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    Knoxville, TN

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  1. As a coach we certainly don't see things from the same angle, so there will always be disagreements in regards to calls. My main complaint is consistency. Many of the coaches we have played against, we all have the same issue. Call it the same the whole game. Once the players know what is a foul, a handball, etc. they will just play. Don't let it start loose and physical then try to pull them back in with cards. Talk to the players (not in a condescending maner) in the course of play and I think that helps keep the game moving smoothly. My last issue are the equalizers. The ref that decides that foul in the box is a PK since the score is 3-0 and it will even things up. If you wouldn't call that PK in a 0-0 game in the last 5 minutes, it's not a PK ever. Call the game consistently, that will make most matches go smoothly. As coaches we certainly don't expect perfection. Be consistent. Be fit (PLEASE keep up with play and if you can't don't make a call from 45 yards away). In return we as coaches do need to give you all a break. Advantage, your angle or ability to even see a foul when your view is blocked are all part of the game. Honestly how many games as coaches can we really blame on the official? It is a fast paced game and to expect you all to be perfect for $60 is kind of unrealistic. However, you do have to realize that $260 for a full varsity and a JV crew is most likely $100 more than I will make at the gate, so we certainly want your best effort for 80 minutes. I've had great refs and awful refs. I've coached well ... and I've done awful too. We all just need to realize that we should spend more of the game focussing on the quality of the play versus the refs. Just my .01. Pretty sure it isn't worth much more than that.
  2. Bearden 3 Hardin Valley 2 Golden Goal
  3. Carter over Gibbs, saw the refs eating dinner after the game. 4-0 or something like that ... not even close to positive on the score.
  4. I spoke to the Fulton coach and the Gibbs AD since Knox Central is supposed to play both of those teams next Thursday and Friday. Fulton's AD is requiring their team to forfeit their next 3 games (Halls, Oliver Springs, Central I believe). The Knox Central - Gibbs game is still on for Friday, April 3. Only details I have are from a Gibbs parent who said "it was bad".
  5. Yes. Fields too wet and the city closed them. Coach McCoy hoped it was going to work out earlier this morning.
  6. Coach McCoy just sent out an e-mail that the jamboree at Victor Ashe scheduled for Saturday the 28th is cancelled.
  7. West is Kyle McCoy I am the new coach at Central High School - Russ Wise
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