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Everything posted by barry

  1. CPA ought to reconsider its mission. It's arrogant to say your teams are better because you have better coaches. It hypocritical to claim your school doesn't recruit even though your best players year-in and year-out are transfers. It's cowardly to refuse to play in a division with other schools that recruit openly so you can dominate a division that doesn't. And it's irrelevant what happens at other schools anyway...claiming "everybody does it" doesn't cut it for a school that's supposed to be Christ-centered. CPA speaks with a forked-tongue. So go on praying before tip-off. Cover your walls with sanctimonious epitaphs. Have your little chapel services and stand on your street corners thanking God every day you aren't like all those public school heathens. Just know this: We heathens know you are talking the talk because you don't walk the walk. In my reading of the New Testament, the only people Jesus had little tolerance for were a certain group of holier-than-thou Pharisees. Seems winning was all they cared about too.
  2. I taught and coached in Cheatham County for the past seven years. I have since moved to Michigan and have been following this event from afar. I have never felt compelled to add my two cents worth on any of these boards until now. As for the present controversy- just alot of pettiness. And pride. It will be resolved but not permanently. Grudges will be filed away for another day. Revenge will seek itself in the next budgetary battle. Scores are definitely being kept. What a shame. One thing I've learned- EVERYTHING RISES AND FALLS ON LEADERSHIP. When I read the comments from those in leadership in Cheatham County, it makes me sad. It's obvious some are more interested in power than leading with their heart. For those reading this thread, Cheatham County is NOT represented by the characters you've been reading about. I loved teaching and coaching there. I remember so many beautiful people. Anyway, to my main point. I hear alot of blaming going on. One can't stand George Bush and NCLB. Another hates the chairman of school board. Some blame the county commission. I think I even heard some anger thrown the coaches way. The bottom line is this. We are to blame. We demonstrate as a society what is most important to us by the way we spend our money. A wise man once said: "you show me a man's checkbook and I'll tell you what is important to him". Unfortunately, we have decided to value many things above the education of our children. Tennessee ranks in the bottom five of the fifty states in its' per pupil expenditure. Cheatham County is one of the lowest in a state that is already near the bottom. I remember how excited we were as teachers when the teacher pay equalization was announced. Cheatham, as one of the designated "poor" counties was going to be able to give the teachers a substantial raise! That was great news for a man with five children and a stay-at-home wife. But alas, the county commission then decided that the raise (minimal as it was) that had been negotiated with the union was now no longer necessary! I was there when the board took away the coaching supplements the first time. School had already started and we were informed that football would lose so many supplements, basketball would lose one and so forth. Of course, we were promised that the supplements would be restored. Those kinds of accounting maneuvers add up over time and teachers don't take long to understand where they rank in the county hierarchy. Everybody says "it's for the kids"- usually right before they try to screw you. Money isn't the cure-all. If so, our schools would be flourishing. Every problem is met with a proposal to throw more cash at it and yet, test scores continue to lag, and the general perception is that public education is inferior to private. Waste is rampant- did anybody really check the cost to stagger the bus routes? Or was it an idea that someone picked up from another district and it "seemed like a good idea at the time"? I remember the arguments for and against year-a-round school. (or, the modified calendar as Cheatham now has) Both sides had their points, but did anybody think about the financial impact? Or was this another idea that will have dire consequences down the road? I remember beginning my teaching career at Cheatham County Central High School in a building that resembled a UFO. Surely, the most inefficient use of space ever imagined. Another idea from some far-away place? On and on it goes. If there is a crazy idea floating around "out there"- no need to panic. It will find a home in some school system. And probably cost a bundle of money in the process. I used to teach my government classes the most fundamental rule of politics is: YOU ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. We, as a society, have decided not to pony up for education like we do other ventures. Of course, we expect our kids to be as educated as those that do sacrifice more. We are sending mixed signals. In fact, it is literally incoherent. Our kids go to gleaming NFL stadiums on Sunday and watch millionaire athletes do their thing. They see lottery directors making six-figure incomes and politicians giving themselves raises. Meanwhile, their coaches sell doughnuts and fast-food coupons. They learn from us that some things in life are more valuable than others and then we wonder why they don't want to pay for excellent education when its' their turn. It's the old "CAT IN THE CRADLE" thing. That said, I realize sometimes things happen and belts do have to tighten. Someone has to be the "bad guy" and make those tough calls. If that person is a true leader, and has the respect of those he/she leads, people will be reasonable. But, if that trust has been shattered in the past- no amount of promises will suffice. I trust a true leader will step up and make the right call here for everyone involved. On a more personal note: Watts, Rives, and Barksdale- It's your turn; Wish I could be there.
  3. It will still be sycamore.
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