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Everything posted by RedSwarm

  1. Rossview's plan on offense is to simply get their athletes in space. A lot of spread looks to keep teams from stacking the box. The RB is extremely strong - raw, but an absolute load to get to the ground. Central needs to get as many guys to the ball as possible whenever he has it. They have a few athletes at the skill positions. The passing game is not great, but aren't afraid to try quick throws on single coverage. Most of their damage against HC was in chunk plays. The defense isn't spectacular, but they're active. It's traditionally tough for Memphis teams to travel this far. Not that the talent isn't there, and not because they'll be bothered by Rossview's home field advantage. Taking a group of teenagers on their farthest trip of the season is not the scenario you want to face in the first round of the playoffs. So many little factors that go into that. This game really could go either way. Until Rossview gets over the playoff hump, though, it's hard for me to be confident in picking them. I'll take Central in the (mini) upset, 34-28. As far as the reason of the 10-AAA games: HC over Munford 45-10 HC's OL is really starting to come together at the right time. Munford's played weak competition, and their one-dimensional attack is the wrong dimension to hang your hat on against Henry County. Good practice on the option attack for HC, though, as I believe LC will beat Millington. Gallatin over Springfield 31-21 As much as I want Springfield and its great fanbase to win, I just can't see it. Two teams going in totally different directions since their early-season meeting. Springfield will keep it competitive, but I think they peaked too early in the season. The injuries don't help. Really hope I'm wrong on this one. Hillsboro over Kenwood 48-14 Perry for Kenwood is a heck of a player. Too bad Hillsboro is a buzzsaw on defense. Shelbyville over Clarksville 34-20 Clarksville's on the upswing, and their coach knows a few things about winning when his team is not supposed to in the post-season. Shelbyville doesn't blow me away, but I believe they're a solid enough team to handle business at home this week. Keep on eye on Clarksville in the next few years, though. I look forward to checking back later this weekend to see how horribly inaccurate my score predictions are. Good luck to all the 10-AAA teams competing this week, and let's all hope I have no idea what I'm talking about (outside of the HC game, of course).
  2. The same could be said for the east side. Excuse us if there's a bit of a chip on our shoulder. We're used to hearing about how we don't face speed and physicality in our neck of the woods. A lot of this comes from people who haven't seen the talent out of Memphis we've been able to stand toe-to-toe with. If West is as physical as Memphis East, or even Ridgeway, then my hat off to them. This will be a great game - no doubt about that.
  3. After an onside kick by Hendersonville, a HC player got pushed late by a HHS player. HC player put his hands up to avoid penalty and then was charged again. Another HC player tried to pull and shield said player away from HHS, and then suddenly HHS players were joining in. Didn't see any HC players being agressors, but I could be wrong. Feel free to correct me if any of yall saw anything different.
  4. Homefield will play a large part in this game. Ridgeway is disciplined for a Memphis school, but that's not saying much.
  5. The fact that you reference us needing a former player due to his speed, yet don't even refer to our fastest player of those old teams puts me at ease in regards to your prediction. In all seriousness, though, we have that guy's litte brother. Will that do?
  6. I wouldn't call HC 1-Dimensional - Their version of a passing game just isn't a Spread Offense, "Air it Out" approach. HC's QB's biggest weapon is his speed, and with speed comes opportunities given to him in coverage. HC has a very solid "#1 WR", along with a D1 H-Back/FB. Mix that in with good number of pure athletes, and I would say that they're far from "1-Dimensional". To repeat what's been said - It's early. I wouldn't count out anybody that has been mentioned in this thread, ESPECIALLY Ridgeway.
  7. Prez - Out of curiosity, do you remember how many attended the Melrose and Maplewood games?
  8. Some of you guys just don't get it - HC has a hard time scheduling tough non-district games. That's all that can, and should, be said about that matter. As far as playing tougher teams: It helps, but it's not that big of a deal. When Maryville was winning state championship after state championship, who did they plat outside of Alcoa? These midstate teams that win, and play good teams consistently, are a product of their location. Great football is played in the midstate, especially Wilco and Sumner Co. It is what is is.
  9. The prophet brings up a very good point. I believe that the student section from Henry County simply got fed up with being called "inbred" and "stupid" by the superior Hendersonville fans that they let their anger get out of control. With that being said, I don't condone anything that happened pertaining to that situation last night. I just want the heavenly Hendersonville fans to know this. And by the way, you guys have a very strong line. Very Impressive. As long as they continue to pancake the man across from them, they'll be able to continue with their superb eye-gouging. WIth that said, good luck against NE. You know just how dangerous they are.
  10. It's REALLY ironic that it's 2010, far removed from those years.
  11. A little under 37. Defense is giving up 11 points a game, with the outlier being the first game of the season.
  12. What's the depth situation with Hendersonville? HC doesn't have many two-way players at all, and I don't think that there's any 2-way starters. Also, we've heard about your D-Line. What about the O-Line?
  13. HC- 1. Contain the sweep. 2. Secondary must stay awake. 3. Keep the H-Ville DLine at bay. 4. Play Agressive - Playing to win, not playing to not lose. 5. Special Teams Hendersonville- 1. Be disciplined on D. 2. Wrap up on the feature backs. 3. Ball control. On offense such as the Commandos cannot cough up the ball. 4. Don't fall behind early. 5. Special Teams Just the way I see it.
  14. Are you sure that it isn't because HC has beaten both the Clarksville schools already this year?
  15. I hope they like standing. If HC fans show up like normal (not last week), then we'll be dealing with standing as well.
  16. How big of a factor is H'Ville's passing game? I understand that they keep it primarily on the ground. HC's defense is improved over last year, and the offense is a LOT different.
  17. Gallatin still has many playmakers. Hendersonville has the defense to stand toe to toe with us. Beech still has an incredible runningback, but the loss of their QB hurts them pretty bad. The thing you have to keep in mind is that a lot of the Memphis teams that came in to Patriot Stadium the last few years were a bit intimated. They usually never traveled out of the county, usually never were around crowds like the ones that have become synonymous with HC football. These Middle TN teams are different. They've taveled - They've been in hostile environments. I do agree about the other side of the quad, though. If HC can make it past the 2nd round then I really like our chances of returning to the semifinals. This is playoff ball, though, and anything can happen.
  18. Beech should win, but watch out for Reco Williams. He's the best player in Clarksville, and will do everything he can to put NE on his back.
  19. I don't know where this belief that Quad 3 will be a cakewalk stems from. If I remember correctly, HC has lost their last 4 playoff games against Middle TN teams. RW, I'm one of the few people that usually agree with you, but I just can't believe that we'll walk through this region. Hendersonville is a very disciplined team, and they play the traditional Mid. TN game of smashmouth O and smashmouth D. We all know what Gallatin is capable of. Keep in mind that if we make it to the third round, we're either going to be dealing with the defending state champs or a very hungry Springfield team. Heck, NE has the athletes to pull a few upsets! One thing you have to keep in mind is that the margin of error for this team is smaller. We're not built to score at will as previous year's teams have. Our defense is better, but every team we face from here on out is full of athletes. Trust me - If there's one thing on these boards that finds a way to get under my skin, it is when members throw out the whole "How many gold balls does HC have? They're not good.. Etc, etc.. " line. But keep in mind that we are still very beatable. As is any team in quad 3. Be thankful that we're not in quad 4, but be aware that mid state football is no joke.
  20. Gotta love this new playoff system. Springfield will probably be a 2 seed in middle TN with 2 district losses, while Henry County is looking at a possible 3 seed in the west with 0 district losses, including a win over Springfield.
  21. I'm ready for tommorrow night. The atmosphere truly will be electric. I'm going with HC taking this 24-20. Hope I'm right. Be safe on the way over Gallatin fans.
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