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Everything posted by BTaylorMom

  1. Yes, but....had they even INVENTED books, back then?! /rolleyes.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":rolleyes:" border="0" alt="rolleyes.gif" />
  2. 1. Please don't encourage Bobby's pursuit of human bowling ball vaulting. It goes against the laws of gravity and makes my teeth hurt to watch it. 2. Shouldn't Bobby be taller than the hurdles before we ask him to actually jump them? 3. He came downstairs to show me his new football helmet last week; I told him to leave it on for the whole hour of yoga with mom. He was NOT happy....but balance is getting better! /wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> He hasn't offered to show me his new helmet again. Cheers! The Bobby Mama
  3. Oh, Volman, please. You'd rather pick at me than eat when you're hungry. Now you know ME. Do I look like I'm anybody to be judging who in this world is a good role model or not? I never said the man lived his life like a pure bred Christian soldier; and this may come as a surprise but, --- I MESS UP really BIG most days BEFORE I even WAKE UP! Now's that's a shabby role model for you. Cline ain't gettin' no tiarra for role modelin', dear. He was a good baseball coach, helped a few kids out along the way, wasn't in it for himself, and knew enough to know when it was time to call & fold. Role model? Lordy, who am I to talk about THAT?! Don't make me come over there. And no, I'm not just takin' up for Cline because I broke his heart. I don't have time for guilt. I ask forgiveness & not permission. You know you love me. Just admit it. They all have to sometime by free will or under duress & threat of pain.... /ph34r.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":ph34r:" border="0" alt="ph34r.gif" />
  4. You just described the Jackson Richardson and a few other Rebels BB players or boys that should be playing and are watching instead. Never think that Jackson has any extra benefits from 'A'....any day Jackson shows up for school, practice, or baseball games is a day that he had to fight and overcome a million demons to get there.... so he can go to the BB field and fight some more. If you see Jax--- give the boy a pat on the back and tell him to hang tough. He'll appreciate it. /flower.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":flower:" border="0" alt="flower.gif" /> Bobby Mama & Jax, & Seatbelt, & Ryan, & Parker & half the other roaming aimless boyz from South /wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" />
  5. The above quote is the bottom line and many young teachers and coaches have missed it by a mile. 'A' played for Cline. My little brother, Josh Morrison, and his best friend, Todd Corum, played for Cline and were recruited by Tallahassee Community College. Cline did a great job of PR and follow through to get them signed and settled in for a successful experience & scholarship. Us old sages know its about the journey, rather than the destination... and if you make the journey successful, the quality destination is sure to follow. I agree that Bobby could have been groomed well for a JR or SR relief pitcher if he was used correctly and instructed well on JV only moving to Varsity when the time came. That's the journey that so many kids & coaches (and parents) miss. There's a rule at my house: at the end of the day my question is "Did you have fun?" and Bobby's (or one of the other four kids) answer should always be 'Yes!' When it's a no, then it's time to make some changes somewhere. That's why Bobby's not playing baseball and he really misses it-- and we all miss watching him. Not because he was a STAR, but because it was just FUN. A toast to TIME & FUN! /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" /> Bobba Mama
  6. Bobby was a great elementary & middle school lefty pitcher--- threw hard & fast, hard hitter, fast runner--- but A didn't seem to have any interest in nurturing his ability. It's possible they could use another lefty pitcher in the rotation to spot a few of the star pitchers from time to time. Cline would have def used him and planned ahead. Short-sited coaching there? Whatever, Stacy got the best end of that deal. I miss C Cline baseball, but I'm showing my age. /wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> B Mama
  7. I teach 25 kids for 180 days and can't get their parent to do a darn thing I say-- never mind a whole high school full of fools that want to party with their kids and live vicariously through their lives. 99% of what I do all day is what I call 'home raising' since they missed that part at HOME... simple things like answer with 'yes ma'am & no ma'am' say please & thank you within 3 seconds or I won't give it or I'll take it back, look me in the eye when you speak to me, never negotiate with me, when I ask you how your day is- answer and ask me about mine, ....anyway, I have the famous 'Taylor Ranch 55' classroom rules-- email me & I'll forward them to you if you want a good laugh--or cry-- to see what teachers spend their day REALLY teaching kids. Strange---- it looks a whole lot like stuff they are suppose to learn at HOME! Everybody go thank a teacher while you're at it- next week is Teacher Appreciation Week (and strangely enough, my 40th birthday- time for me to look for a new career: Queen of Coach T, possibly?) Go bust your kid's tail-- they'll do something to deserve it before the day is over with and you'll already be ahead! /wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> Bobby Mama TaylorD@JCSchools.org
  8. Bam! You are right on BJack...I tell all 5 of mine at least once a day "This is NOT a popularity contest. I am not in this to be your friend. I have my own friends. You get your own friends and make sure I approve of them or you'll get some more. My job is not to make you 'happy' - it is to make sure you grow up healthy, move out of my home to attend a nice far away college that has good shopping nearby for when I visit, then graduate and give me some grandchildren that I can only keep between 1-5 on Saturdays after Bridge Club. Continue to be a productive citizen in society and secure my retirement on a lovely spot near the Gulf of Mexico within walking distance to an outdoor Tiki Bar." My children should be able to repeat this anthem to you at any time of the day from sheer memorization & daily brainwashing. BMama
  9. close--appletini /flower.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":flower:" border="0" alt="flower.gif" />
  10. QUOTE (etmemphisfan @ Apr 23 2009 - 08:01 AM) you are a thread stalker, Deloris All righty, my boyz....do ya'll need a seat by the teacher's desk? It usually straightens up any problems my guys have in the class pretty quickly. TFH
  11. But...I'm from College Station. /ohmy.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="ohmy.gif" />
  12. Whew! Seth was FANTASTIC at DB yesterday- He blew my hair back, Satch! Bobby Mama had to fix his face with kisses and hugs and stuff at the finish line. We were SOOOO proud of him and know you are too. Seth FAN & Bobby Mama
  13. Teacher has a Texas headache. Teacher husband & son in dog house. Please speak softly. ET- you emailing me or what?
  14. Jackson is a great kid. He's a class act and a best friend to my son, Bobby. Jackson was in my 4th grade class and befriended Bobby for life...meanwhile, he's grown up in our home and spent most summers in Tallahassee with us. He & Bobby were put in each other's lives to fight for their own lives and their futures a day at a time. They will succeed. If Jackson has a reason for being at South, it's to keep my son alive. They are best friends from childhood. I owe Jackson credit for Bobby's being healthy today. His being at South has nothing to do with Coach A or his mama or papa--- it's fate and luck. He & Bobby were meant to stay together to stay alive. You'll never see Bobby miss his BB games and you'll never see Jax miss Bobby's FB games. They are each other's biggest fans. His time at South is SO much bigger than sports. #1 JAX FAN FOR LIFE B & J Proud Mama
  15. Yes, and I picked those subtopics. Got something to say about them? Don't get mad at these boys that have to play along with me. I'm bigger than most of them and probably you. You have my permission to post on topic but you may not, however, hate at others for posting off topic. You are invited to talk about football and muscles on my girly blogs, if it would make you feel better. BTW, is 'Red Rebel' a color of Channel lipstick? Bet it's adorable on you with a little pink sweater and sling backs. Back to important stuff like cookies & concerts, boys. Bust it out. The Queen has Spoken. /ph34r.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":ph34r:" border="0" alt="ph34r.gif" />
  16. Sounds like you're on my party train now, VMan! Try it, you'll like it! Speaking of....we're headed to KnoxVegas to meet Jess for a Pat Green concert at the Valarium tonight. Greg is the DD....bless his heart. Wild women & loud music AGAIN (the story of his life with the Taylor Gals)...moment of silence for him, please. Waco--- I'm makin' my famous liquid cookies! I'd offer, but I KNOW you can't hang, puppy. Stay in the teepee.
  17. So, good but very close timing. I was just about to vote you off the island. Good news is: You may live to annoy me another day! Yeah for you! TaylorD@JCSchools.org
  18. Try to get on as a volunteer Coach. And if you can't do that to volunteer to be the Camera/Video guy. Schools are always looking for someone to film practices. Best chance is at Alma Mater or at a place where you know someone .. but ask all around. Good luck!
  19. I might accept your apology if it is timely. /mad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":angry:" border="0" alt="mad.gif" />
  20. Sounds like a headline from the Kingsport Times News...sports section, no less. Also, that's how half the men I know translate 99% of the things I say. Hummm, what could the sports section & men have in common? I have the most funny Bobby Taylor story every but someone has to ask me for it so I can blame my off topic on you. Love, BMamaWhoWouldRatherBeInTheBahamma
  21. Yeah! Finally, someone to spar with that knows as much as I know about football as I do! You & WaCo are my only worthy opponents so let's make a list of things we must never speak of in the same sentence: 1. meth labs and children that live in them 2. Bobby in his black tux this weekend with a yellow vest/tie: he looked like a silver backed gorilla 3. His date's corsage in my hot car ALL day LONG because my son 'had no clue' it went in the fridge and a happy DB prom date 4. 14 cartons of chocolate milk for a skinny third grade boy right before recess and sanitation 5. a nosebleed on your TCAP test and a calm morning 6. breaking a girls finger when she says she likes you and actually thinking she'll still like you 7. a Lunesta before teaching school because you mistake it fora Claratin and a busy day 8. the four new born kittens in my child's bedroom and my allergies *All these are actual TRUE events that happen to me in the last 7 days. Love, B Mama
  22. Seriously. Can't we just party like a rock star BEFORE the season, DURING the season, and AFTER the season? What a buzz kill! The Duece Fans may be new to this but it seems like some new was needed-- crank it up! You know me, Volman....I might have lost some games but I've never lost a tailgate party. /ph34r.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":ph34r:" border="0" alt="ph34r.gif" /> So, for us new comers to Coach T, I bring to you the delight of the PARTY before, during, and after the season. Do you know how many good times I would have missed in my life if I'd waited till AFTER a game to celebrate, boast, be obnoxious, & generally annoying? Jeez, I turn 40 in a few weeks-- I'm just now rollin' it out, dude. /flower.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":flower:" border="0" alt="flower.gif" />
  23. I got a cookie for you. It's got a big BLUE DUECE on it and it's just your size. I'll be glad to deliver it. Keep your thumbs up-- you'll need it to remove the cookie, fool.
  24. WaCo- Go back to the cave you came out of. We'll call to you when we run out of things to talk about and need some background noise. Besides, I'm grumpy this morning, so mind your own.
  25. Oh, I'm sorry. You must not read very well. Let me go slowly.... Just where can we find you come fall, my little pretty? Just sound it out or ask an adult nearby for help with the big words. It's really not a million dollar question. You can simply give us your town or personal home address will suffice.
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