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Everything posted by memorialpark

  1. is this fosizza for reaizza. could da bearsticles be makin a return to tha wood. keep us kicking on tha fo.
  2. Maybe bruce deserves all the negative comments made about him, maybe he has lost or never had coaching skills.
  3. Hey Timmyboy, Guess who I am.... I was the greatest player to ever come through PC. I was recruited by 17 D1 schools but didn't have the grades. I will be a coach soon and am gonna beat everyone. I am still the best football player in PC I will kill the high school kids in the alumni game. I stay on coacht way to much. I am very immature and argue with everyone. I know not one person likes me in PC, or on Coacht. I am probably still dating a high school girl. I never have grown up and still think I'm in high school. I am probably gonna get fired when my boss here at Save-A-Lot catches me on his computer. I never will amount to anything........ Figured it out yet therealtimbon ???? Ding Ding....It is You!!!!!
  4. I'll take 29 rubber hoses and have that for me by the time you get off at 4. Yeah...I bet you could have played college ball. HAHA. And you still have the talent huh?? Yeah, I think I remember hearing all the D1 schools recruiting you....wait no, no I don't. To even say that is a joke you loser!!
  5. This is for you TimBob......... Why do you always get on coacht and brag on yourself ? The fact is up until this year no one even knew Perry Co. had a football team. And no one even remembers your name nor anyone elses name that you are mentioning. My question is....since you and all these other guys were so great why aren't you at a college play ball or in the pros??? Instead you are where you will be the rest of your life...... Bates Fabricating!!!!! Give this years team a break they are 3-1 afterall. Keep up the good work Vikings, and don't let these ..."never"has beens bring you down.
  6. i think dat tha panthers will win tonite by 9. tyler has yet to show tha skillz and doubt that dogg will tonite .
  7. i flippin and trippin when i read tha sportz in tha paper. i payz 50 rocks to see my doggz faces and then see tha twin monsteers. they not even goodz. tha shizzo needz some frizzo for my hizzo. straigt up boyz.
  8. I have learned the identity also of these kids who are posting classless and tasteless messages. In his last one he challanged LCnewsman to somethiing....and said if your big enough. Well my question is how many of the "Fat Boy Coacht Possy" was big enough last night. When the game ended and the aftergame activites began I also witnessed these fat boys do nothing. Please quit embarassing our community and school. You got cut from the squad, but don't bring them down.
  9. not again homies, i schooled all you jokers last time and played until i got ran off likes a yellow dogz. the new comp you shout ain't notin. i be ballin like willie wanka. peace out homies and cya on tha wood.
  10. hey doggs what is up? sorry my homie lain but i'm pickin the vikins to raise tha roof on us this game.we looked to slopy last week. lewis35 perry38
  11. i watch this game and tha refs must be smokin the rock because they made 1/2 a dozen bad calls aginst lc. why did tha clock run in the 4th of droped passes?why did they call my boy sharp with a fumble? anyway we will bounce back and win tha state now, holla if ya hear me. and parson"s is ok team, cause they kicked our tails.
  12. i play ball with this guy in the gym every now and then and i think he can still play. no college ever gave him a chance. but he is still in lewis co. volplaya.
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