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Everything posted by wwjd

  1. Thank you, thank you ,thank you Mr. Mitchell. It is people like you with a positive attitude that keep sports programs going, and good coaches coaching. I hope that the SD coaches see this post becasue if they do, they will be reminded why they do what they do. Like GreasedLightning said, "Even a wounded dog will lick his wounds," and last week the coaches were probably wounded. It is hard to keep on keeping on when people are bashing you, your family, and your integrity. Mr. Mitchell, I think very highly of you and your children. I am sure that there are many parents who can say that they would love for thier children to be just like yours. I admire your positive attitude and your incredible FAITH for the Lord.
  2. Ok greasedlightning- First off, I love my wife dearly so it would be a little diffucult to be a SD coache's wife. And even though I am not married to one, I do work with them each day. You and your "Community," or as we like to call you the "Doyle community," should support the SD cherokees win or lose. It is no wonder this football program has been terrible for so many years, when people like you are a part of it. What it boils down to is that your child doesn't get to play and you want a new coach in. I just doesn't seem right that you put all this work into the booster club and your child still doesn't get to play, does it? The truth is, the coaches play the best players, and your child just so happens not to be one of them. That's life. I don't blame the coaches for not wanting to live in the community when we have people like you representing us. Coaches do this for a paycheck? Are you kidding me. We all work together and you know what a teacher's paycheck looks like. I hardly think that any of these coaches are in it for the money. How about the love of the game? Obviously something you know nothing about. Some coaches care and some don't? Who, since you know so much? Do you call favortims helping a child with his homework, giving him a ride, patting him on the back? Its great that you are such a great parent and are able to help your child so much, but not all children are that fortunate, and it takes the heros, like a football coach, to give the kids who may not have a chance, a good chance. If you are bad mouthing these coaches, what are you teaching your child? Sounds like to me that you are teaching him that if he doesn't get his way, then it is always someone else's fault. Like I said, we can't all be first string. I am not taking stabs at your child, just at your support of this program. If you don't like it, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. The SD community that I live in can do without negative people like you.
  3. This is for the ever-so-classy people who have been on here saying things about the South Doyle Coaches. First of all I would like to say that it must be nice to have a place to hind behind a screen name and talk about one of the most dedicated staff of youg men you would ever know. Obviously you don't know them, because if you did, you would not be speaking of them the way you have been. You want to talk about what terrible coaches they are. You want to talk about thier families. You want to talk about how they don't know how to coach. Well, these ever so bad coaches are the ones who mentored two high school athletes through the loss of a MOTHER this summer. These are the same coaches who would not have missed their athletes mother's funeral for the world. These are the same coaches who for four years know have picked your child up EVERY morning in the summer for 7am work-outs. These are the same coached who ran your kid home after an 7 hour school day and four more hours of football practice. These are the same coaches who bought your child a hamburger after a football game because your child didn't have $2. These are the same coaches who meet EVERY Sunday afternoon during the season for three hours to plan for the next game. These are the same coaches who have children at home who don't get to see thier daddy because daddy doesn't get home before their 8pm bedtime. These are the same coached who get paid pennies to pour thier hearts into their jobs. These are the same coaches who were, ALL ,exceptional Collegant athletes. So how can anyone come on here and talk about these men who day after day give up so much time and energy to this program? You always want to compare SD football for SD baseball. Well, give coach Hutchins 26 years and he could probably win a district championship too. In case you don't know, SD made history tonight. This is the first time they have ever beaten Central. And they were coached tonight by the same men as the last 6 games. I hope that you find satisfaction getting on here and being so negative about a program that involves High School KIDS.
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