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  1. Well Matlock.... Sounds like jealousy has shown its ugly face... You have all this heart about telling what you know right... I know Harris and I'm sure he would love to hear it from you.... Problem is you don't have the heart (sack) to say it to him right.....He has worked hard to bring our middle school where it is and you want to put this on here. Grow up buddy....
  2. CobraKurt, Did coach Harris not play your son in middle school or something? Wait a min. I bet you don't have a dog in the hunt like everyone else. You just like to state your opinion. An insider told me that coach Harris backed out and came back for a much bigger reason. One he couldn't refuse. Guess we will have to see what happens.
  3. I bet there is one thing for sure. Matt Jones won't be on that bus. Witnesses say that a fifty something year old lady scared him pale and he ducked his tail and ran. Big ole tough coach that intimidates 15,16,and 17 old boys to quit because they don't want to join the army, put his tail between his legs and ran like a sissy.... Now that is funny. I would have paid admission to have seen that.
  4. I think you need to get to know the situation a little better before you start rumors. I know the middle school coach and some of the kids there and no one went to any houses and persuaded anyone. That is all a lie. This is all about coach Jones having nay sayers against him. Don't try and pull a successful middle school program in with his mess. The middle school coach has bent over backwards to support the high school with no complaints. Matt Jones tried to get the spotlight off of him and put it on the middle school and his plan backfired and may cost him his job. Before you dog the middle school coach, maybe you should meet him first and see what all he does for the community that he lives in and see what kind of person he is first. I know him personally and have never heard him speak of wanting coach Jones's job. I think he really enjoys his job and he's been real good at his glorified junior pro job. (WHAT A JOKE!!!!)
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