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Everything posted by E5

  1. Gotta call you on that one RU..he ain't never had hair on his head...has he? I can't imagine him any better looking even ifin he had hair. R'dman, Did not mean to stir up the village idiot in you...our summer league coach was voted BP Ball Bucket Man of the Year two years in a row for his JV team as well as Most Likely 2B 26 in Ten Years after his Sophomore year. He has won over 38 games in 11 years of coaching and has sent 10 people to jail and many others have signed with the University of Phoenix as well as the DeVry Institiute. So get off the summer league guys...they have their place. Question to all: How big is too big when it comes to knots on pitcher's elbows?
  2. You had to have HEARD about him cause you are BLIND!!! Gotcha. Saw Holland Saturday, was over filming the game at Oakland for future reference. Trying to get him to get me the rest of their copy...copied over some great lecture stuff from Scott Hunt....Hospitatlity Room Manners and How to Get Dippin Sauce out of your White Pants. BTW REDSMAN, Bartlett only worked on tipping pitches during the game, ala bullpen style with the 4"8" feller. Totally off subject, but how do you guys handle all the summer league coaches watching practice and wnating this signed and that signed. We are having an awful problem...well really just one guy...but I will not call him out here.
  3. Better see him fast...Freeze will rurn him. He had a guy once throwing in the upper 50's and blew his arm out making him carry food and sauces from the hospitality room. Made him a DH but had to put an action-figure like button in his back to make him swing... blew his knee out on a slider on a cool March game...came all out of joint.
  4. CC, Who read it to you? We are adding some extra lighting in the visitor dugout for your chart reader this year. I hope it helps. A good jesture would be to have me a box built in the john to help keep my legs from falling asleep. We are having issues with dropping down the lefthanded hindcatcher...so much rain lately, his knuckles are draging in the water and has developed a rot similar to the one I got as tunnel rat in Nam. Any help would be beneficial. BTW, Slyder seems sensitive to any negative comments...bad timing or is he turning inot a whiner? E5
  5. That is easy. We have converted my left-handed hindcatcher into a pitcher. I finally figured out that all of the umpires, especially the new moderater, R'daleman are righthanded and could not call enough strikes for the lefthanded hindcatcher. We are now trying to get him not to balk when he pitches from the catcher's crouch. He is also having a bit of trouble throwing from the 60' 6" as opposed to the distance from home to second. We have put in the telephone pole on the bullpen mound to teach him to drop down and be the classic sidewinder. We have got him as high as 67 on the radar gun. I will let you know how it goes.
  6. Sorry it has been a while since I responded, but as few know, I recently captured my fifth straight Health Teaher of The Year Award. This year's motto was "One For The Thumb." I have won each year with 100% of the ballots cast in my favor. So I have been away speaking on how to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome as you teach Health. Pushing play, stop, and rewind can have adverse effects on your hand joints. So being amphibious really helps....that is being able to use both hands for those not as astute as I am in kinesiology. CC, you will not have to worry about the legs going numb...I have invested in some inserts to help not only on the toilet but seeing over the mound and the bag at second. I have gone to the sield and had some guys hit fungoes and I can track the ball almost to the edge of the dirt. Slyder, I am not impressed by throwing around all these AAU-like teams you are assoicated with in the area. I am the Primm Springs Coach of the Year this year...we have over 90 houses in the sub-division. As far as what my focus for baseball will be this year is still up in the air. I have been promoted to Associate Foul Ball Bringer Back Coordinator at a local high school. That will take up most of my time, especially till I get the lay of the land and the hidden areas balls hide in. Riverdaleman, to steal a saying from a former Warrior, "you are as about as cool as taking a shower with your dad." Love you mean it. E5 "Swing Hard...You may hit it"
  7. E5

    hands back hitter

    Have you seen how to use it with the no-stride method? I spent some time with a certified Epstein instructor and learned to have the ball pop in the air much higher than I was doing forces the hitter to get back on the proper axis which I was not doing by not letting the ball go high enough. This and the newer way they are teaching the Torque Drill has made my instruction much more effective.
  8. E5

    hands back hitter

    Virtually impossible to hit the ball solidly without proper mechanics. Great training device that requires small space and one hitter can practice alone.
  9. When he does not bring his own, he tries to use coupons from local burger joints.
  10. R'daleman, At least I don't bring my own cheese from home to put on the burgers when I am scouting at the Reservation. BTW your have given up on your umpiring career?? E5
  11. He always made my stumat hurt! I still say "Freeman Did It!" Have a great Christmas
  12. coffee shop talk is that former LHS assistant Josh Brown has been seen on campus. he may have been looking fo r the towels, balls, and kicking tees.
  13. Just trying to have some fun with old buddies. Did not mean to take away from thread.
  14. My bad..DAD. I will take my fun gene out and get back to the serious discussion of football. Information given out here is worth millions to would be applicants.
  15. This comes from a man who forgot the footballs...according to Josh?
  16. You did not spell bllubjud correctly and you left Chattahoocie off. If I ever see you in public I will bamboozle you. The thing of it is...is
  17. Why did you throw him under the bus and back over him? I'm tellin ya
  18. Truth, Does your stumat ever hurt? Did Freeman do it? "Get your eyes inside, and holler crack"
  19. Found a glove in our building with your last name on it. Has one or your boys lost one? Maybe an Easton brand. Let me know and I will get it.
  20. That one about Coach Brown makes my stumat hurt and bamboozles me.
  21. Travis Holland had a short but successful stint as a head coach at Walter J. Baird in Lebanon. Do the Oakland job interest him at all?
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