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Everything posted by RaiderMom2

  1. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of these young men. I can't even begin to imagine what the family of the young man who perished are going through. Losing a child is such a terrible tragedy.
  2. Yes, we took a butt kicking last night, nobody is disputing that fact. Too many mistakes cost us the game. I am big enough to apologize for any "dirty play" by our players such as eye gouging. That too is wrong just as much as the throat punching is wrong and my son WAS punched in the throat. All I was doing was pointing out the dirty play and you resort to name calling as an adult which takes it to an even lower level. I lay the blame for the escalation of the "dirty play" right at the feet of the refs. They should have stopped the "dirty play" and took control of the game - simple as that, but no, they verbally encouraged the "dirty play". As a mother I apologize for any injuries done to your players because of "dirty play" by our players and I would expect the same apology from you if you're big enough to do so. I don't want to see any player get hurt...no matter who they play for! No need for any private messaging between us because as far as I'm concerned it's over and done with. I will not address the "dirty play" issue again. As far as cheering for my own kids...my kids aren't playing anymore...they're out of the playoffs... DUH! So no reason why I shouldn't cheer for another team from my city now who is still in the playoffs and will continue to move up in the playoffs after they beat MoEast which they will do. No, I won't be watching "Starter Wife"...LOL...I'll be watching "Friday Night Lights" at Death Valley on November 14th.
  3. There were late hits from both teams and pushing and shoving from both teams. BOTH teams are guilty of that!! I am not whining about losing nor am I making excuses for the mistakes made by the Raiders which cost them the game. There were 2 plays in a row where a Cane player had a Raider player down on his back, sitting on top of him, and punching him in the throat!!! Period and end of story. As for South being a very good team...you have no clue just how good South is this year but you'll find out next Friday. It'll be a blowout!! Go South beat the Canes!!! South - 42 MoEast - 6
  4. Getting a personal foul for "running your mouth" is one thing but throat punching and punching below the belt is another thing entirely!! Nobody can justify that type of dirty play!! Yes, I'm sorry the Raiders the lost but I would never use that as an excuse to point out the dirty play. The reason I pointed out the dirty play was so the Rebels would be aware of what is coming their way since the refs very obviously were wearing blinders and one ref was verbally provoking the dirty play on the field. No justification for that either!!
  5. Well, they sure played dirty tonight. Throat punching and punching below the belt is dirty no matter how you look at it!! And for a referee to verbally encourage the dirty play is beyond reproach!! We too had a player injured during the game, a knee injury. I hope your injured players are ok just as much as I hope our injured player is ok.
  6. Yes, #5 did play a great game. He has a knee injury and is in a lot of pain, but he was able to come off the field at the end of the game on crutches. Thanks for asking about him.
  7. I was at the game too and yes, there were late hits coming from both teams. But #10 is not the player who was getting punched in the throat. There is no excuse for the throat punching coming from MoEast or the punches thrown below the belt either!! Plus, there is no excuse for the refs not calling personal fouls when those punches were being thrown right in front of at least one ref. One ref in particular was provoking the dirty play...not only was he threatening the North players with booting them from the game or being arrested but actually was verbally provoking the dirty play!! That ref is the one who should have been booted from the game or arrested!!!
  8. Congrats Rebels on moving up to the 2nd round! Watch out for MoEast...they play dirty and for some reason the referees ignore the dirty play. They have one player who likes to throat punch and should you try to retaliate you get threatened by the referees with being booted out of the game or being arrested. Not to mention the referee who tried to provoke even more dirty play on the field. Guess the referee felt the need to provoke the dirty play due to MoEast's little cartoon on the jumbotron of a MoEast player jumping up and down on a referee. And yeah there were more than enough flags thrown but the referees let the personal fouls and unsportsmanlike conduct get out control. The Canes are gonna get their butts handed to them on a platter when they visit Death Valley next Friday. The Hurricanes will be downgraded to a tropical depression when the Rebels finish with them!! Go South and Beat the Canes!!!
  9. Congrats to the Rebels for moving on to the second round against MoEast. A lil heads up for ya bout the Canes...they play dirty. Watch out for #57...he likes to throat punch and if you try to retaliate the refs will threaten ya with booting ya from the game or having ya arrested. I hope the Sullivan South Rebels hand their butts to them on a platter. Go Rebels downgrade the Hurricanes to a tropical depression!!!!
  10. The Mason/Dixon bowl is old news! The 'trash talking" is old news! The Raiders are a great bunch kids and they are having the season of their lives. This thread is supposed to be about the MoEast vs Raider game and it's not about rehashing old news.
  11. Thank you for the polite and informative answer. One thing I did not understand was the statement their tackle pan caked his opponent time after time. This was reported wrong by Tricititessports.com. The statement is wrong because it was not the tackle doing the pancaking...it was the center.
  12. I posted the question regarding why South was playing Cherokee and yes I am serious! No reason for you to be so rude! No, I don't think the #1 ranked team from Region 1 should play the #1 ranked team from Region 2 in the first round. But, I do think the the higher ranking teams should play the higher ranked teams in their region and then move on to the higher ranked teams in the next region. But at this point I really don't care who plays against South as long as they beat South. Wouldn't it be awesome to see a lower ranking team like Cherokee beat a higher ranked team like South? That would be poetic justice!! Go Raiders!!!
  13. I don't understand how the teams are classified for play-offs but how how strange is it that South who is 10 - 0 is playing against a team, Cherokee who is 6 -4. Why would a higher ranking team play a lower ranking team? Makes no sense to me. Doesn't really give the lower ranking team much of a chance does it? At least North is playing an equally ranked team in Morristown East. Should be a great game. Go North - beat Morristown East and then we can meet South again in the 2nd round!!
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