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pujo last won the day on October 28

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Man of Few Words

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  1. I'd say East Nashville is the new hurdle. Milan has always been a strong program regardless of classification.
  2. Don't really matter and its not rocket science,all these kids nominated are very deserving.
  3. No way to leave this kid out,being a Freshman was probably the killer. It really shouldn't matter. Kid could get hurt and never have this chance again.
  4. Hampton is too big of a question mark to even think about. Like you, I'd stick with Coalfield until further notice.
  5. They'll bring in a bunch more,its the Memphis way.
  6. Was anybody,s game until the fumble,SP Didn't get out coached ,they got out manned. Not sure it fooled many people,everyone knew they were the underdogs.
  7. Yeah you ran all over them,just had a couple of hiccups that cost you the game.
  8. I've watch the Kid play pitch and Catch several times this year,very impressive, but today he earned his money.He usually had a dry pocket but today he took a licking and kept on ticking. Kid is special.
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