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Everything posted by peace4all

  1. You get on my nerves. It seems you believe you are all-knowing about volleyball. The problem with that is that you are NOT. Your opinion, that is all it is, is bias. If you are going to post constantly, at least be fair. You act like GreenbriEr, yes it is with an E not an a, is entering it's first rodeo. This group of young women have experience, as they have been to the state tournament the past two years. It's hard to tell if you are trying to be complimentary or snide.
  2. I am bewildered by what I have read on here. " Volnation" posted comments about the best team not winning, our "narley"(correct spelling, gnarley) "GreenbriAr men", and that our young men were rude and then said for us to go back to the woods. This person is supposed to be an educator, but uses profanity on-line. She also believes that it is all about her because, by golly if she (or her husband) wants to shake one of our players hands, he should stop eating and celebrating with his friends and family and acknowledge her. I am also appalled at the post where Cat Fan thinks that you may live in Greenbrier but "aint" from Greenbrier. GIVE ME A BREAK! 5-sportdad is a great man, husband and father. His wife is a beautifull person, inside and out (believe it, volnation). I read and re-read the thread that was shut down, and believe it had to be because of volnation's cursing and name calling. Never once did I see 5-sport stoop down to that level. He may have mocked volnation, but if you can't take it, DON'T dish it out! Good luck to the Greenbrier Bobcats next Friday, may the BEST team win, safely and fairly. God Bless them and the White House Blue Devils. WHEW, I am worn out.
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