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  1. First let me say congratulations to UC on your state championship. I was not able to make it to the game I had to work but I listened to it from halftime on. And it sounded like this A undefeated team UC down by 17 at halftime and here you are a Mr. Basketball finalist with 3 points. No pressure your coach approaches you coming out of the tunnel and tells you we need you. How do you respond start the second half hitting your first two shots and even over the radio you could feel the potential for something starting to happen. To start the fourth quarter you are down by 10 now you have gotten your teammates involved you take the lead. Going down the stretch like I said no pressure on you just a undefeated season, a finialist for Mr. Basketball, your number 1 state ranking for the whole year and your last high school game and a state championship. In the final minutes the ball is in your hands you go to the line and make 5 out of 6 free throws. Your teams ends up winning the championship by 2 after being down by 17. Now you end the game with 29 points, you and your team are 37-0, one of only 15 teams in Tenessee to have a undefeated season and win the state championship, Named MVP of the tournament and named Mr. Basketball for the second year in a row and what did you do to accomplish this you beat " A GREAT TEAM". By accomplishing these things I guess that makes M J BROWN and the UC GOLDEN TORNADOS "LEGENDS" Congratulations
  2. Legend well boy this hurts to have to do this LOL but Humbolt had won I would be on here saying I told you so but they didn't now you get the chance to say I told You so. I must admit when I saw Manassas play JCS in Jackson they were not that impressive. But from what people are saying they were clicking on all cylinders last night. I also said that in order for Humbolt to win they would have to listen to their coach. Maybe they did and just the Manassas pressure got to them. So I must say congulations on your win and enjoy it. Hopefully Manassas and UC will meet up in the boro.
  3. To UC way to go on your win last night I was not able to make it but heard all about it. The post coming from Temple may or may not be someone from Temple but whomever it is let me give a good some good advice I would not be calling out no team from the West in 1A Union City, Humbolt or Manassas they are all or a mission. My advice is be careful what you ask for you just might get it and trust me right now it is not what you what. I know I named three teams and only one can be CHAMPION but right now I still give the edge to Union City. Union City I hope i do not mess this up but Temple I believe I heard UC say one night "IF YOU WANT SOME COME GET SOME". Humbolt listen to your Head Coach put your fate in his hands and you will come out on top aganist a good Manassas team. So to these little on Country Boys Union City, Humbolt, Dyer County and Bolivar good luck Monday night.
  4. I will agree with you on that I do not think we saw what this young man is truly capable of last night. That is why I will not pass judgement on him not being legit because that would not be fair since that was the first time I have seen him play. Trust me I believe he can play and as you said he is only a teenager you never know what is on a teenager mind. As I said he has the potential, and with work he could be a major force. It just depends on how bad he wants it.
  5. Legend if Manassas girls are playing tonight i tell you what we will do as fans of Region 7A. We will put in a call today to the powers that be and have the game postponed until tomorrow night Thursday February 28 at 7 pm so you can be there we would love have you grace us with your presence. LOL!!!
  6. No I did not hear that but that is not surprising a coach will tell his main player these things. You said you was watching how he moves, quickness, speed ball handling I will say he is a good player I am not taking that away from him, but the highest percentage of his moves was going to his left when he would go to the goal and also when he was bringing the ball down the floor. The most he would do would be to take two dribbles with his right hand then cross back to his left hand and go to the goal. Yes he is right handed but he seemed to feel more comfortable moving to his left. I am not saying he cannot go to his right but he seemed more comfortable moving to his left and JCS did not pick up on that. I maybe wrong but look at the tape in this game alot of people do not watch for what appears to be a strong players weakness and work on that. Legend you can correct me if I am wrong but the tape from last night will not lie. And trust me that team was not forcing him left he could do whatever he wanted to do he was a man among boys.
  7. Ok I will give you that, but come on now look at who you were playing. You are taking props off what that coach stated in the Jackson Sun you keep talking about who has Humbolt beat this year who has that team beat this year, 8 wins in 26 games come on now. If that was UC or Humbolt or Lake County they would have had well over a hundred points. Buckner does have skills he needs work but he seems to be a good young man. Good luck to him and plenty of oxygen tanks on stand by Monday night lol.
  8. Legend, I will give you the benefit of the doubt that Massassas is a better basketball team then they showed last night aganist JCS. It was hard to judge aganist that team yes you won by 35 but come on this was a two seed team with a record of 8-18. You were right I hope neither Union City or Humbolt players were at the game last night and if either of those two or if Lake County was in that region they would be region champs. One big difference JCS looked scared. You have 5 seconds to take the ball out of bounds. When the kid from JCS went to take the ball out of bounds it would take him 4 seconds to throw it in with no pressure. UC or Humbolt would be shooting a layup or 3 pointer in 2 seconds with no pressure on them. You have some wins aganist some good teams this year, but the next thing is how deep was there bench. Buckner looked winded and when you play a team that can throw a possible ten players at you and the team not miss a beat I mean making you work on defense and offense Uncle Mo will eventually set in. You mentioned about how you would play MJ I saw Buckner one time, but if I was playing him I would make him go right. Every move he made was going to his left. I am not saying he could not go to his right, but every move he made he wanted to go to his left. I will congulate you on your win. The big advantage you have is you should be playing at home Monday night I know it will be tough to win in your gym but all things are possible
  9. Let me clarify myself Legend when I said Region 7 will be at the game tonight I was talking about some of the fans. You are right I would not have my players at the game tonight not because of fear but because Manassas plays the late game. I would not be worried about your team. Manassas is trying to get to where these two teams already are in the regional championship. My team would be at home getting ready to take care of business tomorrow night. You are right it would not be good for these young men to come and see Manassas play with the expectations of playing them in the substate, and then Manassas not be in the substate. I have not seen Manassas play this year, but from what you say it is not likely that Manassas would get beat, but it is possible that it could happen. I must say you are up on me. I have not seen Massassas play as you have seen UC play, but I have heard about your team all year and lool forward to tonight. Good luck to you and your team.
  10. Legend glad you were able to make it to the game last night. You are right UC did not really look good but it was like they knew you were there and did not want to show you everything. It was just like a old commerical a little dab will do you. I have been knowing MJ father for some time good man I do not really know MJ that well. All you know is MJ because you have not really seen UC play I have seen them a couple of times and trust me they have more weapons on that team than MJ. It means alot when you can go 10 deep if needed. There were a couple of players that come off the bench for UC and some that do not get to dress out for Humbolt that could start for several other teams easily. You talk about Humbolt being beat by Middleton earlier in the year by 17 that was then it is tournament time now and both teams Humboldt and UC are clicking right now. You said that maybe it was the tops Humbolt was wearing that gave them the advantage. If it was that was smart on their part, but what it tells me is they where not out to make a fashion statement they were out to take care of business and they did. Now to the Halls and Lake County players, coaches and fans I salute you great year and great job to the seniors good luck in whatever you do. Now LEGEND tonight at 7:45 pm JCS High School, Jackson, Tennessee I am putting you on alert that Region 7A will be in the house to see what the mighty Manassas is working with.
  11. GC Pioneer you all have a young man over there in your junior high program that if he stays humble and gets the right teacher he is going to be special. I believe he goes to Spring Hill you can correct me if I am wrong. He still has a lot he can learn and develop just keep him humble.
  12. Hey GC Pioneer you maybe in luck. I looked at the regional schedule and GC girls play Friday night and if they win they play again on Monday night. So good luck to your ladies.
  13. Next Monday and Tuesday night will really be great nights for High School Basketball. If both teams win their first round regional games. Monday night February 25th Mr. Basketball finalist M.J. Brown will be playing at 6:30 pm at Dresden High School. On Tuesday night February 26th Mr. Basketball finalist Reginald Buckner will be playing at 7:30pm at JCS High School. So for those of us in this area we could see these two young men play before the State Tournament
  14. Hello StevieRayVol sorry just now replying to you have been away from my computer. Trezevant was a small school but, it was located in Carroll County, Trezevant, Tennessee. Ricky could almost touch the top of the back board. Back during those days ankle weights were the big thing. I have seen Ricky put (2) 2 and 1/2 pounds weights or 5lbs on each leg run 5 miles to his cousins house in the morning spend the day and run back home that evening. Yes he did have a hearing impairment did not know his on strength, but one of the greatest guys you could be around.
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