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  1. Supposed to be back with Mike and the Cruisers this summer. I hope so she is FUN to watch...
  2. Sounds like it was a great game also sounds like Beech played with alot of heart! Congratulations
  3. Louisville was ranked 17 before they played Notre Dame which they lost, but none the less were ranked 17th
  4. I never intended to post to this site and to do so is against my better judgement, but in light of your accusations I guess I feel the need to clear this up. First of all this is Kevin Costley so you can continue on your quest for the mystery posters. Second: If you are going to call me out on a public forum at least get your facts straight. If you knew me the way you think you do then you would know I have absolutely no problem telling you exactly what I think of you or whoever else wants to know (not on a public forum). Further I think it is HILARIOUS that you are going to accuse me of making these post while you are using an anonymous name yourself. I think my screen name will sum up my feelings toward this whole issue so if you want come behind this post and say whatever makes you feel better just know no one CARES. As for bringing my wife into it that statement is laughable in itself, she has better things to do than play these childish games. Give credit where credit is due you are right about one thing, I do have a lot of stuff to work on like preparing my summer team , making sure my daughter makes all of her Dr. visits, making sure my other 4 children get their teeth brushed, hair combed etc As for all of the other posters on here I think they have a right to voice their opinions no matter what views they have' if you or I don't like what they say we also have the right to not read it. The only other thing I would say is please try to be more careful and do your research before mentioning someones name. If you truly are an Lady Bear fan I would encourage you to let this die and people will move on to another subject, as we all know every team/program has problems within them. Kevin Costley costleykevin@yahoo.com
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