out let me know if there are others out there to be considered I am getting to old to remember everything!
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