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Everything posted by footballwarrior

  1. Hallalujah it's finally here. 11 HOURS AND COUNTING I just have one more thing left to say /roflolk.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflolk:" border="0" alt="roflolk.gif" /> /roflolk.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflolk:" border="0" alt="roflolk.gif" /> /roflolk.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflolk:" border="0" alt="roflolk.gif" />
  2. Hey Rhea Co why don't you find this out for us. You have all that fine inside info. I know the Quarter Back Club usually does something for the men on big games. Anything special going on today.
  3. Good Grief you are just too much. I said you all were jealous of our fans pulling for our team and you are because there have been nothing but curt remarks all week. No one said anything about your state titles. As a matter of fact I believe I am the one earlier in the week that said you all had a reason to hold your heads high and you do, but it looks like you all know that already and want EVERYONE to know it and then shove that down their throats. Thats a true Champion there buddy. It really is a shame. Go Eagles
  4. 29 HOURS AND COUNTING Lordy Mercy will it ever get here. I have to say this has been one of the best weeks of football excitement in Rhea County history. This entire county is football CRAZY this week and I think our fellow Maryville posters are just a wee bit jealous. Sorry guys it is just too obvious who wants it more. I can assure you the fever has spread to Rhea County and heck ya I am proud of the way we have stepped up to the plate this week. You guys can make fun, make classless comments about teardrops and poke at our excitement all you want but we believe it can happen. There is one thing about all us country hicks in Rhea County we can pull together for some football. I talked with a few of our players last night after practice and I was just down right impressed at their attitude. I want everyone from Maryville to hear this loud and clear our men are not scared or intimidated of the Mighty Maryville Rebels. They know your record, they know where they stand and they know what they have to do. They are ready and I am confident of that. I couldn't have said that a week ago. They are just ready to play the game. It is going to be electrifying tomorrow night at the stadium. FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS. Nothing like it. Being a former player I would give anything to be suiting up and playing under the big lights, but you what my year has come and gone. This one belongs to a group of young men that have overcome some huge obstacles this year. Rhea County is proud of you. Just remember as you look over into the eastern end zone tomorrow night at the Horton Memorial that Coach Bill Horton is proud of our football family this week. We at Rhea County are proud of our football heratige. ALERT this just in from Bernie Sweeney at the Tennessee Wildlife Agency. Moma Golden Eagle must have hatched a few because there has been a whole flock of Golden Eagles swarming over Evensville Mountain this morning. REBELS........are you listening....the Eagles just stepped it up a notch THE CLAWS ARE COMING and they are looking for a little Rebel hide. GO EAGLES
  5. You are full of crap. "Impossible to overcome" & "we cannot win this game" It's that kind of thinking buddy that will get your hide kicked all over a football field. I really hope all the Maryville players are not as cocky as you. THE CLAW IS COMING GO EAGLES
  6. Let me tell you something MHS82 these are not teary eye peptalks. I just happen to mention that our boy's came out last week a little weak. That is not the norm and I just didn't want to see it this week. Our fans have up and down games and I for darn sure want them up this week. Sorry that your Rebel fans are letting you down. No disrespect taken here. I just see it as a little jealousy. Go back to sleep MHS82. The CLAW IS COMING GO EAGLES
  7. Well it's hump day and kick off is 55 hours away. I don't know about you other men but by golly I am ready for a football game. I can't sleep, I can't think of anything but football, (I can always eat), and I certainly am no good at my job this week. Once your blood runs Green & Gold it always runs Green & Gold and mine is pumping overtime. I just may have to call in sick Friday and stay in Dayton for the big Green & Gold as far as the eye can see party. Heck, I say all of us former players go up at the high school Friday and rip and romp behind the band through the halls just like old times. I would throw in make a fool out of ourselves at the pep rally but since our men today don't get to have one I will leave that out. WHAT A SHAME LEVENGOOD! Guess I better get out of the past. This is a big game men. This is the one we have been waiting on for a long time. Your school and community are pulling for you. For that matter the whole region is pulling for ya. Heck, for that matter the entire state is pulling for ya. If the truth be known ALOT of football fans are ready to see the Dynasty end and who better to bring them down than the boys from Rhea County. They may call us country but you know what they say about country boys. Nothing but rough, tough and mean and with a bunch of rough, tough and mean country fans from the hills that eat mountain oysters and big brains (cracks me up how people view RC) then how could we be beat. You men can do this. They have even admitted themselves this is not the same kind of Dynasty team of the past and you know what men we ARE NOT the same team they whipped up on in the past. You come out on fire Friday night and this one belongs to you. Do you hear me IT BELONGS TO YOU! How bout that weather for Friday. Bring out the fur panties Ethel it's going to be a cold one. I really hope the cold doesn't keep our fans at home. I remember in the 80's NOTHING kept our fans at home and I believe that most won't let a little cold air keep them in this week. Shoot us mountain folk aint afraid of a little cold weather. Bundle up because it is going to be too good to miss. I heard throug the grape vine that our men had a really fired up practice yesterday. There was so much commotion that Evensville Mountain shook just a little. Oh Rebels that scares the crap even out of me. That ole Eagle doesn't like his nest shook around too much. Hey Rebels are you listening...THE CLAW IS COMING and he really doesn't give a flip how many state titles or anything else you have won. He is coming after your hide. Oh, and don't forget you are coming to the country now. GO EAGLES
  8. Ok, Ok, Ok, calm down just a little Pepvol. No need to get all upset over nothing. I never meant to start a battle with my MARY-ville comments. Do I detect a little uneasiness? I in no way meant any disrespect to any of the Maryville coaches, players or fans. The comment was directly towards the way your pa announcer pronounces Maryville. I was in no way way making fun of the name of your school and if I offeneded anyone I will be the first to say it won't happen again on my post. We at RC have the upmost respect at what your program has accomplished. You deserve to hold your heads high. Heck I will even admit we are just a little envious of your accomplishments, but we will pull up our boot strapes up like men and roll out the red carpet this Friday. However, I will have to agree that your pa announcer has the be the most annoying of any school we play. Rhea County fans hate to travel your way not because of your team but because of your pa announcer shoves your success down our throats. You mention Maryville around here and the first words our of people's mouths is "I can't stand to listen to that announcer". I guess that is part of the game but in my opinion if you want to talk about disrespectful there you go! Men, I would love to drop in for a pep talk before the game but I work in Dalton and will be flying like a witch on Halloween just to make it to the game on time. I am sure Roy ( and the rest of our coaches) can rally the troops. I am tellin ya there is more talk about this game than any RC game in a long time. Shoot, my entire neighborhood is coming out for this one. Did anyone happen to listen to sports talk yesterday. Sure is nice to know that other teams and football fans will be coming from miles around to pull for the Golden Eagles. We at Eagleville appreciate ya. I went to 3 different places in Dayton last night and I was stopped at least 6 times about the game. I received 2 community wide text messages yesterday about the game. Rhea County is getting fired up (high time by the way) and this county will be a sea of Green & Gold come Friday. You know our men have been beat & banged up for at least 4 weeks now and they have somehow still found a way to come out on top. HECK yes they can do it again. I just heard that someone spotted that big old Golden Eagle on Evensville Mountain. Rumor is he has sharpened up those long CLAWS. You know gettin ready to take a little hide off a Rebel. He usually gets upset when the Rhea fans start all that cheering on Friday nights and his mountain starts shakin. He usually comes out of that nest in a real foul mood. Rebels, are ya listen.........BEWARE THE CLAW IS COMING. GO EAGLES
  9. I thought long and hard this weekend about this post because this is defiantly not a week to be negative but hopefully it will be taken constructively. First of all, from the post I have read so far it looks like many RC posters feel that there is not much hope for the Eagles this Friday. Well that is just a load of crap. I don't believe in just hoping for good luck when a team has the kind of talent that we do. We may be the underdogs but I have seen many an underdog come out on top. Men, this can be done. You guys have two D1 lineman( how many does MARY-ville have), a punter that can kick it to the wood shed, several explosive backs, a QB that thinks on his feet, a big old guy named Joey England that would scare the you know what out of anybody on the field when he is fired up and the talent goes on. You men come out with your game faces on and there is no reason why you can't play with this MARY-ville team. I will say it again there is no need in defeated talk until we are defeated. Now, with that being said we all as players, coaches, cheerleaders, band members and fans have some responsibility this Friday to bring home the victory. Last week our men ran onto the field like a bunch of whipped puppies and to beat it all they showed it on tv. Our fans were as dead as Abe Lincoln 90% of the game. Where is our pride? Our men need to come onto that field proud to be a RC Eagle and our fans need to be on their feet giving it their all. There shouldn't be a cow bell left on a shelf for miles. Being a former player I know there is nothing like being on that field and hearing the fans lead you to victory. The fans can play a big part Friday night and we owe our men that. I hope there is a coach this week that can get our men psyched and I hope there is a faculty member, cheerleader or someone that can rally us a student section (did anyone see Powell's last week) and I hope we have a few former players that have enough pride to get on their feet for our Eagles this Friday. Oh yes i will say it again it can be done. It's gonna be a good one. It's gonna be a crowded one. It's gonna be a loud one and I see the Claw flying high. Let's go men let's claw the back side of a Rebel this week. It's high time their back sides are sore. This former player would love nothing more than to see a little Rebel hide on Bill Horton Field. GO EAGLES.
  10. Looks like a soaker tonight. Rhea County fans are the best in the state and I know a little rain won't keep us at home. Put on your rain gear, drag somebody with you and lets help these men to victory. Lets yell until Evensville mountain behind the stadium does a little shakin. No more negative coaching talk today. It's time to focus on the game. 11 hours till kick off. Whew. Can't Wait. Again, men its time to sink that Eagle Claw into the backsides of Powell. You know tear a little hide off. /roflolk.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflolk:" border="0" alt="roflolk.gif" /> Lets get it done! See you on the field for the victory party. GO EAGLES!
  11. Oh, no no no !!! We at Eagleville can never never believe the lie that it could be the end of the road when Maryville shows up at Eagle Stadium. If that is the thought process we should just collect the men's pads today. Who would have ever thought Walker Valley could beat Cleveland. I believe in our Eagles! I believe they can show up and pounce on Powell and I also believe all of Rhea County can show up at Bill Horton field to put a spanking on Maryville. Oh yes we can! You gotta believe and my blood runs green & gold. This team has something special going on and it is time. So now if your opinion is the road stops at Maryville you just keep it to yourself. I don't like that kind of defeated talk. You shoo off this board for the next few weeks. Lets go men. Go sink that Eagle claw in the back sides of Powell.
  12. Lordy Mercy nine hours and counting. I can hardly sit in my seat today. I may have to suit up myself tonight. /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" /> The rain is going to hold off so lets blow the dust off the cowbells, drag someone with you, put on your green and gold and prepare our hearts for a dog fight. I don't normally show alot of emotion at these games but watch out because I am about to start yelling Go Eagles here at work. WHEW!! Maybe I need to head up to Evensville and give the students a little dose of Eagle Fever since they are not too fired up about tonight. GO EAGLES ! We are right behind you.
  13. Ok guys I have not posted this year but I felt like it was time. I check in often and it has to be discouraging for the players to see all the negative talk that goes on here. We know they are reading so no matter how much we dislike the coaches or want to express our negative opinions it's time for the entire Rhea County community to rally together for these boys. We have a chance this season to win the region and go beyond the first round of the playoffs. I don't know about you guys but that gets my Green and Gold blood flowing. Our school needs this championship Friday night and our community needs it. We need that Eagle Pride back in Rhea County. It's been missing for toooo long. So here is my suggestion. Drag someone off the couch and to the game with you Friday night. Lets fill the stands and show the Raiders that we have the best fans around! Anybody got a cow bell they can bring ?? Our stands used to be full of them. Someone up in Evensville needs to get the students fired up (for crying out loud Levengood let them have a pep rally and maybe take a pep bus to the game). Wouldn't it be nice for the Raiders to see a line of Green & Gold as far as the eye could see Friday night. I have seen it before back in the 80's. These kids deserve to see it too. So lets cut the negative crap for the rest of the season and get fired up.
  14. I have never posted here before and really didn't ever intend to. I just enjoy reading about high school football. However, m4rcut the fans of Rhea County are tired of your post. It is obvious you are from Rhea County and it is obvious you attend the games. Shame on you for tearing this team down week after week after week. Move on and go somewhere else to watch high school football. We don't want you in our stands. I would suggest Maryville since they are high on your list of teams. As a matter of fact if we knew who you were we might just flog you back to Highway 27 this week. Everyone that has watched this team is aware that it has great potential and on November 9th we start a new season. /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" /> I say we get behind the Green & Gold and ignore anymore post from m4rcut. He is not worthy to talk about the Golden Eagles.
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